A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Ezekiel Culverwell1 to John Winthrop2
Culverwell, Ezekiel Winthrop, John


To the worshipfull his especiall friend Mr. Winthrop at Groton DD
1618. Worshipfull and beloved Mr. Winthrop

I have receaved your letters which well resemble their parent in constansy of true christian love, which yf I should not accordingly intertaine it should be my great fault The occasions of my love being increased no reason my love should be abated I am now bowned with a dubble bond one to yow, an other to your wife to yow both I say yea for yow both I pray God make your comforts like to ours which yow know were not comon I know better means thereof then the constant strife between vs who should get the better hand in kindnes and duties of our place I ever complaned I was behind and she the like. let it be so with yow and yow shalbe both great gayners. But this will not be obtained yf god be any looser by your bargane, let him therefore have 230your hearts and he will give them back ech to other for myself I have had this spring much paine and never look to recover my weaknes in my feet and paines of the stone which both have some mittigation that I may endure them. I have indeed as you well deem oft remembred yow and joyed in the accomplishment of your mariage and wilbe ready to further your comforts wher in me lyeth and thus my weary shaking hand makes me to end The Lord every way prosper your mariage. Yours ever in Christ.

Ez. Culverwell

See note 7 34 , page 88, supra.


W. 1. 1; L. and L. , 1. 142.