A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Deed of John Bull, 15901
Bull, John


This Indenture made the fifte daie of October in the Twoe and Thirtie yere of the reigne of our Sovereigne Ladie Elizabethe by the grace of god of Inglande France and Ireland Queene Defender of the faithe etc. Betwene John Bull of Melton2 in the Countie of Suffolk yeoman of the one parte 33and Peter Bull his brother of Wickam Market3 in the same Countye Yeoman of the other part witnessethe that whereas the aboue named John Bull the day of the date hereof is by a good and iust title in the lawe lawefully seased in his demeane as of fee in common with the said Peter Bull his brother of and in the thirde parte of all that messuage or Tenement landes medowes pastures Fennes and Moores with their appurtenances comonly called Lindolles scituate lienge and being in the parishe of Groton within the County aforesaid nowe in the seuerall possession vse and occupacion of Henry Vintner and Philipp Gosslinge or of either of their assignees, The said John Bull and Peter Bull for them selfes and their heires haue condiscended concluded and agreed and by thees presentes doe condiscende conclude and agree that the said John Bull shall quietly and solie haue and inioie to him his heires and assignes in severalty theis seuerall closes and parcelles of lande herevnder particulerly named and buttolled for his full thirde parte and porcion of all the saide Mesuage landes and tenementes That is to saye all those twoe closes and parcelles of lande and pasture with their appurtenances commonly called Bulmere conteynynge by estimacion twelue acres lienge iointly together in Groton aforesayd betwene the lande of John Coe gent called Heikes on the northe parte and the lande of John Bonde on the south parte The one hed therof abbuttethe vppon the lande of the said John Coe in part and vppon a lane leading from Wodkeke streete vnto Castleynes hethe in part towardes the east and the other hed abbuttethe vppon the lande of the said John Bonde called Stonydowne towardes the west And also one other close or parcell of lande commonly called nyne acres parcell of the premisses lieng in Groton aforesayde betwene the land of the saide John Coe on the part of the west and the land of the said Henry Vintner called Chappledowne in part and the land of John Gosselinge in part on the parte of the east, one hed therof abbuttethe vppon the land of the saide John Gosslinge in parte and vppon the higheway leadinge from Boxforde vnto Castleynes heathe aforesayde in parte towardes the southe, the other hed abbuttethe vppon the coppy land of the Manner of Samsons nowe in the tenure of John Parson towardes the northe AND in consideracion therof the said John Bull hathe remiste released and from him and his heires for ever quite claymed by theis presents vnto the saide Peter Bull and his heires in his full and peaceable possession beinge all the estate right title interest claime and demande which he the said John ever had nowe hathe or by any wayes or meanes may or might haue of and in all the other twoe partes of the sayd mesuage landes and tenementes or in any part of parcell 34of them And likewise the sayd Peter Bull hathe remised released and from him and his heires for ever quite claymed vnto the sayd John Bull and his heires all the estat right title and demande which he the sayd Peter ever had nowe hathe or by any manner of meanes might haue of and in all these seuerall closes and parcelles of land and pasture allotted and assigned before in theis presents vnto the sayd John for his part and portion IN WITNES whereof the partyes to theis presente Indentures interchangeably haue putt their handes and seales the daye and yere first aboue written.

Signed sealed and deliuered in and vpon the premisses in the presence of Adam WintropJohn Wintropphenry vyntener by me John Bull

W. Deeds, 6.


Melton, a parish in the hundred of Wilford, co. Suffolk.


Wickham-Market, a parish in the hundred of Wilford, co. Suffolk.