A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 46


Folio 48

Folio 47
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)



1597 A note of suche sommes of mony as are oweinge to me at Micheltide next
John Frenche paid xxij li. and iij
John Gryme paid vj li. iiij s.
John Raven recd. xxiiij s. vj d. iij li. xiiij s.
John Potter paid iij li. x s.
John Warde paid xxij s. vj d.
John Coker paid xxx s.
John Rawlinge paid xv s.
John Maslyn paid xxx s.
John at Stile paid xv s.
Steven Kembolde paid iiij li. x s.
Lawrence Hargrave paid x s.
Henry Cooke paid 1 s. and xij s. for ij bushels Wheat
Eustace Whale paid 1 s.
Simon Risinge paid vj li.
Thomas Gosnolde paid xxx s.
William Sherman paid xxvj s. viij d.
Philip Goslinge paid xxiiij li. x s.
Father Pierce paid xvij s.
The widowe Reignolde paid x s.
Henry Mildmay xl s.
William Alibaster paid vj li. xiij s. iij d.
Summa blank

Memorandum that the xxijth of Aprill Anno Domini 1609 I Adam Winthrop demanded within the hall of my dwellinge house in Groton xxx s. which was due unto me of William Gosnold for his halfe yeres rent at the feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary last past for the howse and lande which I did dimise vnto him viz. in the presence of Josephe Cole William Sharman my soonne John my wyfe my daughter Jane and Elizabeth Hilles.

A note of mony Received for wheat since St. Mathews day1 Anno 1597.
Received of Robert Bogas for iiij bushels xxiiij s.
Received of William Plumbe for v bushels xxx s.
Received of Vale for v bushels xxx s.
Received of John Johnson for j bushel vj s.
Received of John Raven for j bushel vj s.
Received of Widow Reignold for j bushel vj s.
Received of John Marchant for j bushel vj s.
Received of William Brond for iiij bushels xxiiij s.
Received of Gosnold for ij bushels xij s.
Received of John Potter for j bushel vj s.
Summa for iij quarters j bushel of wheat vij li. x s.
Received of Surrey for iiij bushels of Rye xx s. and for iiij bushels of Barley xij s. xxxij s.
Received of Widow Reignold for ij bushels of Rye vj s. and Recconed iiij s.
To William Purdey for iiij bushels xxiiij s.
Received of Gosnold for iiij bushels xxiiij s.
Received of William Brande for iiij bushels xxiiij s.
Received of Father Pierce for j bushel vj s.
Received of John Potter for iiij bushels xxiij s. sic
Received of Regnold for j bushel vj s.Summa v li. iiij s. sic

Memorandum that William Bronde bought all my woodde for vij li. and he owethe me xxiiij s. for iiij bushels of wheate and v s. for j bushel of Rye in toto

viij li. ix s.
and for ij bushels of Rye x s.
paid Summa viij li. xix s. 48



September 21.