Browse Authors, alphabetical Authors, by document count Date Volume Contents Winthrop Papers: Volume 1, 1498-1628 Front Matter Documents 1565 1579Latin Pedigree, 1498–1629Non longe a Newarke super Trent est quidam vicus appellatus Winthorpe (vulgo Winthrop) ex quo Winthropi de Groton in com. Suffolciae nomen et originem... 29 January 1544Grant of Groton Manor, 1544Pro Adam Wynthroppe de concessione sibi et heredibus. Rex Omnibus ad quos etcetera salutem Sciatis quod nos pro summa quadringentarum octo librarum oc... 3 March 1557Will of Dorothy Acton, 1556–573 March, 1556. To the collectors of the poor of St. Towlle St. Olave parish. To my cozen Agnes Wyntropp my cheyne of gold. To Adam Purvye my lands etc... 2 May 1557Settlement of Groton Manor, 1557De licentia alienandi pro Adam Wyntroppe Seniore Rex et Regina etc. Omnibus ad quos etc. Salutem Sciatis quod nos de gratia nostra speciali ac pro nou... 3 May 1557Will of Robert Risby, 1557The thirde daye of Maye in the yere of our Lorde god a thousand fyve hundreth Fiftie and seaven, I Robert Rysbye of Thorpmorieux in the countie of Suf... 17 February 1558Will of Simon Ponder, 1558Symonde Ponder of London, Pewterer, 17 Feb. 1557–58. To be buried in the parish church of St. Dunstanes in the West, whereof I am a parishioner. To my... 18 November 1560William Winthrop to John FoxDerelye beloved in Christ Jesus owre onlye comfort in all extreame assawltes etc. These fewe wordes are but as a testimonie of my hartie salutacions v... 13 April 1561Will of John Ponder of Braintree, 1561The xiijth day of Aprill 1561, I John Ponder of Brancktree within the countie of Essex, yeoman, whole of mind but sicke in bodie, do make my last will... 20 September 1562Will of Adam Winthrop, 1562In the name of god Amen. The xxth daye of September Anno Domini 1562, I Adam Wyntrope of Groton in the Countie of Suffolk, gentleman and late clothwor... 13 February 1570Will of William Mildmay of Springfield, 157013 Feb. 12 Eliz. Anno Domini 1570. William Myldmay of Spryngfelde in the county of Essex gent. My body to be buryed within the parrish Church of Sprin... 14 October 1576Will of John Wincoll, 1576John Wyncoll of Little Waldingfeld co. Suffolk, gent. 14 Oct. 1576. To be buried in the church. To Isacke Wyncoll my sonne and heire. To Thomasyn my d... 20 July 1577Deed of William Winthrop Thys Indenture made the Twentith daye of Julye in the nynetenth yere of the raigne of oure soueraigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of En... 1581Anne Winthrop to Adam WinthropTo my verye louinge husband Mr. Adam Winthropp gyue these in Londone. I haue reseyued (Right deere and welbelouid) frome you this weeke a letter, th... 18 July 1583Castlins Court Roll, 1583 Curia Baronis Willelmi Clopton generosi ibidem tenta die Jovis videlicet decimo octavo die mensis Julii Anno Regni domine nostre Elizabethe dei grati... 5 October 1590Deed of John Bull, 1590This Indenture made the fifte daie of October in the Twoe and Thirtie yere of the reigne of our Sovereigne Ladie Elizabethe by the grace of god of Ing... 24 June 1592Confirmation of Arms, 1592John Wynthrope At mr. Myldmeys request of Essex. To all and singuler Nobles & Gentillmen of what estate dignitie or degree bearing Arms To whom thei... 1593Henry Browne to Adam Winthrop Sonne Wintrop I haue me commendyd vnto youe and to my dawter your wyffe and to all the reast of my chyldren and my Frendes I praye youe send me a bos... 23 June 1593Will of Henry Browne of Edwardstone, 1593Henry Browne of Milton in Prittlewell in the countie of Essex yeoman, 23rd June, 35 Elizabeth. First and before all other things I giue my sowle to al... 2 September 1594Alienation of Groton Manor, 1594De licentia alienandi pro Johanne Wynthroppe Regina Omnibus ad quos etc. Salutem Sciatis quod nos de gracia nostra speciali ac pro sex libris tresdec... Diary of Adam Winthrop Note on the Diary 1586Folio 1Richarde Gale the soonne of William Gale was baptized in Groton the iiijth of september Anno domini 1586. 2 ... 1580 1593Folio 2Memorandum that Mr. William Forth of Hadley did Surrender into the handes of Robert Andrewe and Oliver Chepe ij Custimary Tenaunts of the Manor of Had... 1593 1601Folio 3Memorandum that John Raven the same day that he fell sicke went into his yarde and sawe a wrenne strike down a Robin redbrest starke dedde which he to... 1592 1595Folio 4Mary Forth the wife of John Winthrop was borne on Wedensday the first day of January Anno 1583 Memorandum I paide my brother William Hilles by thappoi... 1594Folio 5A note of my half yeres rentes and other Dettes which are due vnto me at the feaste of The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Anno 1594. lent to my broth... 1594Folio 6A note of the mony which I haue payd since the saide Feast Anno 1594. Payd to William Gale for Rentiij s. ix d. payd to the Butcher for meatxiij s. vi... 1594Folio 7A note of the charges of the Thresshinge of my Corne since Harvest Anno 1594 Imprimis paid to Anderton and Kinge for thresshinge iij dayesv s. Item pa... 1595Folio 8A note of the mony lent since Christes Day. To Mr. Thomas Nicolsonxl s. to Mountaguex s. to William Nuttonvj li. to Mr. Alisonxx s. and xx s. To Willi... March 1595Folio 9Memorandum that I sent my Father Henry Browne by John Wade x li. Item I paid to Mr. Lawrence Hargrave for himxxiiij s. and x s. Item paid to Mr. Henry... 1595 1597Folio 10Dettes owinge to me the xth of June 1595 Simon Facon for his yeres Rentxl s. my cosen Joan Muskettxl s. Richard Huggonxx s. my brother Roger Weston fo... 1595Folio 11A true note of all suche sommes of mony as John Laughlinge dooth owe to me Adam Winthrop at the feast of Thannunciation Anno 1595. Imprimis he oweth v... May 1595 June 1595Folio 12Dettes owinge to me the xth of May 1595 Imprimis John Frenchevij li. vj s. viij d. Item Philip Gostlingeiiij li. xiij s. iiij d. Item John Wardexxij s... 1595 1596Folio 13A note of the mony which I haue Received since Midsommer day Anno 1595. Received of Francis Rawlett for Ryeiij s. vj d. Received of Archer for Ryeiiij... 1595 1596Folio 14A note of the Wages which I haue paid to my servantes since our lady day in lent Anno 1595. 25 Julii Imprimis paid to Richarde Edwardesxxx s. 25 Julii... 1595Folio 15A note of all such somes of mony as I am to receive at the feast of St. Michill Tharchangell Anno 1595. Received Imprimis of my cosen Joan Muskett for... 1595 1596Folio 16Item to goodman Thomas Aulston for Tithelj s. iiij d. Item to him for ij lodes strawevj s. viij d. Item to Mr. William Clopton for quitrentesij s. vj ... 1596Folio 17A note of all suche dettes as are owinge to me the xjth of January 1595-96 et Elizabethe Regine xxxviij°. Roberte Cleydon debetReceived viij li.xiiij ... 1596Folio 18A note of the mony that I haue layd forth since the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Anno 1596. Imprimis paid to the Collector for the pooreiij s. iiij... 1595Folio 19This yere Corne was very scarce vntil haruest, notwithstanding that there was muche wheate and rye brought into Inglande from by yonde the Seas, where... 