Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1
I received your Lettre and the things which you sent, and doe prayse God for his gratious protection ouer you in your iournye, beseechinge his heavenly maiestie daylye to take care of that soule and life etc, which he hathe pleased to lende you, that himselfe may have glorye and you peace and safetye in the imployment of them. The suddaine newes of this messinger, and my other occasions hinder me from writinge to your 2 vnckles this weeke, you must supplye that defecte by remembringe vs all kindly to them and your aunts and cosins: we are in healthe as you lefte us (I prayse God) Luce and the rest, onely Robert hathe an ague. Mr. Sandes is nowe hastinge to his last period, and not like (in mans Iudgment) to live another week: the good lord in mercye carrye him on with peace into the haven of rest, and teache vs all how to make right vse of suche a losse. your grandmother and mother salute and blesse you and your sister, I comende you bothe to his mercifull protection and holy government, and rest your lovinge father