A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 70


Folio 72

May 1589
Folio 71
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)

A register of divers persons that haue killed, hanged, or drowned themselves in Suffolk since the yere of our lord 1560.

1. Peter Bronde the brother of John Bronde the riche clothier drowned him selfe, in the mildam.

2. Joseph Bronde the son of the said John Brond killed him selfe with a paier of shieres.

3. William Gosnolde of Edwardston tailour drowned him selfe in a ponde.

4. Blank Grymwade of Nedginge yeman hanged him selfe.

5. William Skeet of Carsey hanged him selfe.

6. John Rawlin the son of John Rawlin the elder of Groton hanged him selfe with a Cartrope.

7. Dudlie Fortescue esq. hanged him selfe with his nightkercher, in a privie house.

8. Edwarde Couper of Groton inholder hanged him selfe in an vpper Chamber.

9. Ralfe Candishe of Candishe gent., cutte his owne throate, whereof he died.

10. William Jermin a goldesmithe, hanged him selfe in a Stable in Sudburye.

11. Thomas Gunnel hanged him selfe in the Churche porche of Linsey.

12. Blank of Carsey hanged himselfe.

13. Dorothey Blackesal a maiden, drowned her self in the Burrohouse ponde in Edwardston.

14. Blank the wife of Richard Randal of Edwardston hanged her selfe with her girdel.

15. Blank the wife of John Potter, fermour of the Bor cut off House in Boxford, drowned her selfe. 72