A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Adam Winthrop’s Note on Adam and Stephen Winthrop1
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)

Adam Winthrop the second soonne of John Winthrop Esquire, and Margaret his thirde wife, was borne in Groton, on frydaie the seuenth day of the moneth of April, in the yere of our lorde, one thousand sixe hundred and twentie; and in the beginninge of the eightene yere of the reigne of our Souereigne Lorde James kinge of great Britanne.

He was baptised by Mr. Nicholson the parson of Groton, and named Adam, by Adam Wintrop his grandfather, Philip Goslin the elder, Jane Goslin his fathers sister, and Mary Cole the wife of Joseph Cole, who were his godfathers and godmothers.

Steuen his elder brother by father and mother, was borne on Wednesday the 24 day of Marche, in the yere of our Lord 1618–19.

Margaret their mother nursed the younger, and not the elder.

Sir John Tindal knight was their grandfather by their mother: And the Ladye Anne Tindal was their grandmother, who lyved after they were borne; and died the 20th day of July 1620. Shee was godmother vnto Steuen, and Mr. Steuen Egerton her brother, and Mr. Deane Tindal her sonne were his godfathers.

Sir John Deane knight is their vnckle by their grandmother, the lady Tindal: and Mr. Deane Tindal and Mr. Arthure Tindal are their vnckles, by their grandfather Sir John Tindal.


W. Au. 10; L. and L. , I. 150. Written after July 20, 1620.