A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 28

May 1603

Folio 30

February 1604
Folio 29
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)


A festo Sancti Michaelis Archangeli Anno 1603.

The viijth of October my cosen Henry Mildmay came to my howse.

The xth of October Hornebyes daughter Bridget was deliuered of a Childe which she destroied.

The xvijth Mr. Paul Powle departed out of Groton to dwell in great Waldingfilde.

The xviijth day at night John Wrinch and Mary R. were taken suspitiously together.

The same day Thomas Mr. Thomas Nicholsons sonne was maried at Boxford.

The xxth of octobre I deliuered my estate to Mr. William Clopton in Busshy Close that I sould vnto him.

The same day I demanded my brothers halfe yeres rent of Mr. Paul Powle in the house.

The blank day of Octobre Sara my cosen Frostes wife died and the blank day my sister Veysie died.1

The xxxth of Octobre I was witnesse to Mr. William Hilles soonne at Holton named Peter who was borne the xviijth day of this moneth.

The last day I was at Ipswich and acknowledged a Recognisance of xx li. to the Kinges Maiestie to give Evidence against Zachary Vintener at the next Cessions ther holden.

The xth of November Elizabeth Bonde was caried by Sam: Croke and Helkia his brother to Mr. Lovelles.2

The ixth day one Scott a butcher of Cockefielde3 lay druncke in my fielde whom I tooke home and layd him in a bed.

The xvijth day my cosen Humphrey Munnynge came to my house.

The xxvth Father Hilles came awoenge to Johane Bettes my maide. The same daye my Cosen Winthrop ridde to Brettenham.4

The 29 I bought of Holding a Rope for my Welle.

The seconde of December I did ride to Cambridge and retourned home the xiiijth.

The same day one of my Lord Wyndsors5 men his fauconer having byn at the alehouse as he went home through Stoke Churchyarde fell into a deepe drye well with ij hawkes on his fist and was fownd dedde the next daie and one of the hawkes aliue but the other was dedde: graue judicium.


The vth of Jan: I was at the Sessions at Ipswich and was bownde to give Evidence at the next Sessions at Bury.

The vjth of Jan: Adam Holding departed from me.

The xijth of Jan: Mr. Thomas Newton departed to Cambrige with his pupilles from my house.

The same day John Beverley alias Wallys came to dwell with me.

The xvjth of January I was at the Sessions at Bury where Zachary Vintener was bayled by his father and Mr. Paul Powle.

The xvijth my Cosen Winthrop went to London in Colchester Waggon.

The xviijth day I served a Subpena vppon Vintener.

The xxth of Jan: I received a lettre from my brother John out of Ireland sent by James Elwell his man.

The last of January Strange Firmin retourned to Groton.

The viijth of February my Cosen Walter Mildmaye was at Groton after he was maryed.6

The ixth John Grymwade did lye at my house.

The xth my sonne John went to Cambrige and the night before Nicholas Cokyes wife7 was safely deliuered of a daughter which was hir first Childe named Elizabeth (havinge bin maried xxxix weekes and ij dayes).

The xjth day of Feb: Goodman Plampin of Newton died and the blank Lancelott Baker of Stoke died.

The xiiijth of Feb.8 Elizabeth Bond was maried to William Swetsur.

The xxjth of Feb. Sara Bronde was Baptized, the same day one Sewell was so bruysed through a fall which he had in Camping that he died thereof.

1603. The xxiiijth Henry Cookes wife9 died of a consumption and the first day of July, 1610, he died of a plurisye. 30




Thomas Lovell, rector of Great Waldingfield, 1582–1610. Venn, A. C. , III. 108.


Cockfield, a parish in the hundred of Babergh, near Lavenham.


Where lived the Munnings.


Henry Windsor (1562–1615), fifth Baron Windsor. D. N. B. , LXII. 176.


To Bridget Jermyn. Muskett, 47.


Elizabeth Coke, who married Cokey May 10, 1603. The child was baptized February 19, 1603–04.


The Groton Register gives the fifteenth.


Elizabeth Swetsure, married at Groton, September 10, 1575.