A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Hopton’s1 Almanack for 16142
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)

On title: The last.

Hope not to haue Hopton againe to write; for deathe hathe fett away his learned spirite.

On verso of title: Vtere quando placet, corrige quando libet.

January. “Clara dies Pauli bona tempora denotat anni.”

2. Steph: Bluet baptizatus fuit dies sol: 44 li. A. Dogget.

On Nue yeares day, the lady Elizabeth the County Palatines wyfe, was safely deliuered of a soonne, at Heydelberg in Germany.3

4. leporem in pomario meo vidi.

5. my daughter Jane was maried 1612. to Tho: Goslin.

9. my daughter Luce was borne 1600.

10. This day Henry Winthrop was borne 6 yeeres since. anno 1607.

12. This day my sonne John was b. 1587. 26. yeres since.

16. This day my daughter Anne was borne. 28 yeres since. 1585.

24. To Mris. Doget4 II li. 1614.

25. Colde and inclyning to snowe, which fel the next night.

February 6. Wm. Mildemay my nephew died.

12. John Winthrop my sonnes first sonne was borne. 1606. 8. yeres since.

20. This day I was marid to Anne5 my 2 wife. 1579. 34 yeres since.

24. Tho. Lappage died of th’ age of 81. yeres.

27. Wm. Alibaster my nephewe was borne. 1567. 46. yeres since.

Dum fuerit romae, romanum colluit papam; Sed patriae rediens, renuit ille papam.

March. Martius—humores gignit, variosque dolores.

1. This day my brother Wm. Winthrop died. 1581. 32 yeres since. Vir sine fraude bonus, et pietatis amans.

24. Queene Elizabeth died. 1602. Princeps praeclara, et cum pietate vera.

April. Se probat in vere, vires Aprilis habere.


5. The parleament began 12 Jac.6

6. A general erthquake. 1580. 34. yeres since.7

16. CCli. sol. A. D. 1615.

19. Sir Robert Jermyn died.8 Vir pius, et verae relligionis amans.

26. Dr. Perne9 died suddenly. 1589. 23. yeres since.

28. Mr. Gibson preached at Boxford.10

Qui Christum duro tempore liquit amens.11

Maio secure laxari sit tibi curae. potibus astricta sit saluia cum benedicta.

4. This day anno 1543 being holy Thursday, my sister Briget was borne. 71yeres since. The 4. of November 1614 obijt.

9. Anne Waldegraue died. virgo quae thalamum spreuit inire viri.

13. Foemina praeclaris condecorata donis. my owne mother12 died. 1565. 49. yeres since.

3 Soles visi.

15. John Forth13 my sonnes wifes father died. 1613. Vir pietate clarus.

31. Sir Walter Mildmay died. 1589. 25 yeres since. Vir bonus et prudens, nulli pietate secundus.14

June 7. The Parliament was dissolued.

9. Dr. Goldingham died. 1589. 25 yeres since.15 Qui mihi dum vixit, charusamicus erat.

14. John Fones was borne. 1613. vulnere quem subito mors inopina tulit.

16. Jane my daughter was borne. 1591 1592. 22 yeres since.

The 16 day the Erle of Northampton died.16 Tempora dura deus, temporalaeta dedit.

30. Sir Thomas Eden the elder died.17

July 26. my brother John died in Irelande 1613. of the age of 66 yeres and 7 months.

177 Qui sibi, neque mihi, vtilis, vita fuit. Qui mihi frater durus, tempore mortis erat.18

29. Francys Mildmay my neece was borne. 1591. 23 yeres since.

August 3. my daughter Winthrop was deliuered of her 2. daughter. Anne.

5. my sonne Fones and his wife departed.

9. my sister Cottie19 died. 1604. 10. yeres since.

10. Ego A. W. natus fui. 1548. 66. yeres since. Anno 2. R. Edw. Sexti. Mors mihi grata foret. Iamque satis vixi.

17. Anna Winthrop died. 14 dayes olde. Mistress Sands fel into goymers cestern.

26. Sir William Waldegraue th’ elder died 1613.20 Vir patriae charus, sed pietatis inops.

September 4. The Erle of Leicester died. 1588. 27. yeres since. Mors inopina venit, clausit auaro sinu.21

9. Mr. Stephen Pine died.

16. Mr. Knewstub22 and Mr. Egerton did lye at Groton.

21. Mr. John Marceline23 died.

23 } Alston 1615. { 110 li.
24 99 li.

27. Anne Goslin24 was borne. 1613. Quam faustos precor opto viuere vita dies. Quam precor vt faustos viuat in orbe dies.

October 15. Nathaniel Stil25 was borne. 1579. 35 yeres since. Ad sacrum fontem Sponsor et testis eram.

29. The Lady Mountague26 died. Vulnere quam subito mors inopina tulit.This Lady was borne at little Waldingfielde in Suff. and first maried to Sir Leonarde Holyday27 Knight, who had bin Lord Maior of London and after his death, to Sir Henry Mountague28 the Kings Majesties Serieant at the Lawe.

November. The 4 of November my cosin Tainters wife died in childebed, being deliuered of 2 daughters.

The same day and yere my sister Alibaster29 died at Tharfield30 in Herford-shire.


Quam mors crudelis sustulit ante diem.31

8. My sister Mildmay32 died. 1607. Cuius erat vita vitae medulla meae.

9. my owne father died. 1562. 52. yeres since.

22. Thomas Garrarde died at Cambridge.

25. Sir William Waldegraue the yonger33 died. 1613.

27. Sir Thomas Gresham died suddenly. 1579. 35 yeres since.34 Diues inhoc mundo, qui deo pauper erat.

December 12. Thomas Sutton the founder of the Hospital died35 1611. 9. Jac. R. Foenore pergrandes accumulauit opes.

