A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

John Winthrop to Margaret Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret
To my lovinge freinde Mrs. Winthrop at Chelmsey howse2 in great Maplested Essex dd
My deare wife,

I beseeche the Lorde our good God, to blesse thee and thy little babe, with all spirituall blessinges in heavenly thinges, and with a comfortable supplye of all thinges needful for this present life, with such a portion of the true wisdome as may cause vs allwayes to discerne of the worthe and excellencie of Christ Jesus, to take him as our onely portion, and to love him with all our heart, as our best thanke offeringe for his vnspeakeable love and mercie in redeeminge vs from our sinnes by his owne death, and adoptinge vs into the right of the Inheritance of his fathers kingdome. to him be glory and prase for ever Amen.

Albeit I cannot conveniently come to thee yet, I could not but sende to knowe how thou doest, and in what state thy good mother continueth, with the rest of our freindes: That which we nowe foresee and feare in hir,3 we must looke to come to our selues, and then neither freindes, nor goodes, pleasure, nor honor, will stande vs in any stead, onely a good conscience sprinkled with the bloud of Christ, shall give vs peace with God and our owne sowles.

We are all heer in good health (I prayse God) yet not well contented vntill thou returnest to Groton, but I will not hasten to abridge thy deare mother of that comfort which she may receive in thy companie.

My sweet spouse, let vs delight in the love of eache other as the cheife of all earthly comfortes: and labour to increase therein, by the constant experience of eache others faithfullnesse and sinceritye of affection, formed vnto the similitude of the Love of Christ and his Churche.

Looke for me on thursday or fridaye (if God will) and Remember me to thy good mother and all the rest as thou knowest my dutye and desire etc. my parentes salute thee. many kisses of love I sende thee. farewell.

Unsigned. July 12: 1620.

W. 1. 3; L. and L. , I. 160–161; Twichell, 40–42.


New Chelmeshoo House, built by Sir John Tyndal. See Morant, Essex, II. 280–281.


Lady Anne Tyndal died eight days after this letter was written, July 20, 1620. Infra, p. 256.