A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Henry Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Winthrop, Henry Winthrop, John, Jr.

To his very Lovinge Brother Mr. John Winthrop at the sine of the coke in cornewell2 at Mr. Downings deliver thes London
Most lovinge Brother

most hartie Commendationes remembred vnto yow moste lovinge thanckes doe I render vnto yow for your lovinge letter which I resayved from yow by Josefe Cole in which dothe not appere a litle love which yow doe show vnto me for which loue it is not for me to Goe about to recompence for I am not able to do it in any measuer yet not withstanding althow nature dothe not bind me to render vnto yow the same love so feare as I am able yet modistie should me to loue whare I am beloved and now trovblinge yow to rede thes my rude and falce lines bothe rude in wordes whiche if that ware all mite macke yow not to regarde them muche more then beinge bothe rude in wordes and falce in inglishe mackes them the more vnsavery thus cravinge pardon for my bouldnese and desiringe yow to except thes lines and not to tacke them accordinge to the wordes but to accept them as cominge from a cinde frind I rite to yow to know and if my ante downinge wolde sende for hir nadge and yow forgate to send me worde I pray late me desier yow to sende me word and I pray send me worde when yow purpose to com downe becase I purpose god willinge to waite on yow downe when it shalbe if it be not suddingely I doe purpose to see yow afore then my Brother Forthe is in good helthe and desieres to be remembred vnto yow and his oste and ostice and thay are very mvcheygrened much chagrined that thay colde not see yow when yow ware in the Countri yet hoping that yow will macke when you com into countrie thay do so content them selues I pray when yow see Mr. Pare comende me to him and his wife and tele him that if he be deĀ­322sirouse to haue his doge tacke fisicke this springe I wilbe the phisicion to subcribe it and if it plese him to be the poticary to apply it I pra remember me to all our frindes thare and withe my hartie Commendations remembred to your selfe agane hopinge that yow and all our frindes are in good helthe as I praise god wee are I reste committinge yow to the protection of allmitie god yowre lovinge brother to commande in any sarvice

Henry Winthrop Groton, ca. March 28 or April 4, 1625.

W. 1. 11.


Cock in Cornhill? The famous Cock tavern was on Fleet Street, but that was far from Cornhill.