A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Ezekiel Culverwell to John Winthrop


Anne Fones to John Winthrop

Surrender of Estate, 16181
Nutton, John



Memorandum that the forteenth daie of November Anno domini millesimo sexcentesimo decimo octavo et domini Jacobi regis Angliae etc. decimo sexto Johannes Nutton senior came before John Winthrop esquier lorde of the maner of Groton and out of the Court of the saide maner in the presence of Adam Winthrop gent. John Doget, and Steven Gostlin twoe customary tenantes of the said maner did surrender into the handes of the saide John Winthrop all that his moitie and porcion of the customary landes which he holdeth of the said John Winthrop as of the maner aforesaide to the vse of the said John Winthrop and his heires and the said John Winthropp beinge so sesed of the moitie aforesaide did presently in the presence of the said Adam Winthrop John Doget and Steven Gostlin deliuer out of his handes all that moitie and porcion of the said customary landes vnto the said John Nutton for the vse of the said John Nutton and his heires and assignes foreuer vnder this condicion here expressed that is to saye, that if the saide John Nutton his heires or assignes doe not yerely paye or cause to be paide vnto Anne Gale the Daughter of William Gale or her assignes duringe her life, Three powndes fowre shillinges of lawfull mony of Englande by sixtene shillinges every quarter of the yere the first payement therof to be at the feast of the Nativitie of our lorde god next comminge after the date herof and so forthe every quarter previous or within fouretene dayes next after euery of the saide dayes of payement at or within the Church porche of the parishe churche of Groton aforesaide that then this his estate shalbe voide and that the saide John Winthrop or his heires shalbe sesed of and in the said moitie and porcion of lande to the only vse and behalfe of the aboue named Anne Gale her heires and assignes to be holden of the 231said John Winthrop his heires or assignes of the maner aforesaide, by the rent customs and services before due and accustomed by me

John Nvtton Adam Wintrhop John Doget and Steven Gostlinge

W. 1. 1a; L. and L. , 1. 154–155.