A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Deed of William Winthrop1
Winthrop, William


Anno D’ni 1577

Thys Indenture made the Twentith daye of Julye in the nynetenth yere of the raigne of oure soueraigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defender of the faithe etc. Betwene Willyam Wyntroppe Citezein and Clothworker of london on the one partie, and Richarde Rogers thelder and Richarde Rogers the younger Cetezeins and goldesmythes of London on thother partie wytnesseth that the saide Willyam Wyntroppe for and in consideracion of the Somme of one hundred markes of Laufull money of Englande to hym paid before thensealinge herof by the saide Richarde Rogers thelder wherof and wherewith he the said Willyam knowledgeth hym selfe by theis presentes fullie to be satisfied and paid, and the said Richarde his heires executors and administrators to be therof clerelie acquited forever Hathe gyven graunted bargayned and sold, and by theis presentes dothe fullie and clerelie gyve graunte bargayne and sell vnto the said Richard Rogers thelder and Richarde Rogers the yonger All that his messuage or tenemente nowe seuered and devided into twoo seuerall Tenementes by estymacion as it is nowe measured conteyninge and extendinge in Length from the west to the east that is to saye from the highestrete or lane to the wall Fiftie and three footes and Eleven ynches of assise, and in breadth by the highestrete or lane from the northe to the sowth xxxvij footes vj ynches and a half of assise, and in breadth att the 25vpper end of the yarde adioyninge to a Wall belonginge to a Tenemente wherin one Thomas Allen now dwellith from the northe to the sowthe xxxvij footes and vij ynches, Together with all and singuler howses edifices shoppes cellers sollers yardes lightes entries wayes watercourses easyaments commodities and appurtenaunces whatsoeuer to the same messuage or tenemente (nowe seuered into twoo tenementes) belonginge or apperteyninge or reputed taken vsed knowen demysed or letten as parte parcell or member of the same, scituate lyinge and beinge in Fynckelane2 in the parishe of St. mychaell3 in Cornehill within the said Citie of London, and nowe in the tenure or occupacion of one Willyam Cowell4 Clothworker or of his assignes, to haue and to hold the said messuage or Tenemente nowe seuered as aforesaid and all and singuler other the premysses with theire appurtenaunces vnto the saide Richarde Rogers thelder and Richarde Rogers the yonger theire heires and assignes to the onelie and proper vse and behouf of the saide Richarde Rogers thelder and Richard Rogers the yonger theire heires and assignes forever, and allso the saide Willyam Wyntroppe for the consideracion aforesaid hathe bargayned sold and deliuered to the saide Richarde Rogers thelder and Richarde Rogers the yonger the daye of the date of theis presentes all and singuler suche dedes evidences mynumentes and Writinges as doe concerne onelie the bargayned premysses or onelie any parte or parcell therof. and the saide Willyam Wyntroppe for hym his heires executors and administrators covenaunteth and graunteth to and with the saide Richarde Rogers thelder and Richarde Rogers the yonger theire heires and assignes by theis presentes, That he the said Willyam the daie of thensealinge and deliuerie herof accordinge to the force of the conveyaunce therof to him made ys the verie trewe and Lawfull owner of the said messuage or tenemente (nowe seuered into twoo tenementes) and of all other the premysses with theire appurtenaunces aforesaid, and is therof seased of suche a good perfecte and lawfull estate in the Lawe in fee symple to his owne proper vse without any condicion or morgage, as he had therof, of the graunte and feoffament which Adam Wyntroppe his father did therof make to thuse of the saide willyam Wyntropp and of his heires forever, and that he the said Willyam Wyntroppe accordinge to the force of the said feoffament hathe good right and Lawfull 26aucthoritie to bargayne sell gyve graunte and convey the same premysses to the said Richarde Rogers thelder and Richarde Rogers the yonger theire heires and assignes forever, accordinge to the trewe meaninge of this presente bargayne and sale. and that the same messuage or tenemente (nowe devided into twoo tenementes) and all other the premysses with theire appurtenaunces before by theis presentes bargayned and sold the daye of thensealinge and deliuerye herof be, and at all tymes herafter shalbe and contynue clere and clerelie acquited discharged or saved harmeles by the saide William Wyntroppe his heires executors and administrators of and from all and singuler former bargaynes sales Joyncters dowers, statutes merchaunte and of the staple condicions mortgages recognizaunces, Iudgementes, execucions, extentes, rente charges rente seckes5 fyne for alyenacions intrusions and of and from all other charges titles troubles and incomebraunces whatsoeuer they be had made or done by the said Willyam Wyntroppe or by Adam Wyntroppe his father, One Lease of the premysses made and graunted by the said Adam Wyntroppe to one Stephen Rowlandson pewterer bearinge date the laste daye of Julie in the Fowrth yere of the raigne of the late kinge Edwarde the Sixte, for the terme of xxxiiijti yeres, wheruppon ys reserved for the terme nowe to come the yereli rente of Fourtie shillinges which from henceforth shall or maye be dewe and payable to the saide Richard Rogers thelder and Richarde Rogers the yonger theire heires and assignes without lett or interrupcion of the said Willyam Wintroppe his heires or assignes, And the rentes and servyces