1595 1596Folio 20The 7 of November the Erle of Hertford was committed to the Tower. The xiiijth of Decembre I receyved a lettre from my brother Alibaster written from ... January 1597 June 1597Folio 21The xviijth of August I dragde my great ponde and tooke out xxxv greate Carpes. The xixth of August Tilleson did sett vp the house in the Widow Reigno... June 1597 December 1597Folio 22The xxvth day of June S. B. did ryde to Colchester and returned the xxijth of the next monethe. The same day at night Francys Snellocke came to my hou... January 1601 August 1601Folio 23Imprimis the iiijth of January Mr. Paul Powle was arrested at my brothers suite. The next day in the mornynge Mres. Samsone was deliuered of her first... September 1601 May 1602Folio 24The seconde day of septembre the pumpe was sett up in the Ponde next the Backe House by Chynnery of Hadley. The 14 day I was at Hockley at a Court for... June 1602 December 1602Folio 25June. The 2 day my brother John Winthrop did ryde towardes London and retourned the 16th. The 17. Branston came from Hacwel and Returned the 22 of the... December 1602 April 1603Folio 26The 2d of December I rode to Cambridge and the 4th of the same moneth I was sore payned with the Collick and the stone for iiij howres. The viijth day... March 1603 May 1603Folio 27On thursday the 24th of Marche Queene Elizabeth died at Richemonde of the age of lxix yeres vj monethes and blank dayes. The same daye was James the v... May 1603 September 1603Folio 28The xxviijth day of May Mr. Philip Goslinge and I fell out in bitter woordes about the setting vp a cottage in Howoodde. The last day of May Mr. Willi... July 1610 February 1604Folio 29The viijth of October my cosen Henry Mildmay came to my howse. The xth of October Hornebyes daughter Bridget was deliuered of a Childe which she destr... February 1604 September 1604Folio 30The xxvijth of Feb: Sir John Higham and Sir Robert Drury of Hawsted knightes were chosen knightes of the Shire of Suffolk for the Parleament which beg... September 1604 January 1605Folio 31The iiijth of September Henry Cooke thelder did mary Johane Bettes my maide: he beinge lx yeres oulde and she xxxv and his father John then livinge of... February 1605 July 1605Folio 32The xv of February my Cosen William Mildmayes late wife died in the Tower of London. The xxiijth Thomas Fones came to Groton and was maried to my daug... June 1605 February 1606Folio 33The xxiiijth of July my wife Anne with my soonne John and his wife Mary did ride to the Baptising of John Hilles the sonne of William Hilles of Holton... 29 May 1608 September 1606Folio 34The 23 of Feb: beinge sunday my soonnes first soonne was baptized and named John. The last day of Feb. the Dovehouse was raysed. The seconde of march ... September 1606 June 1607Folio 35October the 2 day I kept a Court for Mr. William Manocke at Toppesfilde. The iiijth day Henry Vintener sealed an Indenture vnto me of thassignement of... July 1607 February 1608Folio 361607. The 3 of July Justine Nicholson the wife of Joshua Stocken was deliuered of her first Soonne. The same day Jo. Nutton did give my soonne a fawne... February 1608 September 1608Folio 37The last of February on Munday about ix of the Clocke in the forenoone Mr. Lawrence Hargrave an Attorny of the Comon place departed this life in the 6... October 1608 March 1609Folio 38The iijth of Octobre my Cosen Nathanaell Still and his brother John were at Groton. The iiijth Sir Robert Crane sent his Coche for me my wyfe and my d... April 1609 March 1610Folio 39April 1609. The 3 of Aprill my sister Elizabeth Winthrop came to Groton with her Cosen Thomas Springe. The same day I had ij lambes fell. The iiijth d... January 1610 August 1610Folio 40Notes for my remembrance touchinge the lande which I bought of Joseph Gale in Assington. Martii Eliz. Regine 1. Imprimis Robert Gale his father beinge... 1603 1606Folio 41The same day beinge Saturday at night she came to Mr. Powles howse and lodged there. On sonday I hearde that she was come but she came not to my howse... 1603 1604Folio 42Memorandum that I am bownde in an obligacion of xl li. to Wm. Alston thelder with William Ponde for the payement of xxij li. the xxjth of December Ann... 1601Folio 43Imprimis for a mesuage and landes Customary called Wrightes or Bondes in the Fennexj s. Item for a Crofte of land called Birdes crofteiij s. Item for ... 1600 1607Folio 44Memorandum that the xvth day of Octobre Anno 1601 I sealed an obligacion with Mr. Thomas Nicholson to Bowle of Brettenham for the payement of x li. th... 1610 1601Folio 451597. A note of all the mony that I haue received since the feast of St. Michel Received of Lewes Kedbyxliiij li. Received of John Potteriij li. x s.a... 1593 1598Folio 46A note of the seuerall dayes of payementes of certaine obligacions made unto me. Imprimis Thomas Kedbe and Philip Goslinge xxviij° die Novembris Anno ... 1597Folio 471597 A note of suche sommes of mony as are oweinge to me at Micheltide next John Frenchepaidxxij li. and iij John Grymepaidvj li. iiij s. John Ravenre... 1597Folio 481597. A note of the mony which I haue Received since the first of August Anno 1597. 2 Aug. Received of the Widdowe Artarvj s. Received of John Frenche... 1597Folio 49A Note of the mony which I haue Received since the feast of St. John the Baptiste Anno 1597 Received of the Widowe Huggonxl s. andxl s. Received of Wi... 1596 1597Folio 501597. A note of all my yearely Rentes Simon Rysinge paiethix li. Steven Kemboldexiiij li. John Pottervij li. John Frenchevj li. Eustace Whalev li. Hen... 1596Folio 51A note of the mony which I haue lent since the feast of St. Michill Tharchangel 1596 21 Oct. Lent to Mr. Waldegrauepaidv li. 24 Oct. Lent to Lewes Ked... 1596Folio 521596. 8 Januarii A Note of all the legacies that I haue paid as executor to my Father Henry Browne 2 Martii Imprimis paid to Mr. Henry Sandesxl s. Ite... 1597Folio 53A note of my yerely Revenues Anno 1597 Imprimis Steven Kemboldxiiij li. Item John Pottervij li. Item John Cookev li. Item John Cokerxl s. Item John Ra... 1596 1597Folio 54A note of the measure of my lande by Tallant the xvijth of September 1596. Imprimis Churches containsix acres and dimidiam and xxv pole Item in Claypi... 1596Folio 55A note of the mony which I haue taken for Corne solde since the first of August Anno 1596. 5 Aug. Imprimis of Cooke for j bushel of Ryeiiij s. Item of... 1594 1608Folio 56A note of all suche Implementes of household as I haue bought since the feast of the Nativitie of Christ Anno 1594. Imprimis a great bedsted of wainsc... 1594 1610Folio 57A note of the quantitie of the Acres of Corne which I had growinge Anno 1594 In Churches of wheateiiij acres of peaseij acres j Rode In the Tayntour... 1593Folio 58Receites at the feast of St. Michaell Anno 1593 Mr. Hanhamvj li. xiij s. iiij d. my brother John Winthropv li. John Laughlinxij li. William Nuttonvij ... 1593 1596Folio 59A note of suche extraordinary sommes of mony which I haue resceyved since Michaeltide Anno 1593 Received of the gifte of my Lord of Batheiiij li. Rece... 1595 1597Folio 60A note of the mony which I haue receyved for woodde soulde since Ester Anno 1595 Received of John Coker for iij lodesxij s. Received of John Rawling f... 1604 1597Folio 612 Aprilis 1595 A note of suche sommes of mony as I haue Received for my brothers John vse since his departure Received of goodman Philip Goslingeviij ... 1593 1595Folio 62A note of the mony which I haue payd for my Father since Our Lady Day 1593 To Mr. Henry Sandes for ij quarters ended at Midsummerx s. To Mr. Lawrence ... 1593Folio 63A note of all suche mony as I haue Received since our Lady Day Anno 1593 Received of Mr. Edward Ellistonxj s. x d. Received of J. Laughlingex li. Rece... 1593 1597Folio 6412 die Aug: 1595. Henry Vintener nupsit viduae B. 3° die maij oues meae per mensem fuerunt Vltimo Maij 8 equi in granis fuerunt A note of the Cattell ... February 1604 1595Folio 65Th’account of Francis Carpinters charges since she came to me viz. 25 Maij 1593 Imprimis for ij payer of shoesviij d. andviij d. Item for a peticotx s... 1593Folio 66A note of my yerely rentes and Receites Anno 1593 Imprimis of William Nuttonxiiij li. Item of Simon Risingeix li. Item of Jasper Laughlinv li. iiij s.... 1593 1594Folio 67A note of the mony which I haue erned 1592–1593 with my Cart and Plough since Michaelmas Received of John Bondevij s. Received of Simon Faconvj s. Rec... 1601 1595Folio 68A remembrance of the sommes of mony which I haue to receive this yere viz. from the feast of St. Michill 1592 vntill the same feaste 1593. Imprimis of... 1595 1593Folio 69I haue Receyued of the tanner5 li.o.o. The man is blest that hath not lent. I Received of Coker for iiij lod of wood0.9.4. Received of Antony Spede fo... 1593 1595Folio 70my brother Cotty came to my house the viijth of August 1593. my brother Roger Alibaster and my sister took ther farewell of me the iiijth of July 1595... 