Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1
I receiued thy kinde lettre, which was truely wellcome to me, as a fruit of that Loue which I haue (and shall euer) esteeme aboue siluer and golde, and cannot but reioyce more in so kind a testimonie of it, then in the richest present thou couldes haue sent me. Now blessed be the Lo: our good God, who giueth vs still matter of comfort in each other and in those which belonge to vs: onely I am greiued for our 2 little Lambes, the Lord keepe them and deliuer them in his good tyme. If heer be any thinge which may be good for them I will not forgett them. I prayse God we are all heer in health, and salute thee heartyly, wishinge thee heer ofte if it could be. Newes heer is none certaine. I purpose (if God will) to be at Graces on Saterday at night, and so to be at home on mundaye. In the meane tyme I cease not to commende thee and all our familye to the gratious blessinge and protection of our heauenly father, and so with my dutye to my mother, blessinge to our children, and salutations to all etc I kisse my sweet wife and remaine allwayes, Thy faithfull husband
Wells bringes downe a trusse.