A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

William Leigh to John Winthrop1
Leigh, William Winthrop, John


To · the · worshipfull · his · most · louing · Patron · John · Winthropp · Esquire lying att the Kings Head neare the conduit in Fleete streete in London.
Good · Sir

it hath · pleased god in his abundant mercie to · make glad my heart with my wiues sayfe deliuerance, and with the gift of a sonn; who was borne into this world the second daye of this Month and was babtised the last Sabbath daye being named John2 my Father Raye and my brother Leigh being godfathers, and mrs Winthropp your wife godmother of which mercie of god to me I doe most ioyfullie and as spedilie as I can acquaint you; because I know you haue labored the Lord for me in prayer for this blessing; and I yet praye you to help forward the ioye of my heart in giuing thankes to god for soe great a mercie my wife is not soe soare weakned of this child as she was on the last (blessed be god) but as yet she is not able to feele her leggs to stepp from her couch to her bedd but with help of others.

I prayse god all are in good health with vs that I know of saue onely the yonge goodwife Cole who still increases in weaknes; her payne that was lower in her bodie now running into her neck and shoulders with verie great paynfullnes to her; and she is brought verie lowe in her bodie.

The Lord blesse you in all your affayres and make your returne prosperous; and I entreat you to haue me commended to mr. John your sonn; and to be kindly remembred to your brother and sister Downing and to your brother and sister Phones with thankes for their speciall courtesies offered me when I was last att London. My brother and sister haue bene your guestes all this time of their aboad att Groton for the which fauour as for manie other I desire to thanke you, and they both doe desire to be kindlie remembred to you when I should first write to you.

The Lord giue vs to heare comfortablie of the dissoluing of the Parliament in this first session of it. The Lord also followe vs with his grace in Christ and soe I rest your louing frend in the Lord

William Leigh From Groton Maye 13 1628

W. Au. 49; 3 Collections , IX. 226–227. On Leigh’s punctuation, cf. supra, p. 346, note 5 1 .


He was admitted sizar at St. John’s College, Cambridge, October 7, 1645; B.A., 1649–50; Fellow, 1650; M.A., 1653; rector of Outwell, co. Norfolk. Venn, A. C. , III. 63.