1592 1610Folio 711. Peter Bronde the brother of John Bronde the riche clothier drowned him selfe, in the mildam. 2. Joseph Bronde the son of the said John Brond killed... May 1589Folio 72Ad curiam Baronis tentam die Maii Anno Regine Elizabethe xxxij° compertum fuit per homagium quod Elizabeth Lacye vidua obiit etc. Et quia nullus ... 1622Folio 73die Veneris viz. xxviii° die Junii Annis regnorum Domini nostri Jacobi xxmo super visum Corporis Edwardi predicti coram Adamo Winthrop Coronatore mane... 1620Folio 74This indenture made etc. Betweene Thomas Arkesden sonne and heir of blank Arkesden late of blank and (blank) his wife and since ... April 1629Folio 75Debtes Owinge to the Testator Thomas Fones at the tyme of his Deathe 1629. li. Nou: 25. next. Due from Sir Hen: Mildmay knight by bonde108.0.0. Lady d... 1631Folio 77The Condition etc. that whereas the said Jo: Winthrop the elder at his coming out of England did leave in the handes of the said blank the summe of 15... 1595 1630Folio 78Peter Cristmas holdethe an acre one Roode and a halfe of grounde lyinge in the filde called Thornecrofte by the lande called lyncrofte and payeth yere... 2 May 1596Boxford Grammar SchoolBoth Adam and John Winthrop are named in the articles of incorporation of the Boxford Grammar School, granted by Queen Elizabeth in 1596. A school had... 5 September 1597Will of Joan Hilles of Holton, 1597In the name of God Amen. The Fifte daye of September Anno Domini one thowsand fyve hundreth nynetye seaven, and in the nyne and thirtye yere of the Re... 1599Frend’s Almanacke for 1599January 27. I came out of suffolke home. February 6. I went to stanford and so to london. 17. I came from stanford home. March 3. this day I went fro... 1603Thomas Fones to Anne WinthropTo my dearest frend Mrs. Anna Winthrop Junior at Groton. Long looked for comes at last, so sayth our english Prouerb, which might wel be verified in... 1603Thomas Fones to Anne WinthropTo my best beloued frend Mrs. Anne Winthrope at Groton. dd. farest of my hopes, chiefest of my desires, my Earths Happines, the Pleasant obiect of m... 1603 1605Pond’s Almanack for 16031603. January 9. Lucye my 4 daughter was borne 1600. 12. my sonne John was borne. 1587. 16. my daughter Anna was borne. 1585. 20. my brother John Wint... January 1637John Winthrop’s Christian ExperienceIn my youth I was very lewdly disposed, inclining unto and attempting (so far as my yeares enabled mee) all kind of wickednesse, except swearing and s... 1606Mary Winthrop to John WinthropTo my Louing husband mr. John Winthrop giue thes. Swet husband I Remember me to the in the Louingis manere I pray god send the in helth and safty ho... February 1607 September 1613John Winthrop’s ExperienciaWorldly cares thoughe not in any grosse manner outwardly, yet seacreatly, togither with a seacret desire after plesures and itchinge after libertie a... September 1607Death of the Lady Mary, 1607Suche was the manner of her deathe, as bred a kinde of admiration in al that were present to beholde it. For wheras the nue tuned Organs of her speech... 1 October 1611Deed, 1611This Indenture made the First Daye of October in the yeares of the Reigne of our sovereigne Lord James by the grace of God Kinge of England Scotland F... 1612Visitation of Suffolk, 1612Adam Winthorp of Groton mar. Jone d: of blank and had issue Adam sonne and heire Adam sonne and h: mar: Agnes d: of Sharpe and had issue John sonne an... 28 March 1613Will of John Winthrop of Aghadowne, 1613In the name of God. Amen. I John Winthroppe of Aghadowne in the Countye of Cork, gent, being in perfect helthe in body and good memory be to God ther... 4 June 1613Will of John Forth, 1613In the name of God, Amen. John Forthe of Much Stambridge in the Countie of Essex Gent. I comende my Soule into the handes of almightye god by whose fr... 20 October 1613Receipt, 1613Be it knowen to all men by theis presentes that I Thomas Gostlin of Groton in the county of Suffolk clothier haue received of Adam Winthrop of the sam... 14 December 1613Sir Henry Appleton’s AcquittanceMemorandum that I, Sir Henry Appleton of South Bemflettin the Countie of Essex Knight and Barronett haue reseyued and had of John Wentrop of Growghton... 1614 1615Hopton’s Almanack for 1614On title: The last. On verso of title: Vtere quando placet, corrige quando libet. January. “Clara dies Pauli bona tempora denotat anni.” 2. Steph: Blu... August 1615Bond for Appearance, 1615Torn Augusti Anno Regni Regis Jaco: domini nostri etc: 13º. Memdm.that John Coche of Stokeneyland brazier and Ralfe Rodes of the same towne shereman d... 25 February 1615Henry Sandes to John WinthropTo the Worshipfull my true good Freind Mr. John Winthrop Esquire in Groton these The Lord blesse you euer. I feare Sir I shall but prostitute my sel... Will of Sir John Tyndal, 1616 Editorial Note 2 December 1616Will of Sir John TyndalI, Sir John Tyndall of Much Maplestead in the Countie of Essex, Knight, consideringe that my tyme of departure out of this transitorie life is, by the... 22 November 1616Arthur Tyndal to Lady Anne TyndalTo the right worshipfull the Lady Tyndale at hir house in Much Maplested in Essex. My deare and loueinge mother, It much refresheth my sorrowfull he... John Winthrop's Experiencia, 1616–1618 6 December 1616Death of Thomasine Clopton Winthrop, 1616Dec: 6 1616. God will have mercie on whom he will have mercie, and when and how seemes best to his wisdome and will. And his mercie is free, meere mer... December 1616 January 1617John Winthrop’s Experiencia, December 1616 to January 1617I finde by often experience that the most usuall thinge that breakes off my comfort in God, and delight in heavenly things, is the entertaininge the l... 20 January 1617John Winthrop’s Experiencia, January 1617Jany 20. Our Sessions were, against which (fearinge greatly mine owne frailtie) I did prepare myself by earnest prayer etc: and my tyme, as I rode, I ... February 1617 June 1617John Winthrop’s Experiencia, February to June 1617Feb: 3. I went towards London, and returned soone, the II. I went forthe sickly, but returned (I prayse God) safe, and healthie. Whereas I was wont to... July 1617 October 1617John Winthrop’s Experiencia, July to October 1617July 13. Beinge the Sabaothe daye, findinge some tyme before that all was not well betweene my God and me, which I perceived by the couldnesse of my p... November 1617 December 1617John Winthrop’s Experiencia, November and December 1617Novemb: 1617. I went to London, not so well prepared for suche a iournie as had been meet, and it was a monthe before I returned, wherein God had much... 1618John Winthrop’s Experiencia, 1618Jan: 10, 1617-18. Afterwards findinge myselfe snared by the worlde, I could not be at rest untill by readinge Mr. Boultons discourse of true happiness... 1616 1618Bretnor’s Almanack for 1617January 1. Auice Brond was borne. 8. Mathy Stockin died and T. G. kelle was burnt. 