A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 33

June 1605

Folio 35

September 1606
Folio 34
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)


The 23 of Feb: beinge sunday my soonnes first soonne was baptized and named John.

The last day of Feb. the Dovehouse was raysed.

The seconde of march being sunday about vij of the Clocke in the evenyng the godewyfe Dogett1 died.

The vjth of marche being thursday Henry Vintener thelder died of thage of lxx yeres.

The xvth day of March ther were great stormes of wynde which did much hurt to howses.


The same day Thomas Humfreys howse was burnt downe at Melfourde.

The xvth day of Aprill I kept a Court for my brother John Snelling at Shimplinge.2

The xixth of Aprill 1606 my sister Anne Snellinge sent me xxiiijtie younge pigeons to store my Dovehouse.

The xxiijth of Aprill Mris. Clopton sent me blank pigeons and Steven plomb a payre of tame pigeons.

The xxijth my Cosen Humphrey Munnynge came to my house.

The xxviijth I kept a Court at Groton hall.

The iijd of Maye I putt xlv younge pigeons into my nue Dovehouse.

The vth of Maye my wife did ride towardes London and retorned the vth of June.

The vjth of Maye I was at a Court in Hadleigh and did fealty for a Tenement and certaine landes.

The viijth of Maye William Gale of Hadleigh died.

The xiiijth of May I sold l trees to Mr. John Chaplayne.

The 26 my soonne John and his wife Mary with their soonne John did ride to Hadley.

The 27 Mris. Alston and her sister Mary dined with me.

The 29 Nathaniel and Phebe3 were maryed and kept ther dinner at Deathes on Horners greene in Groton.

The first of June my dunne Cowe calved and the Calf fell into the great ponde the next daye in the mornynge.

The iiijth of June I distreigned iiij horses for Rent due by Henry Vintener and he made Resceus.

The xth of June John Dixon thelder died in Groton.

The xiijth of June I paide to Edward Alston 120 li.

The xjth of June Mr. John Forth came to Groton.

The 26 of June I paid to Mr. Edmund Waldegrave xxj li. which I borrowed of him.

1606. A festo4 nativitatis sancti Johannis Baptiste.

On sunday the 22 of June the Queen was deliuered of a daughter.5

The 29 I kept a Court at Shimplinge.

The viijth of July Mr. Brampton Gurdon was maried to his seconde wife.6

The 25 of July my soonne Thomas Fones came to Groton.

The 28 we did ride to Ipswich.

The xiijth of August my soonne Thomas Fones and his wife Anne departed from Groton towardes London.

The 28 of August Mr. Arminger7 had a fall of his horse and brake his legge.


The first of Sept. I did give an estate to my soonne in the house and lande called Wrightes in the Fenne.

The thirde of sept. we did ride with Mr. Henry Sandes to Stambrige and the vjth my sonne tooke an estate.

The ixth of Sept. my Cosen Thomas Laysters wife came to my house and the xth goodwife Judith Ponde was deliuered of hir third soonne.

The same day the great Appletree next the killehouse was fyred for to distroy a hornettes nest.

The xiiijth of september Mr. Henry Sandes preched at Groton and dyned with me the same day John Londe atturned to my sonne.

The xviijth Mris. Alston and hir sister8 dined with me.

The xixth day John Still9 came to my house.

The xxiiijth day of sept. I did ride to Stambrige and retourned the xxixth.

The thirtieth of sept. Beniamin Bronde was maryed at Ipswich to Elizabeth Cutler. the same day I dyned at Mr. Henry Sands.

The vijth of September the nue howse at Castleynes Hethe was sett vp by Robert Surrey.

And the 29th of Maye 1608 my brother sealed a lease thereof to Robert Surrey for xlj yeres. 35


Dorothy Doggett, buried March 14, 1604–05.


A parish in the hundred of Babergh, co. Suffolk.


Nathaniel Milbourne and Phebe Deathe. She was daughter of James and Bridget Deathe and was baptized March 22, 1583–84. The Groton Register gives May 9 as the date of this marriage.


June 24.


Anne of Denmark (1574–1619), queen consort, had a daughter Sophia, who lived for one day and was buried, June 26, 1606, in Westminster Abbey. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1603–1610, 322; John Stow, Abridgement of the English Chronicle, with continuation by Edmond Howes (London, 1607), 590–591.


Muriel Sedley. Muskett, 287.


The name is spelled Armiger infra, p. 94.


The sister was Mrs. Armiger. Infra, p. 94.


Son of Bishop Still, born in 1588. He married Anna, daughter of Thomas Baynard of Coleborne, co. Wilts. Muskett, 76.