A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

John Winthrop to Margaret Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret


My sweet wife,

— I hope it will please our good God now soone to fullfill our desires in comfortinge us in the wished enioyinge of each others presence, which tyme the neerer it drawes the more it ioyes me to thinke of it: for such is my love to thee (my deare spouse) as were it not that my imployment (whereto Gods providence hath disposed me) did enforce me to it, I could not live comfortably from thee halfe thus longe: and I shall now hasten home so soone as my businesse will give me leave, therfore lett John be heer on Saturdaye, and I hope (God willinge) to be with thee on teusdaye. I have nothinge to write to thee of, but that which wilbe the moste wellcome newes to thee, that through Gods mercye I am in health, and all our friends heer, and I trust to heare of the like blessinge upon thee and all our familye. The Lorde make us more truely thankfull: and so with my love and dutye to my good mother, hearty salutations to all our good freinds, Mr Leigh and his wife, brother Gostlin and sister, and all as thou knowest, with my blessings to our children, I commende thee earnestly to the grace and blessinge of our heavenly father, so I kisse my sweet wife and rest alwayes Thy faithfull husband

John Winthrop. From my chamber at the Temple Gate, June 12, 1627.

L. and L. , I. 233, from an original now lost.