12. This day John Winthrop the elder is 29 yeares olde. 16. John La... 17 February 1617Release, 1617Be it knowen to all men by these presentes that where as Adam Winthrop of Groton in the county of Suffolke Esqr. standeth bounde vnto me Thomas Gostli... October 1617Thomas Fones to John WinthropGood Brother, after the receipt of your Letter I haue had some discourse with mr. Potter about mr. Brondes Land and vppon your Information and the de... 31 March 1618Adam Winthrop to Margaret TyndalI am, I assure yow (Gentle Mris. Margaret) alredy inflamed with a fatherly Loue and affection towardes yow: the which at the first, the only report of... March 1618John Winthrop to Margaret TyndalTo my dearest freind and most heartyly beloued Mrs. Margt. Tyndall. Havinge seariously considered of that vnequall conflicte which for my sake thou ... 4 April 1618John Winthrop to Margaret TyndalTo my best beloued Mrs. Margaret Tyndall at great Maplested Essex DD Grace mercie and peace etc:, My onely beloued spouse, my most sweet freind, an... 1618Ezekiel Culverwell to John WinthropTo the worshipfull his especiall friend Mr. Winthrop at Groton DD Worshipfull and beloved Mr. Winthrop I have receaved your letters which well resem... 14 November 1618Surrender of Estate, 1618Groton Memorandum that the forteenth daie of November Anno domini millesimo sexcentesimo decimo octavo et domini Jacobi regis Angliae etc. decimo sext... 1619Anne Fones to John Winthrop deare brother as before I was desirous to craue the helpe of your prayers so now also I desire you not only to be thanckful to the lord for hearing v... 1619Anne Fones to John Winthrop good brother I doe most ioyfullie and desirdly intertaine your kind and christian letters most hartelie thancking you for them but indeed I must conf... 20 February 1619Extract from Sir John Brond’s Extent, 1619Valor sive Extentus Annui valoris omnium et singulorum mesuagiorum terrarum tenementorum et ceterorum hereditamentorum quorumcumque que nuper fuerunt ... 1619Verses by Adam WinthropLoving fren torn ... 12 March 1619Ezekiel Culverwell to John WinthropTo the woorship full his very kinde friend Mr. John Winthrop at Groton. DD. Right worthilye beloved I take very thankfully your loving respect of me... 24 March 161912 January 1621John Winthrop’s Experiencia, 1619–21On Wensdaye the 24th of Marche 1618–19, Margaret my wife was delivered of a sonne, whereof I desire to leave this testimonye of my thankfullnesse unt... 16 May 1619Thomas Fones to John WinthropTo my very lovinge Brother John Winthrop Esquire My good Brother, yt hath pleased the Lord to take out of this wreched lyfe my most Christian and lo... 11 December 1619Rachell Huntley to John WinthropTo hir Most louing Brother Mr John Winthrop at his house in Groton in Suffolke giue this Most deare and louing brother for so I ame bound and make b... 1620Verses Made by Mr. Adam Winthropp to the Ladie Mildmay at the Byrth of Her Sonne HeneryMadam, Amen. Finis ... 1620Allestree’s Almanack, 1620John Winthrop junior, est huius libri possessor. January 6. my cosin Henry Mildmay was baptised being 12 daies olde. The same day Mr. Chaplin preached... 10 March 1619Rachell Huntley to John WinthropTo hir louing brother Mr. John Winterrop giue this. Most deare and louing Brother my best and truest loue being remembred unto your selfe with my go... 10 May 1620Will of John Winthrop, 1620John Winthrop. seal. In the name of God Amen this tenth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God 1620, and in the eighteenth yeare of the reigne of our... 14 June 1620Will of Lady Anne Tyndal, 1620.The 14 of June 1620, I Anne Tindall of Much Maplested in the Countie of Essex widow do make my will. First, according to the manner of gods Elect I be... 12 June 1620John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropTo my lovinge freinde Mrs. Winthrop at Chelmsey howse in great Maplested Essex dd My deare wife, I beseeche the Lorde our good God, to blesse thee a... 1620John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropTo my verye lovinge wife Mrs. Winthrop at muche maplested in Essex dd My sweet wife, I beseeche our good God to blesse thee euer, I am gladd to hear... 8 August 1620Thomas Fones to John WinthropTo my very lovinge Brother Jn. Winthrop Esqr. at Groton Good Brother, my best salutacions remembred, with many thankes for your kindnes etc I haue s... 2 December 1620Deane Tyndal to John WinthropTo my verie loueing brother Mr. John Winthrop att his house in Groton giue these Kinde brother, I acknowledg your great loue in sending to see vs, a... 21 July 162031 December 1620Adam Winthrop’s Note on Adam and Stephen WinthropAdam Winthrop the second soonne of John Winthrop Esquire, and Margaret his thirde wife, was borne in Groton, on frydaie the seuenth day of the moneth ... 1621Allestree’s Almanack, 1621.January 2. We dined at Groton hall. 4. The thursday sermon ceased at Boxforde. 7. A communion at Groton. 12. Mr. Gurdonfel out of his coache in Boxfor... 23 January 1620John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropTo my verye lovinge wife Mrs. Winthrop at Groton in Suffolk dd My truely beloved and deare wife, I salute thee heartylye, givinge thankes to God who... 9 May 1621John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropTo my most lovinge and deare wife Mrs. Margt. Winthrop at Groton in Suffolk. My dearly beloved Wife, — the blessinge of our heavenly father be upon... 10 May 1621John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMost deare and louinge wife, I wrote vnto thee by our neighbour Cole, beinge then vncertaine of my returne, yet I hoped to haue been with thee on Sat... 27 June 1621John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropTo my very lovinge wife Mrs. Winthrop at Muche Maplested, Essex. My deare and lovinge Wife, — I am exceedingly streightened in tyme, throughe the su... 26 August 1621Thomas Fones to John WinthropTo my very Lovinge Brother Jno. Winthrop Esq. at Groton My good Brother. I expected to have heard from yow this weeke but yt should seeme some busin... 30 August 1621The Lady Mildmay to John WinthropGood Cosen, — I hartelie thancke you for this good messenger, and also for your lovinge and proper lettre. I acknowledge myselfe so un-worthie of so ... 30 August 1621The Lady Mildmay to Adam WinthropLovinge Uncle, my longe silence in not testifienge my thanckefulnes for your kinde letters, and those good bookes, which I then received from you, ma... 1621Adam Winthrop to the Lady MildmayMost lovinge neece most worthie to be loved and honored alwaies by mee — I received pure honye, and not bare wordes in the letter which you sente unt... 24 November 1621The Lady Mildmay to Adam WinthropWorthy uncle, If my meanes coulde in any measure equall the height of my desire, I shoulde be studious to expresse myselfe reallie thanckfull for the... 1622Adam Winthrop to the Lady MildmayMost Kinde Ladie, Your sweete lettres cominge from the aboundance of your Love, were ioyefully received into the closet of my best affections, (thoug... 29 January 1622John Wnthrop to Thomas FonesTo my very lovinge Brother Mr. Fones at the three fawnes in the old Bayly, London. DD My good Brother, I received your lovinge Letter, and doe prays... 9 April 1622John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMy Deare Wife, I prayse God, we are come safe to London, where we finde all well. We are now at Redrife at a kinsmans of my brother Downinges, where ... 18 April 1622John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMy deare wife, albeit I am now comminge towardes thee, yet that thou mayest knowe that I am allwayes mindfull of the, I would take euery opportunitye... 1622Henry Sandes to John WinthropTo my Worshipfull well aproued good friend Mr. John Wintrop at Honton Houton Hall these. Sir, I do vnderstand that Stoke Vicaradge is not yet giuen.... 