A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Winthrop, Forth Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his verry louinge Brother Mr. John Winthropp at Dublin in Ireland at the College. DD.
September, 1622. Louing Brother,

You wroght to me for to send you word of my going to Bury and I sent you word as far as I knew about Ester time: but hauing knowledg of my father I now wright to you about that matter. For he tould mee about michaelmas or soone after: The reason I know not but as you know: nunquam sera est ad bonos mores via so althou it weare long before I goe yet at leanth seein I goe it is sum comfort vnto mee:

and as you wroght to mee ons which I thank you for: for to comfort mee and incorag mee to goe on in the corse of learning: and shewed me the reason off it: nam sine doctrina vita est quasi mortis imago: which is a most true sainge for many men which in ther youth haue neclected learning and goodnes: in ther age when as it shold doe them any na most good and steed then thay crie out of all of ther parents themseuls and all and wish that thay had neuer seene the sunne: is not this a woofull cause and worthy to be taken heed of:

I pray you to send me word So soone as you haue a good occasion of the welfare of your and our frendes thus hauing at this time no more to writ remembring our loue to you I rest Your louinge Brother

Forthe Winthrop

My vncle Fones is about remouing but he is not as yet settled there he hath gotten him a place at Ipswich a hous wher Mr. Ward dwelt in I pray you remember mee to my Vncle and Ante Downing also to Richerd his man Finis


W. Au. 17; L. and L. , I. 187–188; 5 Collections , VIII. 185–186.