A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

John Winthrop, Jr., to John Winthrop1
Winthrop, John, Jr. Winthrop, John


To the worshipfull his very loving father John Winthrop Esquire in Groton Suffolke. de Constantl. pro via de Venetia dd
Constantinople Novemb: 15º 1628. Sir,

May you please to vnderstand that I wrote to you dated October 18. sent by way of Venice giving you notice therin of my safe arrivall at 411this place, which was about the 13 of September, my stay at this place wilbe I thinke about a fourtnight longer and then (God willing) I shall goe for Venice, with the ship in which I came out, which hence is thither bound. having no acquaintance there nor letters of Credit I am forced to take vp the 200 dollars for which I had Credit heere, which doth amount by Exchange at 5 s. 4 d. per dollar to 53 li. 6 s. 8 d. the bills I have charged home vpon my vncle Downing, it being mr. Some his order in his letter to Mr. Freman, there be thre billes firmd to goe by thre severall messengers the first goeth with these letters. Sir I have not yet heard from you since my comming out of England, but hope of your welfare, wherof I desire you to certify me by your letters at my comming to Venice, as also whether I shall returne by the next occation or stay till the London Returneth which wilbe neere a yeare hence. So with my duty remembred to your selfe my mother and Grandmother with my love to my brothers, and sister my vncles and auntes and all the rest of our good freindes which for brevity I may not particularize, desiring your praiers and blessing I humbly take my leave and rest Your obedient son

John Winthrop

the Embassador2 from the Emperour3 was receyved this day into this citty and commeth to conclude peace.

I am God be thanked in good health


W. 1.39; L. and L. , I. 267–268; 5 Collections , VIII. 12.


Hans Ludwig von Kuffstein (1587–1657). “There was some friction over his claim to enter with trumpets blowing and flags flying, as some of his predecessors have done. They refused to allow this and he had to be content.” Calendar of State Papers, Venetian, 1628–1629, 408.


Ferdinand II (1578–1637).