from hencefourth to be dewe to the chief Lorde or lordes of the Fee or fees of the premysses onelie excepte. and allso the saide Willyam Wyntroppe for hym his heires executors and administrators covenaunteth and graunteth by theis presentes to and with the said Richarde Rogers thelder and Richard Rogers the yonger theire heires and assignes and to and with euery of them, That he the said William Wyntroppe and Elizabeth6 nowe his wief and the heires of the said William and all and euery other persone and persones whatsoeuer he or they be, havinge and which maye have by or from the saide william Wyntroppe and his assignes or by any of them any lawfull estate right title interest possession reuercion or demaunde of in or to the said Tenemente (nowe devyded into twoo tenementes) or to any other the premysses with theire appurtenaunces or to any of them before by theis presentes bargayned and sold, excepte the chief Lordes aforesaid, and suche as maye clayme by the Lease aforesaid, shall and will att all tymes herafter duringe 27the space of twoo yeres nowe nexte eusuinge att and vppon the reasonable request or requestes and att the costes and charges in the Lawe of the said Richard Rogers thelder and Richarde Rogers the yonger theire heires or assignes, Doe knowledge procure and suffer to be done and knowledged, all and euerie suche further Lawfull and reasonable acte and actes thinge and thinges in the Lawe for the further or better assuraunce, suertie, sure makinge, and absolute conveyinge of the premysses with thappurtenaunces before by theis presentes bargayned and sold and euerie parte therof to be had and made sure to the said Richarde Rogers thelder and Richard Rogers the yonger theire heires and assignes forever, be yt by fyne feoffamente recouerye with vowcher or vowchers, warrauntie or warraunties against the said Willyam Wyntroppe and his heires, dede or dedes inrolled, Inrollment of this indenture, release with warrauntie as aforesaid or otherwyse As by the said Richard Rogers thelder and Richard Rogers the yonger theire heires or assignes or by theire or either of theire councell lerned shalbe reasonablie devysed advysed or required, and likewyse the said willyam Wyntroppe for him his heires executors and administrators covenanteth and graunteth to and 28with the said Richard Rogers thelder and Richard Rogers the yonger and either of them and theires executors and assignes of either of them, That he the said William his heires or assignes within convenyent and reasonable space next after suche tyme as he or they shalbe therunto reasonablie required by the said Richard Rogers thelder and Richard Rogers the yonger theire heires or assignes shall and will att all tymes hereafter shewe fourth in Courte of Recorde as occasion shall serve all these evidences followinge so longe as the same shall remayne in the handes of the said Willyam Wyntroppe or of his heires or in thandes of them to whome the saide william wyntroppe or his heires shall sell them, That is to saye one Charter or letters pattentes bearinge date the xxviijth daye of Aprill in the xvjth yere of the raigne of kinge Henrie the eighte, made and graunted by the said late kinge to one Thomas Forster, and one Indenture of bargayne and sale made from John Heath of london Cowper to the foresaid Adam Wyntroppe bearinge date the xxvth daye of Julie in the xxxvjth yere of the raigne of our late Soueraigne Lorde kinge Henrie theighte, wherby the bargayned premysses (amongest other Landes) were boughte and purchased of the said Late kinge and John Heathe For the mayntenaunce of the righte title and possession of the said Richard Rogers thelder and Richarde Rogers the yonger theire heires and assignes in and to the bargayned premysses by this Indenture and fynallie the saide willyam Wyntroppe for him his heires executors and administrators and for euerie of them Covenaunteth and graunteth by theis presentes to and with the said Richard Rogers thelder and Richarde Rogers the yonger theire heires and assignes and to and with euerie of them, That wheareas one John Heathe (of whome Adam Wyntroppe father of the said Willyam boughte and purchased the bargayned premysses (amongest other Landes) of the whiche the premysses are a thirde parte or theare aboutes) standeth and is bounden to the saide Adam by one obligacion bearinge date the xxvth daie of Julie in the xxxvjth yere of kinge Henrie theighte in the Somme of Three hundred poundes of Lawfull money of England for the generall warrauntie of the said Landes: That in case at any tyme herafter the bargayned premysses by this Indenture or any parte therof be Laufullie evicted and taken awaye from the said Richarde Rogers thelder and Richarde Rogers the yonger theire heires or assignes, and that by suche meanes or otherwyse the said obligacion be forfayted That then the said William Wyntroppe his heires executors and administrators shall agree and gyve theire consente that the said obligacion shalbe put in sute, and that the same sute maye be pursued indelaydlie with effecte to Judgemente and execucion and that he the saide William Wyntroppe his executors and admynistrators vppon recouerie and receipte of the said Three hundred poundes shall well and trulie paye or cause to be paid vnto the said Richard Rogers thelder and Richard Rogers the yonger theire heires or assignes one hundred poundes of Lawfull money of England beinge one equall third parte of the said CCli withoute covyne or delaie. In wytnes wherof the said parties to theis Indentures interchaungeablie haue sett their seales youen the daie and yere first aboue wrytten.