28 June 1622CommissionKnowe all men by these presentes that I John Winthrop esqr. Lord of the manor of Groton in the County of Suffolk have given and granted and by these p... 6 August 1622John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my beloved sonne John Winthrop at the Colledge in Dublin dd Dear sonne, tho’ I have received no letters yet from you, I cannot passe by any oppor... 31 August 1622John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my beloved sonne, John Winthrop, at the Colledge near Dublin DD Ireland. My beloved sonne, I beseeche the Lorde to blesse thee with grace and pea... 2 September 1622Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very louing brother mr. John winthropp at Dubling in Ireland Louing brother I receiued youer letters the 19 daie of Agust. by which I doe vnd... September 1622Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his verry louinge Brother Mr. John Winthropp at Dublin in Ireland at the College. DD. Louing Brother, You wroght to me for to send you word of my... 4 October 1622Henry Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my verie loving Brother Mr. John Winthrop give these in Dublin. Most Louing and kinde Brother after my harty Comendationes Remembred vnto you, an... 16 October 1622John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my beloved sonne John Winthrop, at Trinitye College in Dublin Ireland dd My dearly beloved sonne, I doe vsually beginne and ende my letters with ... 19 October 1622John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMy sweet wife, Blessed be God, by whose prouidence and protection I am come safe to London: heer I find them all in health, and a great deale of kind... 22 November 1622Thomas Hawes to Emmanuel DowningTo his Loueinge and much respected freind mr. Downeinge at his howse in fleet street at the signe of the Bishops head hast theise with trust London S... 25 March 1623John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my beloved sonne John Winthrop at Trin: Colledge in Dublin, dd Irelande received Aprill: 26 My deare sonne, I received your letters with the bill... 17 April 1623Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his most louinge Brother Mr. John Winthroppe at Trinitie Coll: nere Dublin give thes Ireland Most louinge Brother I receiued youer letters the 16... 20 April 1623John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my loving sonne John Winthrop at the Colledge in Dublin Ireland dd Sonne John, the blessing of the Lord be vpon thee and vpon thy studyes vnto a ... 26 June 1623John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my louing son John Winthrop, at Trin: Colledge in Dublin Ireland. Receyved August the Ist. My welbeloved sonne, I received thy letters of the 26 ... 12 August 1623John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.My deare sonne, The Lord blesse thee, and multiplye his graces in thee, to the buildinge vp of that good worke which (I well hope) is truely begunne ... 16 August 1623Edward Savage to —— HaworthTo his assured Louinge freind Mr Haworth Feodarie of Lanckashire theese hast. Mr Haworth: the reason why I deferred the sendinge downe of my writte ... 26 August 1623Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my verie louinge Brother Mr. John Winthroppe at Trinitie College neere Dublin giue thes Ireland Most louinge brother the longe absens of my wrigh... 27 September 1623John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropTo my very lovinge wife Mrs. Winthrop the younger at Groton Suffolk DD. My deare wife, I have wanted opportunitye to write vnto thee of our arrivall... 3 October 1623John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMy deare wife, thy sweet Lettres without date how welcome they were to me I cannot expresse: both in regard of the continuance of thy health and thy ... 3 October 1623John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my beloued sonne John Winthrop at Trin: Colledge in Dublin Ireland DD Receyved November 14 1623 My welbeloued sonne, I beseech our God and heaven... 4 October 1623Henry Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his verie lovinge brother Mr. John Winthrop in Deblin in Ierlonde Deliver this. Most loving brother my hartie loue remembred vnto you and to my a... 11 November 1623John Winthrop to Thomas FonesMy good Brother, I perceive my last weekes lettre was not come to your handes when yours was written, tho’ I doubt not but since it is, and therefore... 11 December 1623John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMy most louinge and deare wife, I receiued thy kinde and welcome Lettres, and doe heartyly blesse our mercifull God for his gratious prouidence ouer ... 15 December 1623Sir Robert Crane to John WinthropTo the Worshipfull his very Lovinge Friend Mr. John Wintheropp Esquire at Mr. Foones his howse An Apothecary in the old Bayley, these be ded. Sir I ... 19 December 1623John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropTo my deare and lovinge wife mrs. Winthrop at Groton Suffolk. DD. My deare wife, I receiued thy second most kind Lettre whereby I see the faithfulln... 1623Anne Winthrop to Emmanuel DowningTo her lovinge sonne mr. Emanuell Downing, these dd. good sonne I am forst now to doe that I haue hetherto bin ashamed to doe that is to trouble you... 1 January 1624John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropTo my very lovinge wife Mrs. Winthrop at Groton in Suffolk dd My sweet Spouse, I prayse our good God, and doe heartylye reioyce in thy welfare and o... 1624Common Greuances Groaninge for ReformationRemedye. It is desired that all papistes may be excommunicated in theire parrish churches euery 6 monthes, and vpon there not conformitie, the Signifi... 7 March 1624John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my lovinge sonne John Winthrop at Trinity Colledge in Dublin Ireland dd Receyve Mar: 29. 1624 longe to be assured of thy health againe. I sent y... 19 March 1624John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMy dear Wife, — I am so streightened in tyme as I can not write to thee as I desire, yet I would not let a weeke passe without lettinge thee heare fr... 20 April 1624Robert Worrall to John Winthrop, Jr.To his lo: frend Mr. John Wintropp at Trinitie Colledge give this Mr. Wintropp, let me first craue pardon for not writinge to you till now. I protes... 20 June 1624John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my beloved sonne John Winthrop at the Colledge in Dublin dd My dearly beloued sonne, I beseeche the Lord God Allmighty to blesse thee and prosper... 26 June 1626Will of Anne Deane, 1624In the name of God, amen. I Anne Deane of Much Maplested in the county of Essex, sister vnto Sir John Deane of Maplested, Knight, the 26 daye of June ... 30 October 1624John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMy most sweet heart, I receiued thy kinde lettre, which was truely wellcome to me, as a fruit of that Loue which I haue (and shall euer) esteeme abou... 26 November 1624John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMy sweet wife, I blesse the Lorde for his continued blessinge vpon thee and our familye: and I thanke thee for thy kinde Lettres: But I knowe not wha... 1625Margaret Winthrop to John WinthropTo hir very Louinge husband John Winthrope Esquire theese. DD. My deare Husband I am sory it faleth out so that I coulde not send for thee at the ti... 19 February 1626Brampton Gurdon to John WinthropTo the worshipful and my verry louing freind Mr. Jhon Wenthrop thes Sir I thancke yow for your letter and for your expressyon of so many good purpos... 