A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 34

February 1606

Folio 36

July 1607
Folio 35
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)

1606. A festo sancti Michaelis Archangeli Anno supradicto

October the 2 day I kept a Court for Mr. William Manocke at Toppesfilde.1

The iiijth day Henry Vintener sealed an Indenture vnto me of thassignement of his lease in Sweetsurs.

The same day Paul Powle arrested me for the same.

The viijth my Cosen Humphrey Munnyng dyned with me.

The same day the great pump began to be bored.

The xiiijth Mr. Dr. Goade2 preched at Boxford.

The xvj day the pumpe was putt into the Welle.

The xxth I sent a lettre to my brother John into Ireland by Mr. Roberte Hubbard.

The xxjth I kept a Court and leete at Shimplinge.

The xxiiijth the Bell went at Groton for father Cooke and at Boxford for Zachary Bonde.

The same day I received a lettre from my Lady Mildmay and writt her an answere presently.

7 or 17 Oct. Richard Spenser3 did breake his legge.

The xxvth day John Cooke4 of thage of C yeres died.

The 28 the millers wife of Rochefourd departed from Groton.

The 30 my soonne John did ride to London by Stambridge.

November. The seconde ther fell muche Snowe and Rayne.

The vjth Zachary Bond died.


The ixth Jane Kedby was maryed to Thomas Driffild a citizin and Grocer of London.

The xiiijth Mris. Goodday and Mris. Pointell were with me.

The second of December William Hilles came to Groton and tolde me that his sister Jane Winthrop was come from hir husbande Adam to his howse.

The xvijth of December Stephen Plombe5 was maried att London. the blank day Thomas Fitch6 was slayne.

The first of Jan: Mr. Armiger and his wyfe and her sister Alston dyned at my howse with diuers others.

The v of Jan: I was at Holton and spake with Johane my Cosen Adam Winthrop his wyfe.

The same day I received Commendacions from my brother John Winthrop out of Ireland by one of Nedham.7

The viijth of Jan: father Smyth of Toppesfild came to me and brought me a fatt Capon and James Bettes a bottle of secke. Also Mris. Alston sent me a fatt goose and a bottle of muskadine on nueyeres daye.

The xth of Jan: Anne Cokye8 came to dwell with me.

The xj of Jan: Simon Blumfild sent me ij Capons.

The xiijth my Cosen Adam Winthrop served a Subpena on me.

The xvth I satt vppon a Commission9 with Mr. William Clopton at Lanham.

The xxth of Jan. was very tempestuous and wyndye which did muche harme to howses and trees.

The 21 of Jan: I and my soonne John did give warnynge to Bonde to leave the copy landes.

The 22 I was at Mr. William Manockes.

The 26 I went to London and the ixth of Feb. I retourned home.

The 16. Feb. my nue cowe calved.

The same daye Mr. Nicholas Hubbarde died.

The 21th of Feb. I dyned at Mr. John Maslyns and left with him xxj s. for Hen: Hadlocke.

The xxijth Mr. Armiger with his wyfe and family departed from Groton to dwell at Bury.

The 3 of Marche my browne cowe calued.

The vij of Marche I bought ij Cowes of Mr. Harman.

The xviijth I did keepe a Court at Toppesfild.

The xxth the Assises were holden at Bury.

The 26. John Wynthrop was weaned the same day I went to Brettenham and brought my cosens wyfe Jane Winthrop to my house.

The first of Aprill John Bogas thelder died.

The vjth my Cosens wife Jane ridde to London and the same day I paide Judith Ponde x li. and Anne Speede nupta fuit.


The vijth I was at Hadleigh at the mariage of Sir William Waldegraves man whereas was a great offeringe.

The viijth of Aprill Thomas Polley was maryed to Anne speede to whom I paid xxv li.

The xiijth of Aprill my cosen Nath: Still came to my howse and brought me a lettre from his father.

The xiiijth day I was at Hadley to Survey Robert Veysyes10 howse and lande for my Lord Bishop of Bathe John Still.

The xxjth of Aprill my sonne John and his wyfe Mary did ride into Essex to hir fathers. the same day I deliuered l li. to John Plumbe to be paid the 23 of octobre followinge.

The 25 daye Mr. Paul Powle did enter into my lande and droue my sheepe of the same to haue impownded them.

The 26 of Aprill Rich. Cooke sen. died and was buryed.

The 29 day I deliuered Mr. Fitche his bonde of x li.

The vth of May I did ryde to London.

The same day Ambrose paid me ix li. for my soone.

The xviijth of May I retourned and the xxijth my brother John Winthrop came to Groton and departed the xijth of June.

The blank of June John Robertson died. 36


A parish in the hundred of Hinckford, co. Essex.


Roger Goad (1538–1610). D. N. B. , XXII. 19–20.


A marriage license was issued October 6, 1578, to Richard Spenser of Groton and Elizabeth Coe of Boxford. Sudbury Archdeaconry, Acta Book, fo. 10. He died September, 1609.


Of Groton, weaver. He married, February 10, 1588–89, Eva Motte, who survived him and married William Sweetman, June 17, 1608. Infra, p. 98.


December 17, 1606. “Stephen Plumm of Groughton in the countie of Suff., clothier, and Mary Strachy, spinster, servaunt to Sr. John Spencer, knight; by lycence.” Registers of St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate (H. S., Reg. , XXXI), 121.


Eldest son of George Fitch of Edwardstone? P. C. C., 49 Hayes.


Needham, a parish in the hundred of Earsham, co. Norfolk.


Probably daughter of Richard and Agnes (Hervey) Cokey of Groton. Cf. infra, p. 124.


“The Commission was probably held in connection with the dispute between Paul D’Ewes, lord of the manor, and the inhabitants as to custom of the town, which dispute was settled in Chancery by an agreement, 1610.” Note supplied by Mr. Redstone.


Son of William and Mary (Bedingfield) Vesey of Bedingham, co. Norfolk. He married Anne, daughter of Philip Forthe of Hadleigh. Muskett, 64.