A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 36

July 1607

Folio 38

October 1608
Folio 37
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)

The last of February on Munday about ix of the Clocke in the forenoone Mr. Lawrence Hargrave an Attorny of the Comon place departed this life in the 62 yere of his age at his howse in Groton.

The xvjth of March I did ride to Stanbridge and retorned the xxiijth followinge. Father Micheldfild died.1

1608 The 28 day of March my sister Bridget Alibaster and her husband Roger were at Groton.

The xxixth my neece Amy Veysies husband and Robert Luffkin2 were at Groton.

The iiijth of Aprill Anne Goslin the wyfe of Nath: Warner died of a Consumption after she had been maryed viij monethes.

The ixth of Aprill Josephe Bronde the soonne of Rich: or John Bronde of Boxford was fownde dead in his Chamber being wounded with a paire of shires sticking in his bellye. graue judicium.

The xth of Aprill my soonne John did ride towardes Stanbridge.

The xjth of Aprill Ezechiel Bonde was putt to schoole to Mr. Barfoote of Edwardeston.

The same day ther happened a fire in Bury which consumed aboue cc howses.3

The xiijth my wyfe Anne and my soonne John did ryde to London.

The last of Aprill I did ryde from my house towardes London and retourned the vjth of Maye.


The vth of Maye the Erle of Sarisbury4 was sworne Lord Treasorer at Westminster.

The vijth of Maye my brother John Wynthrop came to Groton.

The xiiijth of May my brother John Forth came to Groton and departed the xxth of May.

The 21 my sister Elizabeth Wynthrop came to speake with me.

The last of Maye Mres. Alston did ryde towardes London.

The xxxth I and Steven Plumb did take possession of Highams.

The iiij of June Mr. Thomas Nicholson had home his wife.5

The viijth of June my Brother John departed from Groton towardes Ireland. The day before he went Mr. Paul Powle arrested him at Boxford.

The xijth of June the widowe Hales and hir brother Brice came to my house.

The 17 day of June William Sweetman was maried to Eve Cooke6 widow by Mr. Thomas Deersley in Groton churche.

The xixth of June my brother John served a citation on his wife Elizabeth out of the Arches7 and the same day she came to Groton.

1608. A festo Nativitatis sancti Johannis Baptiste

The xxiiijth daye of June my soonne Thomas Fones and his wife Anne came from London to Groton.

The last of June I made Robert Waspes will.8

The same day my Cosin Strange Firmin came to my house.

The iiijth of July olde Mris. Gurdon died suddenly.

The vth Mr. William Clopton the yonger commensed Master of Arte at Cambridge.

The same day the Assises began at Bury and the next day Richard Spenser of Groton was Indited for beatinge of Sharman the Constable and fined to pay x li. to the Kinge.

On Thursday the vijth of July Mres. Gurdon was buryed in Assington Churche and Mr. John Knewstub preached.

The xjth of July I sealed a bond with William Pond to William Alston for the payement of xlij li. the xj of January next.

The xijth of July I was at Hadley and heard Dr. Jones9 preache at the buriall of the Wydowe Gale Act. 9. v. 36.

The xiiijth of July Mr. Henry Sands and his wife and Mr. Key lay at my house.

The xvijth of July Jane Nicholson my goddaughter was babtized et ille confessus est et non negavit palam etc.


The xxth I was with Mr. Mannoke at Stoke.

The xxiijth my boy Steven Michilfild was sore bitten by Mr. Birdes dogge.

The 26 of July my Cosen Humphrey Munnyng was at my house.

The 27 my brother John Forth came to Groton.

The 28 Tho: Turnor and Abigail Beamond10 were maryed.

The xxvth of July my Lorde Coke cheife Justice of the comon place came to Hicham to Sir George Waldegraues cum magno comitatu amicorum et famulorum stipatus.

August. The 2 I was at Melford before the Commissioners.

The vth Mr. Thomas Payne11 of Charsfild talked with me about the Jointure that he should assure to Mris. Alston.

The vjth daye it thundred and Rayned muche.

The xiijth I tooke an estate with John Brond in Hockers.

The 16 day I sealed a bonde to Rich: Cooke for to pay him v li. the 16th of November next.

The xxvjth of August Thomas Paine of Charsfild was maried to Elizabeth Alston of Groton widowe.

The viij of September my sister Margerie Weston was at my house.

The ixth Mr. Payne and his wyfe departed with their familly and household out of Groton to Charsfield.

The same day my soonne Thomas Foones came to Groton and departed from thence to London the xiiijth.

The xiiijth of sept. Sir Isaac Appulton12 knight died at little Waldingfield.

The 28th the Court was kept at Groton Hall by John Potter.

the same day my sister Elizabeth Winthrop came to my house and Elizabeth Hilles had a suter. 38


William Mickelfield was buried March 18, 1607–08, and his widow July 28, 1612.


Mary, wife of Robert Luffkin, and Rose, wife of Richard Brand of Boxford, were sisters of Alice Vesey, and may have been the daughters of Laurence and Alice Vesey of Hadleigh and aunts of Amy Vesey. Muskett, 63.


John Stowe, Annales (1615), 893: “This fire ceased not until it had destroyed 160. dwelling houses, besides many other, and besides the damage of much wares and goods. . . . the Towne was forthwith newe builded, in farre fairer manner then it was before.”


Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury (1563?–1612). D. N. B. , IX. 402.


A license to marry was issued, March 8, 1607–08, to Thomas Nicholson, rector of Groton, widower, and Jane, daughter of Thomas and Hellen (Halkins) Neale of Groton. Sudbury Archdeaconry, Acta Book V, fo. 37, and Groton Register.


Widow of John Cooke. Supra, p. 93.


The Arches, or Court of Arches, was the ecclesiastical court of appeal for the province of Canterbury, formerly held at the church of St. Mary-le-Bow (or “of the Arches”), so named from the arches that supported a lantern on the top of the tower.


Of Groton, weaver. The will was probated October 3, 1609, and named his wife Margaret, and children Joshua, Thomas, Robert, and Alice. Sudbury Archdeaconry, Wills, bk. 43, fo. 115.


Probably William Jones (1561–1636), fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, for forty years rector at East Bergholt, co. Suffolk. Venn, A. C. , II. 488.


Daughter of Thomas Beamont, baptized April 6, 1585.


Thomas Payne of Charsfield, widower, and Elizabeth Alston of Groton, widow, were married August 26, 1608. Charsfield is a parish in the hundred of Loes, co. Suffolk.


Son of Thomas and Mary (Isaacke) Appleton of Little Waldingfield. Muskett, 329.