A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Release, 16171
Gostlin, Thomas


Be it knowen to all men by these presentes that where as Adam Winthrop of Groton in the county of Suffolke Esqr. standeth bounde vnto me 219Thomas Gostlin2 of the same towne Clothier in an obligacion of the somme of fiftye powndes with a condicion ther vnder endorsed for the payementof Twenty and five powndes of lawfull englyshe mony to mee my executoursor assignes in and the vppon the Tenth daye of Aprill next cominge after the date hereof: Knowe ye that I the said Thomas Doe acknowledge and confesse by this my present wrigh tinge that I haue received of the said Adam Winthrop the saide somme of Twenty and five powndes before the date of these presentes, in full payement and satisfaction of the obligacion aforesaide: And therfore doe remise release and for euer acquite, to the saide Adam Winthrop his heires executours and administratours all accions suites dettes dutyes and demandes whatsoeuer. In witnesse whereof to this my present wrightinge I haue put my hande and seale the Sevententh daye of February, in the yere of the Reigne of our sovereigne Lorde James by the grace of god of Englande, Scotlande, France and Irelande kinge defender of the faith, etc. viz. of Englande, France and Irelande the fowretenth and of Scotlande the fifteth Annoque domini 1616.

Thomas Gostlin seal. Signed sealed and deliuered in the presence of these persons. John Winthrop

W. Au. 21.


Son of Philip and Alice Gostlin and son-in-law of Adam Winthrop. Muskett, 95.