Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1
most worthie to be loved and honored alwaies by mee —
I received pure honye, and not bare wordes in the letter which you sente unto mee. The sweetnes whereof dothe so delight mee, that I shall never forget the remembrance of your love therein expressed. I knowe not howe to value the price thereof beinge so effectuallie and lovinglie shewed: but to recompence it with the like (thoughe I gladely woulde) I finde my selfe not able. For you have ministered unto me a nue occasion to augment my desire to love you, and to admire those excellent giftes and graces of wisdome and learninge, which I nowe plainelie see to bee in you. Wherefore I thincke myselfe happie to inioye your love, and acknowledge it for a 266great blessinge that you vouchsafe to thincke me worthie of it. The which I doe faithfullie vowe by all meanes to preserve and maintaine so long as we live together in this transitory life.