A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

John Winthrop’s Experiencia, January 1617
Winthrop, John


Jany 20. Our Sessions1 were, against which (fearinge greatly mine owne frailtie) I did prepare myself by earnest prayer etc: and my tyme, as I rode, I spent as well as I could in good meditations, and kept my course of prayer etc: as well as conveniently I could while I was there, refraininge my mouthe, eyes, and eares from vanitie, as well as I could, and so it pleased God that I brought home my peace and good conscience with me, yet my love of goodness some what abated, which I perceived not till a daye or 2 after, when I began to be somewhat loathe to prayer and good communication; the fleshe beginninge to favoure itselfe, but it pleased God by prayer to quicken me againe. When I was at Sessions I kept a continuall watche (as neere as I could), but yet when I sawe and heard the great accompt and estimation that the wisdome, glorye, wealthe, pleasure and such like worldly felicitie was in with all, methought I hearde all men tellinge me I was a foole, to sett so light by honour, credite, welthe, iollitie etc: which I sawe so many wise men so much affecte and ioye in, and to tye my comforte to a conversation in heaven, which was no where to be seene, no 196way regarded, which would bring my selfe and all my gifts into contempt, etc: These and the like baites did Sathan laye for me, and with these enymies he did ofte tymes sore shake my faithe; but Christ was in me, and up helde my resolution, and he will uphould it (I truste and praye) that my faithe shall never faile. O Lord keepe me that I be not discouraged, neither thinke the more meanly of the portion which I have chosen, even to walke with thee, and to keepe thy Commandments, because the wise ones of this world doe not regarde but contemne these things. Thou assurest my heart that I am in a right course, even the narrowe waye that leads to heaven: Thou tellest me, and all experience tells me, that in this way there is least companie, and that those which doe walke openly in this way shalbe despised, pointed at, hated of the world, made a byworde, reviled, slandered, rebuked, made a gazinge stocke, called puritans, nice fooles, hipocrites, hair-brainde fellowes, rashe, indiscreet, vain-glorious, and all that naught is; yet all this is nothinge to that which many of thine excellent servants have been tried with, neither shall they lessen the glorie thou hast prepared for us. Teache me, O Lord to putt my trust in thee, then shall I be like mount Sion that cannot be removed. Amen.


“It will be observed, that Winthrop makes frequent reference, during the whole period covered by these self-communings, to his engagements in attending the sessions of the courts, and to his discharge of his duties as a magistrate.” L. and L. , I. 96, note.