A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

The Plague at Sudbury, 16261
Gurdon, Brampton Waldegrave, George Grant, Gabriel Winthrop, John Poley, Will


A warrante for the levieing of Monye for the Towne of Sudbury in the tyme of the Infeccion

Wheras at the generall sessions of the peace houlden for the libertie of Bury St. Edmunds in the said Countie on Mondaye the 9th daie of Octob: in the second yeare of the Reigne of our Soueraigne Lord king Charles by vs and others his Maiesties Iustices of the peace then and there present It was Ordred that in regard of the continewance of the Infeccion of the Plague within the Burroughe of Sudbury within the said County there should be Contributed towardes the great Charge of the said Burroughe by reason of the said Infeccion the weekly somme of 10 li. to be levied out of the whole Franchize of Bury aforesaid and to be continewed and paied weekly vntill the next generall Sessions of the peace to be houlden for the said liberty, Except in the meane tyme (vpon the staye of the Infeccion) it shalbe thought fitt by the Iustices of the peace of or neare the Limittes of the same Bur­332roughe to giue further order heerin (Excepting such Townes and places within the said Franchize as were lately contributory to the Towne of New-markett vpon the like occasion and such other Townes as are nowe likewise infected These are nowe according to the effect of the same Order and by vertue of the statute in this Case provided To will and Comaund yow that yow forthwith Assess and Levie within your hundred of Baberghe the somme of 3 li. 12 s. weekly and euery weeke from the daie of the date of the said Sessions, and the same to paie over to the Maior of Sudbury aforesaid or his sufficient deputy according to the forme of the said Order The said some to be levied and taxed of the able Inhabitants of the seuerall Townes Villages and Hamletts within the said hundred by distress and sale of the goodes of such parties as shall refuse to paie the same And that yow require the Constables of all such Townes as were lately taxed within the said hundred towardes the releife of the said Burroughe That they forthwith levie and paie in all suche sommes of Monie as are behind vpon the said former taxacion, according to such warrante as they received for that purpose, the said former taxacion to haue continuance for noe longer tyme then to the daie of the date of the said Sessions of the peace last past: And of the due and speedie performance heerof not to faile etc. Given vnder our handes and seales this 14th daie of October in the yeare aforesaid.

To the Cheefe Constables of the hundred of Baberghe
Will Poley George Waldegraue Gabriel Grante Brampton Gurdon John Winthopp

British Museum, Add. MS. 39245, fo. 127b (copy).