22 February 1625John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my beloved sonne John Winthrop. DD. My beloved sonne, I beseeche our heavenly father to blesse thee. I received your lettre, and am gladd of your... 8 March 1625Will of Elizabeth Munning, 1624–25Elizabeth Munninge of Brettenham in the countie of Suffolk, widow of Humfrey Mvnninge, clarke, Minister of the said parishe, 8 March 1624–25. To Eliza... 14 March 1625Henry Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very Lovinge brother Mr. John Winthrop at the signe of the Cocke nere the Exchange in Cornhill London. Most intier and Louinge Brother after ... 15 March 1625John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my beloved sonne John Winthrop dd My beloved sonne, I blesse our good God for the continuance of your healthe and his blessinge vpon you, and I d... 28 March 16254 April 1625Henry Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very Lovinge Brother Mr. John Winthrop at the sine of the coke in cornewell at Mr. Downings deliver thes London Most lovinge Brother most har... 4 April 1625John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my lovinge sonne John Winthrop. dd My beloved sonne, I beseeche the Lorde to continue and encrease his blessing vppon thee: I am gladd to heare o... 24 August 1625Cicely Chaderton to Isaac JohnsonTo my verie loving Nephew Mr. Isack Johnson at Northluffenham give these Beloved Isaake, My true and vnfayned loue I commend to you, and to the Lady... 14 January 1626John Winthrop to Sir Robert CraneTo the right worshipfull Sir Robert Crane knight at Burye St. Edmunds dd. Right worthy Sir, Since I parted from you, I heard of a motion made by a g... 14 January 1626John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMy sweet wife, I prayse God, we came safe to London, where we found all reasonable well: we came by Graces, my Lady is somewhat amended; I purpose (G... 18 January 1626Sir Robert Crane to John WinthropSir my ovne partickiuler afecktion to Sir Robert Nanton made me show it to the Concelmen at Super wher I aquainted them with his afecktion to religio... 13 February 1626John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropTo his best beloved Mrs. Winthrop the younger at Groton. dd. My sweet wife, I prayse God, I came safe to London on Fridaye, and haue continued in he... 1 April 1626Will of Philip Gostlin, 1626I Phillippe Gostlyn of Groton the elder in the countie of Suff: clothier, doe ordaine and make this my last will the first daie of April 1626. I beque... June 1626Walter Clopton to John WinthropGood Cosen, Sir Symone Dewes promised me last terme vpon his honesty that he woulde ioyne this terme for publication I desier to haue the bookes sent... 31 July 1626Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his lovinge Brother Mr. John Winthrop at his fathers house in Groton. Suff. Where I loue much I speake but littel for affection hath smale pleasu... 26 September 1626John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropTo my verye lovinge wife Mrs. Winthrop at Chemsye house in Gt. Maplested dd My sweet wife, The grace and blessinge of the Lorde be with thee ever, a... 12 October 1626Thomas Fones to John Winthrop, Jr.To my very loving Nephew mr. Jno. Winthrop Junior at Groton dd My kind Nephew. I have received your loving letters for which with others formerly an... 9 October 1626The Plague at Sudbury, 1626Wheras at the generall sessions of the peace houlden for the libertie of Bury St. Edmunds in the said Countie on Mondaye the 9th daie of Octob: in the... 30 October 1626Henry Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his louinge Brother Mr. John Winthrop at his fathers house at Groton dr thes Louinge Brother, I did send you a leter by chote for to peruse and t... 6 November 1626John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his lovinge sonne John Winthrop at the three fawnes in the old Bayly London dd My good sonne, I received your Lettre and the things which you sen... 13 November 1626John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my lovinge sonne John Winthrop My good sonne, I received your lettre: and doe blesse God for the continuance of your healthe, and of all our good... 21 November 1626John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my loving sonne John Winthrop dd My good sonne, I received your letter, and doe blesse God for the continuance of your healthe and of all our goo... 4 December 1626John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my lovinge sonne John Winthrop at the house of Mr. Downinge in Fleet street over against the Conduit London dd My good sonne, I received your let... 18 December 1626John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my lovinge sonne John Winthrop at the three Fawnes in the olde Baylye, London. dd. My good sonne, I wrote not the last weeke, trustinge to Lewes ... December 1626Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his louinge Brother Mr. John Winthrop at London giue these with speed. Louinge Brother, I will not stand to compliment if I could nether can I if... 9 January 1627John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my lovinge sonne John Winthrop at the house of mr. Downinge at the sign of the Bishopp over against the Conduict in Fleet street London dd My good... 15 January 1627John Winthrop, Jr., to John WinthropTo the Worshipfull his very loving father Mr. Winthrop at his house in Groton these deliver swift: Most loving father, my duty remembred to your sel... 13 February 1627Margaret Winthrop to John WinthropTo my very louinge Husband John Winthrope Esquire, these dd. Most deare husband, I did thinke to haue ritten no more to you, hopeinge to see you sho... 13 February 1627Forth Winthrop to John WinthropTo the right Woorshipfull John Winthrop Esq. at Mr. Downinges ouer against the Conduit in Fleet Street these London. dd Lovinge Father. Sir I receiu... 10 April 1627Margaret Winthrop to John WinthropTo Mr. J. W. at Mr. Downings London dddd My most deare Husban I haue no way to manifeast my loue to you but by these my vnworthy lines, which I woul... 15 April 1627Lord Hervey to Captain Thomas BestCaptain Best this is to aduertise you that the Duke hath bin at Chatham to see in what forwardness the shipes are which are to goe this Vyage, and fi... 2 October 1623John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropTo my very lovinge wife Mrs. Winthrop iunior at Groton in Suffolk dd. Most sweet Wife, thy kinde Lettre was sent to me this eueninge from London: ho... 17 April 1627Margaret Winthrop to John WinthropMost deare and louinge Husban, I receued your most kinde and comforttable letters and the things you sent, for which I hartyly thanke you. I prayse g... 24 April 1627William and Elizabeth Leigh to John WinthropTo the Worshipfull his louing and kind patron, Mr. John Winthropp, giue these, in London. Good Sir, it is now come to passe . through . godes . good... 24 April 1627Joshua Downing to John WinthropTo my verie worthie Freind John Winthrop Esquyer, give theise. London. Good Sir, I received your kinde and comfortable letters, For which I render y... 1 May 1627Forth Winthrop to John WinthropTo the right worll. his louinge Father mr. Winthrop these be delievered with speed. London. Most louinge father. I receiued your letters by Sir Neut... 1 May 1627Deane Tyndal to John WinthropTo the worshipfull my very loving brother John winthrop Esq. at mr. Fones his house in the old baylie give these. Kinde Brother, the last weeke I wa... 1627Forth Winthrop to John WinthropMost lovinge father hauinge sich an occasion as the cominge doune of Tho: Archisdem my Chamber fellow and Sir Caly I thought good though in some hast... 4 May 1627Joshua Downing to John WinthropSir, I have not seene Captain Best, since I Received your letters, (althoughe I have expected hym heere, dayly;) neither doe I suppose to see hym, b... 1627Instructions for Captain Skipwith1 That you attend his Maiesties Ship the Due Repulse to goe to the westward and there to spend such tyme as is and shalbe assigned to vs by future Com... 6 June 1627John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my lovinge sonne John Winthrop Attending vpon Captaine Best in his Maiesties Shippe the Due Repulse, at Portsmouthe dd My good Sonne, I received ... June 1627Margaret Winthrop to John WinthropMy deare Husband I receiued thy most kinde letter and thanke thee for it I wish thy imployments coulde suffer thee to come home but I must wayt the t... 12 June 1627John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMy sweet wife, — I hope it will please our good God now soone to fullfill our desires in comfortinge us in the wished enioyinge of each others presen... 