A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Boxford Grammar School

2 May 1596

Frend’s Almanacke for 1599

Will of Joan Hilles of Holton, 15971
Hilles, Joan


In the name of God Amen. The Fifte daye of September Anno Domini one thowsand fyve hundreth nynetye seaven, and in the nyne and thirtye yere of the Reygne of our Sovereigne Ladye Queene Elizabethe, I Johane Hilles,2 latelye the wief of William Hilles3 of Holton in the Cownty of Suffolk deceased and executrix of the last will and testament of my sayd housband, the which will and testament I doe allowe and have put in execution by administring of the goodes and chattells of my sayd late housband, not withstanding I have not prowed the same according to the Lawes Ecclesiasticall of this Relme, being nowe visited with sicknes, not knowing howe soone the Lord will take me out of this lief, doe therefore make and ordayne this my last will and testament in maner and forme Following. First I comend my sowle to god the father, god the sone and god the holye ghost, in whose name I was baptised, and by whose onelye mercye through the Death and passion of my Lord and saviour Jhesus Christ I hope to be saved. First and before all thinges I will and my mynd is that all such debtes and duties which I or my sayd late housband doe or did owe to anye person or persons be trulye payd and discharged, and lykewise that all such guiftes, bequestes and legacies contayned and gyven in my sayd late housbands last will and testament be faythfullye and dulye performed and full-filled according to the true intent and meaning thereof. Item I gyve vnto Joane and Elisabeth my two daughters and to evarye one of them Thirtye pownds of Lawfull Englishe monye to be payd to them or to the suruivour of them at the daye of ther severall marryages, or at there severall ages of xxi yeres if they be not marryed before they come to that age. Item gyve 147to William Hilles my sonne Fortye powndes of lawfull Englishe monye to be payd to him at the age of xxi yeres. And if it shall happen anye of my sayd children to dye before his or her legacye be due to be payd, that then the survivor of them shall have the portion or portions of him or her so deceasing. Item I give to my sayd two dawghters all my lynnen and pewter to be delyvered to my Sister Weston for there vse vntill they come to ther severall ages of xxi yeres and then to be devyded equiallye betwen them. Also I gyve vnto my sayd dawghters two of my lesser chestes. And I gyve to my dawghter Johane my malt quarnes.4 The residue of all my Implementes and howshowld stuffe with the horse mill except my corne, cattell and things belonging to housbandrye I gyve to William my sonne, and I doe gyve to my sayd sonne eleven of the last yeres of my lease which I have to Howlton hall of the grant and devise of Mr. William Mannocke5 esquyre. Item I gyve viij bushells of Rye viij Bushells of Barlye to be distributed among the poore people of the parishe of Howlton aforesayd by the discretion of my executors within one monthe after my death. Item I gyve to everye one of my god children v s. and to Elisabeth Neale I gyve my beste petticoate. Item I gyve to John Turner my servant xx s. to John Neale xl s. and to George Neale x s. and to Nicholas Reve x s. and to Edmond Neale v s. and to Henrye Hadlock xv s. to Margrett Shoppe v s. Itemm I gyve to Avice Prophett the wief of Tobias Prophett, my cloke girtle and a peticote cloth of the russett wooll which is at owld Goslinges. Itemm I gyve to Roger Aneward xx s. Also I forgyve to John Gosling all the monye that he dothe owe vnto me. And for the better governing of my two dawghters and of their portions gyven vnto them by there father and me, I doe hartelye praye and desyre my brother in lawe Mr. Roger Weston and my sister his wief to take the tuition and care of them and to maynetayne them vntill there portions be due to be payd vnto them if they be not marryed before. Also I will that my executor hereafter named shall have the keping and custodye of all those goodes and howsehowld stuffe which I have before gyven to William my sonne in this my last will and testament vntill he come to the age of xxijtie yers. The residue of my goodes and chattalles vnbequeathed I doe gyve to Roger Weston and Adam Winthorpe my brothers in lawe whome I doe nominate and appoynte the Executors of this my last will and testament. In wittnes whereof I have declared the same 148to be my last will the daye and yere abovewritten in the presence of these persons herevnder named as wittnesses to the same. The marke of Johane Hilles. John Neale. John Turner.

Probatum fuit apud Gipwicum vicesimo die Septembris anno domini 1597.


Suffolk Archdeaconry, bk. no. 36, 1596–97; Muskett, 101–102.


On Joan Hilles see note on page 37, supra.


William Hilles, of Holton, co. Suffolk, son of Peter and Parnell Hilles of Assington, co. Suffolk. Muskett, 102.


Quern, an apparatus for grinding corn, usually consisting of two circular stones, the upper of which is turned by hand. N. E. D.


William Mannock of Giffard or Gifford Hall, Stoke by Nayland, was son of Francis Mannock, who died 1590, aged sixty-eight. He was buried in the north chapel of Stoke Church in 1616–17, aged sixty years. Note supplied by Mr. Redstone.