A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Thomas Fones to John Winthrop1
Fones, Thomas Winthrop, John


To my very lovinge Brother Jn. Winthrop Esqr. at Groton
Good Brother,

my best salutacions remembred, with many thankes for your kindnes etc I haue sent yow by Goodman Cole xxx li. where of I entreat yow to pay Jno. Plumbe nine powndes three shillinges six pence when he shall demand yt and Goodman Cole yf he need money before I come pay him in parte viij li. till I come and yf Jno. Swetman demand Money he is to procure v s. an acre and ten shillinges over which I promist him since there is in all xxij acres. but they have left half an acre standing of reed also the parson hath ij acres for tyth which I am to pay but for mowing so I am content to pay them five powndes ten shillinges and fower shillinges for mowing the other ij acres that is in all 5 li. 14 s. whereof I haue delivered him in parte forty shillinges and I pray pay for cariage and stacking yt husband yt as well as yow may. I hope I shall Free yow of these trvbles shortly. which I much desier so with my best wishes to yow and yours I comend yow to God and rest Your loving Brother

Tho: Fones. London the 8 of August 1620

W. 1. 1a.