To my very Lovinge Brother Jno. Winthrop Esq. at Groton
My good Brother.
I expected to have heard from yow this weeke but yt should seeme some busines or want of a Messenger Hindred yow I purpose God willing to see yow the weeke after Bartholomew and yf I fit not my self with a good nag before that tyme I shalbe bold to make vse of your kindnes I haue sent yow Inclosed the newes that is now extant a prepara264tion for worse though this be bad enough: happy are they that are at rest and see not the evills like to ensue, for foreayne Newes I can say no thinge for there is none abroad nor I greatly seeke yt not finding so much at home it duls me much though I cannot be so sensible of yt as I should being vnfit to write more I end with my kind and loving salutacions to your self my sister father mother and the rest Your lovinge Brother
Tho. Fones
August 26
c. 1621.