13 June 1627Margaret Winthrop to John WinthropTo my very louinge Husband John Winthrope Esquire at Mrs. Downinge house in fleete strete neere the coundite these dd My most kinde and louinge Husba... 15 June 1627John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMy most deare and sweet spouse, I receiued thy kinde lettre, the true Image of thy most louinge heart, breathinge out the faithfull desires of thy sw... 22 August 1627Henry Winthrop to Emmanuel DowningMost lovinge Vnkell after my hartye commendationes remembred to your sellfe and to my Ante and Cussenes, thes are to let you vnderstand of my wellfar... 23 August 1627Robert Ryece to John WinthropTo the very Woorshipfull his moche respected good friende Mr. Wynthop geve these at Grotton Woorshipfull Sir, I am very lyke, the lorde assistinge, ... 31 August 1627Emmanuel Downing to John WinthropI am glad to heare of my sisters recouerie: I thank God wee are all in good health here and at my brother Fones; The Master of the wardes is offered S... September 1627John Winthrop, Jr., to John WinthropTo the worshipfull John Winthrop Esq. at his house in Groton. Sir, My humble duty remembred to your selfe with my mother, and Grand mother with the ... 6 October 1627Thomas Doggett to John WinthropTo the Right Worshipfull and his very loving brother Mr. John Winthrop Esqr. at his house in Groton dd Sir, I humblie thanke yow for your loue towar... 15 October 1627Henry Winthrop to John WinthropTo the Worshipfull his Loving Father John Winthrop, Esqr., deliver these. I pray leaue this lettre att Mr Fones House at the Three Faunes in the old B... 1627Petition of Brampton GurdonTo the right honorable Sir Robert Naunton knight Master of his majesties Court of Wards and Liueries. The humble petition of Brampton Gourdon; Humblie... 20 October 1627Brampton Gurdon to John WinthropTo my worthy good frend mr. winthrop at his chamber in the tempule lane near the cloyster giue thes Good Sir let me intreat your favour to this bear... 24 October 1627John Bowen to John WinthropTo my worthie lovinge Frynde Mr. Wynthrope one of the atturneyes in his highnes Courte of Wardes and lyvereys, at his chamber neere the inner temple i... 27 October 1627Thomas Best to Sackville CrowTo the Right Worshipfull Sir Sackfeild Crow Treasurer Wheras Robert Atkins was removed out of the Seahorse into his Majesties shippe the Repulce at ... 1627Margaret Winthrop to John WinthropTo my very louing Husband John winthrope Esquire at mr. Downings house in fleetstrete neare the cundit these dd My good and louinge husband I did re... 1627Margaret Winthrop to John WinthropMost deare and loueinge Husband. I can not expres my loue to you as I desire. in theese poore liuelesse lines, but I doe hartily wish you did see my ... 6 November 1627Deane Tyndal to John WinthropMost kinde Brother, I haue nothing att this time to returne you for all your curtisies but thankes, with promise to requite them in a better nature v... 7 November 1627Deane Tyndal to John WinthropLouing Brother I send you Sir Edward Dukes bonde in which he is bound to paye me a hundred poundes the 26 of this month in Lincolns Inn Hall, I would... 14 November 1627Sir William Masham to John WinthropTo my worthye good frend mr. Wentrope these dd. Sir, Since I was with you I haue thought better of the business. and if you thinke good the business... Translation Group November 1627Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his lovinge Brother, Mr. John Winthrop, at his Fathers house in Groton, dlr. in Suffolk. dd. Quamprimum (Frater charissime) velis remisq; e patri... November 1627Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.: A TranslationTo his lovinge Brother, Mr. John Winthrop, at his Fathers house in Groton, dlr. in Suffolk. dd. As soon, dearest brother, as you were hurrying away ... 22 November 1627Margaret Winthrop to John WinthropMy most Sweet Husband, how dearely welcome thy kinde letters was to me I am not able to expresse, the sweetnesse of it did much refreshe me, what can... 24 November 1627Sir Robert Naunton to the Countess of NottinghamTo the right honorable Margarett Countesse of Nottingham. After my very harty commendacons to your good Ladyshipp, whereas there is a Bill of Compla... 1627Ann Tyndal to Martha FonesTo my uery good cosen Mrs. Matthew Fones give this Sweet cosen, I hau onthing to send you but thes feu lines a token of my hart loue and good will t... 1627For Preventing DrunkennessIt is too manifest how the loathsome vice of Drunkennesse and other disorders in Alehouses dothe daylye encrease notwithstandinge the wholsome Lawes w... 22 January 1628Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very louinge Frinde Mr. John Winthrope, these deliver at Groton. Deare Sir, The skillfullest paynters some tymes bestowe theire best colours ... 1628Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To my assured frind Mr. John Winthrop at Groton these dlr Serenissimo mio Amigo, Yours came to me in serena die the supposed cloudes with soe gentil... 28 January 1628Sir Robert Crane to John WinthropTo the Woorshipfull his loving friend John Wintrope Esq: be thes at his Loginge Sir, I thanke you for your niuse: for the other parte of your letter... 31 January 1628Richard Brayne to John Winthrop or Emmanuel DowningTo my Respected good Friendes mr. Winteropp or mr. Downinges Attorneis in the Court of Wardes these with speede mr. Winteropp lieth at a cutlers house... 16 February 1628Deed of John Winthrop, Jr., 1628Knowe all men by these presentes that I John Winthrop sonne and heire apparant of John Winthrop and Mary his wife deceased daughter and heire of John ... 25 February 1628John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my lovinge sonne John Winthrop at the three fawnes in the olde Baylye, London. DD. Sonne Jo: I prayse God we came home well on thursdaye at night... March 1628Lucy Downing to John WinthropTo the Worshipfull her very louinge brother John Winthrop Esq. dlr at Groton Suff. My more then brother and more louinge to me then I can exspres: a... 18 March 1628John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my lovinge sonne John Winthrop, at the House of Mr. Downing, near the Conduit, in Fleet Street, London Lovinge sonne, I received your letter, and... 25 March 1628Receipt of Joan Knewstub Received of John Winthrop of Groton in the County of Suffolk esqr. for two paymentes of monye due from him to John Knewstub my sonne viz: the one of ... 