A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 1


Folio 3

Folio 2
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)


Memorandum that Mr. William Forth1 of Hadley2 did Surrender into the handes of Robert Andrewe and Oliver Chepe ij Custimary Tenaunts of the Manor of Hadley Hall all those his Custimary Howses and Tenements holden of the same Manor lienge in Hadley aforesaid in the Angell streete, which were lately John Tompsounes and also William Gages and are nowe in the Tenure vse and seuerall occupations of John Maslyn the Yonger Edmund Boyton and the widowe Harrysonne, To the vse and behoofe of Adam Winthrop and his heires for ever viz. 24 Novembris 1592.3

lent to my Cosen Humphrey Munynge Theatrum terre sanctae lyra in 4 vol.4 And Googe.5

Lent to Mr. Thomas Nicholson Dr. Cosen his booke Regni Angliae.6

lent to Mr. Eliston Mr. Calvin vppon the psalmes 11 Maii 1592.

Memorandum that our day of hearing in the Chancery is the 21 Novembris and the day of the returne 18 eiusdem.

the 6 of Aprill 1580 ther was a yearthe quacke whiche shoke my house by me Henrye Browne.7

Memorandum that Mr. Appelton sent his sonne8 to boarde with me on Sonday the 26 of November 1592 and departed the 7 of July 1593—32 weekes.

Item Justine9 Mr. Nicholsons daughter came to me on Tuesdaye the xxj of November|1592 and departed the xvjth of Aprill.

Item my Cozen Humphrey Mildmay came to me the 15 of Feb: 1592–93 and departed on Wednesday the x of Aprill followinge.

Francis Frances Carpenter10 came to dwell with me on Saterday the 25 of May Anno 1593 beinge of the age of x yeres and vj monethes.


Memorandum that I am bound in a C li. to pay xxx li. vnto Simon Facon11 or his wife on Christmas day next within Groton Church porche.12 3 . . .13


Son of William and Elizabeth (Powell) Forth of Hadleigh, died September 14, 1599. Muskett, 119.


Hadleigh is a market-town and parish in the hundred of Cosford, co. Suffolk.


This is probably the source of Winthrop’s Hadleigh rents.


Governor Winthrop gave the Theatrum Terrae Sanctae to Harvard College. L. and L. , II. 302, 439; Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Publications, xv. 167–168, 200. The other work is probably the biblical commentaries of Nicolaus de Lyra, published in various editions in four, five, or six volumes from 1471 to the seventeenth century.


Barnabe Googe (1540–94), author of several works, of which his Foure Bookes of Husbandry, first published in 1577, a translation from the Latin of Heresbach, may be the one here meant.


Richard Cosin (1549?–97), Regni Angliae sub Imperio Reginae Elizabethae Religio et Gubernatio ecclesiastica. D. N. B. , XII. 271; B. M., Catalogue of Printed Books, XXI. 186.


If not entered at the time this may have taken from an earlier record as a reminder.


The son was Thomas Appleton, son of Thomas Appleton who died in London in 1603, and brother of Mary, who married Robert Ryece of Preston, the Suffolk antiquary, a descendant of a Munning of Nedging. Muskett, 107, 325, 329; infra, pp. 137, 139.


She married Josua Stocken at Edwardstone, October 29, 1605. Infra, p. 91.


Infra, pp. 51, 68, 134.


Simon Facon married Susan Bonde at Groton, February 26, 1578–79.


This entry is cancelled.


Here followed quotations from the Scripture.