17. Agnes Browne my mother in law died. 1590. 24 yeres since. Foemina quae Christum corde gerebat herum. Foemina quae Christo, tota dicata fuit.36

23. Alice my first wyfe37 died in childebed. 1577. 37. yeres synce. Protinus aeterno mittit vtrumque deo.

30. Forthe Winthrop was borne 1609.

Vtere quando placet, corrige quando libet. Qui sapit, legat. Astra regunt homines, sed deus astra regit.

Arthur Hopton (1588?–1614), believed to be of the Herefordshire Hoptons. The astrologer issued his first Almanac or Prognostication in 1607 and prepared one for each succeeding year until 1614. Though the calculations are “principally referred to the Meridian and latitude of the ancient Shire-towne of Shrewsbury,” the pamphlets were printed in London. He also published some mathematical writings. D. N. B. , XXVII. 346.


This copy, the property of Miss Clara B. Winthrop, contains the autograph of Robert C.Winthrop, and his memorandum, “From the Old Papers procured at New London, 1860.” The entries are by Adam Winthrop. Printed in part, L. and L. , I. 434–436.


Elizabeth (1596–1662), queen of Bohemia, daughter of James I and Anne of Denmark. She married the Elector Palatine Frederick V (1596–1632) on February 14, 1613, and on January 2, 1614, Frederick Henry was born. He was drowned fifteen years later in the Zuider Zee. D. N. B. , XVII. 233–240. This entry is made at the foot of the page.


Probably Avis, wife of William Doggett, merchant, of Boxford. Boxford Register.


Anne Browne. Supra, p. 5.


Summoned to meet April 5 and dissolved June 7, 1614. Parliamentary Papers, 1878, LXII, pt. 1, 448.


Cf. p. 41, supra.


He had served as one of the knights of Suffolk in the Parliaments of 1584 and 1586. A son of Sir Ambrose Jermyn of Rushbrook, co. Suffolk, he went to Cambridge, was admitted at the Middle Temple, 1561, knighted, 1578, and Sheriff of Suffolk, 1578–79. He married Judith, daughter of Sir George Blagge. Venn, A. C. , II. 473.


Andrew Perne (1519?–89). D. N. B. , XLV. 10–11.


Abraham Gibson (d. 1629), vicar of Little Waldingfield, co. Suffolk. Venn, A. C. , II. 210.


An entry at the foot of the page, probably referring to Dr. Perne, who was noted for his pliancy in belief and practice.


Agnes Sharpe. Supra, p. 4.


Son of William Forth of Hadleigh. He married, as her third husband, Thomasine Hilles of Great Stambridge, co. Essex, widow of George Crymble and Thomas Bode. Muskett, 131.


(1520?–89), chancellor of the exchequer and founder of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. D. N. B. , XXXVII. 374–376.


William Goldingham, admitted at Gray’s Inn 1584. Venn, A. C. , II. 229.


Henry Howard (1540–1614), Earl of Northampton. He died June 15. D. N. B. , XXVIII.28–32.


Son of Thomas Eden (or Edon) of Sudbury, clerk of the Star Chamber. He was high sheriff of Suffolk, 1596, knighted July 23, 1603, and brother to Richard Eden of Hanningfield. Venn, A. C. , II. 84; Visitations of Essex, I. 390.


These Latin verses are entered at the foot of the page.


Susan Winthrop. Supra, p. 6.


Son of Sir William Waldegrave of Smalbridge, co. Suffolk, and Julian, daughter of John Raynsford of Bradfield, co. Essex. Visitations of Essex, I. 96, 121, 309.


Robert Dudley (1532?–88), Earl of Leicester, the favorite of Queen Elizabeth. D. N. B. , XVI. 112–122.


John Knewstub, rector of Cockfield, co. Suffolk, 1579–1624. D. N. B. , XXXI. 244; Venn, A. C. , III. 28; Francis Peck, Desiderata Curiosa (London, 1779), 216.


Supra, p. 105.


Daughter of Thomas and Jane (Winthrop) Gostlin. Muskett, 95.


Son of Bishop John Still and Anna (Alabaster) Still. Muskett, 76.


Anne, daughter of William Wincot of Langham, co. Suffolk. D. N. B. , XXXVIII. 250.


Leonard Haliday, lord mayor in 1606. Ibid., and J. Burke and J. B. Burke, Landed Gentry (1847), I. 527.


First Earl of Manchester (1563?–1642). He married Mrs. Haliday in 1613—his second wife. D. N. B. , XXXVIII. 249–251.


Bridget Winthrop, wife of Roger Alabaster. Supra, p. 6.


Therfield. Supra, p. 6.


The records of the deaths are not, as usual, on the page intended for them but on the page facing it. The Latin is properly placed, and might refer to either or both deaths.


Alice Winthrop.


Son of Sir William and Elizabeth (Mildmay) Waldegrave. He married (1) Judith, daughter of Sir Robert Jermyn, and (2) Jennemache, daughter of Sir Nicholas Bacon of Redgrave, co. Suffolk. Visitations of Essex, I. 121, 122.


Sir Thomas Gresham (1519?–79), son of Sir Richard and Audrey (Lynn) Gresham.He died November 21, apparently from a fit of apoplexy. D. N. B. , XXIII. 139, 142–153.


Thomas Sutton (1532–1611), founder of the Charterhouse, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Stapleton) Sutton. Ibid., LV. 185.


The second line is entered at the foot of the page.


Alice Still.