A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, John, Jr.


To my lovinge sonne John Winthrop at the three fawnes in the olde Baylye, London. DD.
Sonne Jo:

I prayse God we came home well on thursdaye at night and this daye I was at the choyce of our knightes at Ipswich2what our successe was you may knowe by my lettre to either of your vnckles. as like wise for other affaires. I purpose now to sende vp the rest of the writinges, which mr. Featherston3may make vse of, as he shall think fitt: I would be lothe to come vp before the terme except there be necessitye. yet I thincke to be there about a weeke before,4because my horse must be at Houndsloe heathe the 23 of Aprill, and likewise to take order about my removall, which I am now (in a manner) resolued off, if God shall dispose for vs accordingly: for my charge heere grows verye heavye, and I am wearye of these iournies to and fro, so as I will either remoue or putt off my office. I would have you enquire about for a house at tower-hill or some suche open place, or if I cant be provided so neere, I will make tryall of Thistleworthe:5 I would be neere churche and some good schoole. If you can finde how to sende to your brother Hen: let me knowe that I may provide shoes etc: for him, and for other thinges I will leave them to your care. We are all in good healthe (I prayse God) Deane hathe had the smale poxe, but laye not by it, and Samuel was verye sicke, and in great danger, but God hathe deliuered him. your grandmother and mother salute and blesse you: the lorde blesse guide and prosper you in all your wayes, that you may feare him, and cleave to him, and so consecrate your life and youthe to his service, as your life may be of vse for his glorye and the good of others. farewell. your lovinge father

Jo: Winthrop

remember me verye kindly to Capt. Best and his wife, to Capt. downinge and the rest of that familye (when you see them ) Comende me to mr. Featherston and desire him to prepare his assurance by a weeke before 380the terme, if he think good, and if your host shall require it, otherwise at the beginninge of the terme.

looke out amonge the booke sellers in Duck lane, and if you can finde an Englishe bible in 4to for 7: or 8 s. buye it and sende it downe. and remember the stockfishe.

Groton, feb: 25. 1627-28

W. 1. 34; L. and L. , I. 249–250.


Sir William Spring and Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston were chosen. Parliamentary Papers, 1878, LXII, pt. 1, 477.


John Fetherstone was called to the bar of the Inner Temple, November 3, 1622. Calendar of Inner Temple Records, II. 134.


Easter term began seventeen days after Easter Day; thus on April 30 in 1628.


Isleworth, a parish and hundred in co. Middlesex.