A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 61


Folio 63

Folio 62
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)

A note of the mony which I haue payd for my Father since Our Lady Day 1593
To Mr. Henry Sandes for ij quarters ended at Midsummer x s.
To Mr. Lawrence Hargrave for Lawe charges xvj s. viij d.
To Sir William Waldegrave for Rent v s. v d.
To Mr. William Clopton for Rent xij d.
To him self at Annes Mariage v li.
To Mr. Henry Sandes for Christmas quarter v s.
A festo sancti Michaelis Anno 1594
To Mr. Henry Sandes for ij quarters ended at the feast of the Nativitie 10 s.
To John Bogas for a yeres rent due the College viij s. ij d.
To Mr. William Clopton for one yeres rent due at Michaelmas ij s.
To Mr. Waldegrave for a yeres Rent due for Hilles x s. x d.
more to him for latchemere iiij d.
1594 Item lent John Browne by my Fathers appointment the 26 of December x li.
1 Jan. 1594 Item I paid to my father at my last being with him for his Rentes here l s.
and he alowed me all the former sommes of mony etc.
25 Martii 1595 Item paid to Mr. Lawrence Hargrave for the charges of suit against Thurston xxiiij s.
Item paid to Mr. Henry Sandes for Our lady day quarter and for mydsummer quarter v s. and v s.
Item paid to Mr. Lawrence Hargraue for charges in law against Rookes x s.
Item to Mr. William Clopton for quit rent xij d. and xij d.
Item to John Bogas for quit Rent viij s. ij d.
Item paid to Sir William Waldegraue for Rent iiij d.
Item paid to Mr. Henry Sandes for j quarter v s.
Summa ix s. vj d.
A note of the mony which I haue paide since our Lady Day last Anno 1593
Imprimis paide to my Father Henry Browne x li.
Item to my sister Margerie weston xvij s. vj d.
Item to Mr. Henry Sandes x s.
Item to the Shoemaker vij s. ij d.
Item to the Collector for the poore iij s. iiij d.
Item to Mr. Waldegrave for Rent ij s. ij d.
Item to my brother John for rent vj li. xix s.
Item to Thomas Beaumonde xxvij s. iij d.
16 Aprilis 1593 Item paid to Simon Facon xxx li.
Item to John Laughling iij li. vij s. ij d.
Item paid for a Couerlett of Tappestry xlij s.
1 May. 93. Item paid for a payre of Cartwheeles lvij s.
Item for a payer of knitt sockes vj s. viij d.
Item paid Mr. William Clopton for Rent iij s. vj d.
paid to Richarde Edwardes for his wages xxx s.
paid for a lode and a halfe of logges vj s. vj d.
paid to Hamond for iiij lodes of logges xiiij s. viij d.
paid to Father pierce for iiij lodes of woode xij s. iiij d.
paid to my Father Henry Browne v li.
paid to William Brond for the rent of his barne xiij s. iiij d.
paid to Mr. Henry Sandes for midsommer quarter x s.
paid to Thomas Beamont for meate iij li. vj d.
paid to Mr. Lawrence Hargrave xx s.
paid my brother Thomas Mildmay v li.
paid for mowinge of grasse xvj s. x d. 63