A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Sir Robert Crane to John Winthrop1
Crane, Robert Winthrop, John


To the Woorshipfull his loving friend John Wintrope Esq: be thes at his Loginge

I thanke you for your niuse: for the other parte of your letter, I cannot say direcktly what to answir but if at the Asises when wee meete at Bery he shall shew riesons why I should, and I not abull to giue him satisfaction, hee may then take his corse; in the mene time to stay the suite, (if not I shall put in such an answir as he wolde wisch he had payed so much more, rather than put in). you partly know what I mene and for your selfe although I knowe your tye, yett when wee cum vppon Comision for ecksamining of witneses I must be inforsed to ecksamine you to sum intergatoryes, to make the bisines plaine and yett I profese that I wold not wilingly doe any thing that might preiudisch you, for much more then I will speke of, and so rest aseured Your loving friend and neibur

R. Crane Chilton this 28 of Jan: 1627-28

W. 4. 64; 5 Collections , I. 180.