By me wyll’m wyntroppe. Sealed and deliuered in the presence of the persons herunder named viz: Thomas Catchar 7 Thomas Figge 8 Richard Saunderson9 Barbo’r Surgeon Robart Swan. John Norton pewterer William Cowell and of me Dauid Lewes Scr.

W. Deeds, 4.


Finkes Lane, the south end of which is in Cornhill ward, was named after Robert Finke, father and son, and James and Rosamond Fink. Stow, Survey of London (ed. Kingsford), I. 182–183, 192; II. 301.


On St. Michael’s church see Stow, ibid., I. 195.


A William Cowell of this parish was buried April 17, 1596, and his wife, Luce, had been buried May 16, 1594. Registers of St. Michael, Cornhill (H. S., Reg. , VII), 206, 207.


A rent-seck was a rent reserved by deed in favor of some person without a clause of distress in case of arrears. N. E. D.


Elizabeth Norwood of Kent. She died June 2, 1578. Muskett, 25.


A Thomas Catcher, of St. Peter le Poor, near Cornhill, “Stannarius,” is mentioned in Allegations for Marriage Licences Issued by the Bishop of London, I (H. S., Pub. , xxv), 170, as dead in 1588.


The marriage license of Thomas Figge, of St. Michael, Cornhill, London, Merchant Taylor, and Dorothy Burden, widow, of same parish, is ibid., 182. Probably a second marriage as he had lost his wife Margaret in July, 1589. Registers of St. Michael, Cornhill, 202.


Richard Sanderson, of St. Michael, Cornhill, Barber Surgeon. Allegations for Marriage Licences, I. 254. His wife was Christian Chapman (d. July, 1597). Registers of St. Michael, Cornhill, 208.