31 March 1628John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my very lovinge sonne John Winthrope ddd London. Sonne John, I received your letter and the books you sente for which I do thanke you; I blesse G... 4 April 1628Lucy Downing to John Winthropmy moste louinge brother. my hart was much troubled when goodman newton relaetted to vs howe ill you had bine and were att his cominge awaye: since I... 7 April 1628John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his loving sonne Mr. John Winthrop at Mr. Fones house in the olde Baylye dd London Sonne John: I received your letter with the thinges you sente,... 7 April 1628Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very lovinge Brother Mr. John Winthrop at Mr. Fones at the sine of the 3 Faunes in the old Bailiffe give theise London Most lovinge Brother: ... 11 April 1628John Winthrop, Jr., to John WinthropTo the worshipfull his very loving father John Winthrop Esquire dd in Groton Sir, My duty remembered vnto you, I am very sory to heare that your han... 15 April 1628Emmanuel Downing to John WinthropMy good brother; I am glad to heare of your begynning to amend, I doubt your advise in surgery is not soe good as you may haue here if yo’ill come er... 15 April 1628John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.My good sonne, As I have allwayes observed your lovinge and dutyfull respectes towardes me, so must I needes allso now, in that sence which you have ... 18 April 1628John Winthrop, Jr., to John WinthropTo the worshipfull his very loving father John Winthrop Esquire in Groton. dd. Sir, I receyved your letters, my selfe and all our freindes heere muc... 1 May 1628Margaret Winthrop to John WinthropTo mr. J W at mr. Downinges London dd Louinge and most deare Husband now in this solytary and vncomfortable time of your longe absence, I haue no ot... Translation Group 1628Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very lovinge Brother, Mr. John Winthrop, at Mr. Fones, at the Sine of the three Faunes, in the old Bailiffe, give theise, London. Fratres nos... 1628Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.: A TranslationWe are brothers (beloved brother); and yet, what may seem strange, brought up and educated by different mothers and on different soils, it happens tha... 13 May 1628William Leigh to John WinthropTo · the · worshipfull · his · most · louing · Patron · John · Winthropp · Esquire lying att the Kings Head neare the conduit in Fleete streete in Lon... 22 May 1628Thomas Hawes to John WinthropTo the Righte Woorshipfull his very lovinge freind John Wintrop Esqr. at his chamber at mr. Downinges at his howse in Peterboroughe Courte at the sign... 17 June 1628Robert Stansby to John WinthropTo the wor shipfull my very good friende mr. Wintropp at his chamber in the Inner Temple dlr London Worshipfull Sir your kinde letter I receiued and... 17 June 1628Margaret Winthrop to John WinthropTo my deare and very loueinge Husband John Winthrope Esquire at mr. Downinge house in fleetstret right ouer agaynst the coundit theese dd London My b... 14 July 1628John Winthrop, Jr., to John WinthropTo the worshipfull John Winthrop Esq. at Groton in Suffolke. Sir, — I am forced for the more convenient passage of my letters in a merchants paquet ... 28 July 1628Receipt of John RushettRecd of mr. Downyng the some of 10 li. in full dischardge of a bargayne he made with me for an howse for mr. wenthrop witnes my hand this 28th of July... 31 July 1628Receipt of Robert Seaton and Lidia Dixon Rec by vs Robert Seaton marriner, and Lidia Dixon, of Emanuell downinge gent the some of three poundes ten shillings payd for and on the behalfe of H... August 1628Lucy Downing to John good brother my husband beinge att nellms, I must answere for vs bothe: for the bookes I hope ere this you haue receiued them by your man as I tak... August 1628John Winthrop’s Experiencia, August 1628Aug: 1628. It pleased God to preserve my sonne Adam in a very great danger, his broth: Step: and Ben: Gostlin beinge neere the danger also: for they s... 4 September 1628Appointment of Assistants, Barbados. It is thought fittinge by all of vs that are assembled that these here nominated as captaine William Deane mr. John Swane mr. Richard Leonard mr. Jam... 16 September 1628Judah Throckmorton to John Winthrop, Jr.To my verry good Freind Mr. John Wintroppe aboord the London ridinge in the port of Constantinople. Noble Sir. I sent you word by Mr. Midleton that ... 30 September 1628John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.Sonne John, I received from you 3: Lettres one from Plimmouth and 2 from Legorne: the last dated Aug: 11: by which I vnderstande of your wellfare and... 6 October 1628Miles Corbet to John WinthropTo his verye loving friend Mr. Winthrop at his chamber at the Inner Temple on the right hand before you come at the cloister. ddd Mr. Wintrupp, I ha... 18 October 1628John Winthrop, Jr., to John WinthropTo the worshipfull his very loving father John Winthrop Esq. in Groton Suffolk. Sir, — My duty remembered to your selfe, my mother and grandmother, ... 28 October 1628Sir John Wentworth to John WinthropTo the right worshipfull his worthy good Friend John Winthrop Esq. at London giue these SIR, I haue seene a note from you fassened vnto your award b... 11 November 1628Deane Tyndal to John WinthropLouing and good Brother, Your constant kindnesse in weeklie writing to me makes me vppon anie fayle either feare your health, or blame the carrier, a... 28 October 1628John Winthrop, Jr., to John WinthropTo the worshipfull his very loving father John Winthrop Esquire in Groton Suffolke. de Constantl. pro via de Venetia dd Sir, May you please to vnder... 15 November 1628Bill of ExchangePrimo. Laus deo in Constantinop: 15 Novemb: 1628 dollars 200 at 5 s. 4 d. Ten daies after sight I pray pay this my first bill of Exchange, my second a... 18 November 1628Robert Stansby to John WinthropTo the worshipfull my worthy good friende mr. Wintropp Esq. at his chamber in the Inner temple London. Worshipfull Sir I hartily salute you in the L... December 1628John Winthrop’s Experiencia, December 1628Decemb: 1628. At London in the ende of Mich. terme, I fell into a dangerous hote malignant feaver, wherein the Lord shewed me exceedinge much mercye. ... 11 December 1628John Winthrop to Margaret Winthropmy sweet wife, I can now no longer dissemble with thee, and I blesse our most gratious and heauenly father in our most holy Lo: Jesus Christ that I m... 11 December 1628Tobias Watkin to Joseph WatkinTo mr. Joseph Watkin merchant In Legorne ddl Bro: Joseph Watkin, With my daly prayers to God for your Good helth etc. These yow will Receaue by my g... 15 December 1628Forth Winthrop to John WinthropTo the right Worshipfull his very lovinge Father John Winthrop Esq. at mr. Downings dd this London. In hoc tenebrarum ambitu, in hoc lachrimarum Lab... 15 December 1628Brampton Gurdon to John WinthropGood Sir I reseyued your letter. I am glad to hear that you haue hope to returne home before the tyem, I was on thursday with mris. wenthrop who was ... December 1628Anne Winthrop to John Winthropmy deare and onely sonne my most louinge sonne I am very sory for thy sicknes and pray to god night and day for thy good recouery which I desier with... 26 December 1628John Winthrop, Jr., to Sir Peter WycheRight Honorable, After the exhibition of my service to your lordship and my lady, I crave pardon, if these Rude lines presume to kisse your honours h... 26 December 1628John Winthrop, Jr., to John FreemanNoble Sir, We are now to set saile from the Castles of Sestos and Abidos, and these lines waite for a prosperous gale to clime up the streames of Hel... 1628Draft of Assessment Bill, 1628?For avoydinge of all dissention about Rates and Collections for Common Charges in Townes and parishes: Be it enacted etc: The Constables Churchwardens...