A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Folio 56


Folio 58

Folio 57
Winthrop, Adam (1548-1623)

A note of the quantitie of the Acres of Corne which I had growinge Anno 1594
In Churches of wheate iiij acres
  of pease ij acres j Rode
In the Tayntour field by Facons of wheate vj acres
In Lynne croft of Barley iij acres
In Bentslowe of Barley iiij acres 24 pole wanting
In Crabtre Went of pease iiij acres
  of Bullingmonge ij acres
Summa acrarum { Weate x acres
Barley vij acres
Pease vj acres and dimidia
Bullinmong ij acres
Summa valoris xl li. ut estimatur per me
In Lynnecrofte of arrable lande iij acres xij perches
In Bentslowe of arrable lande iij acres iij Roodes and xvj perches
In the lesser part of Churches of arrable land ij acres j Roode and blank perches
In Crabtree Went of arrable lande vij acres
A note of the quantitye of Lodes which I felled in my grove called woodcocke grove the which I beganne to cutt downe in January Anno 1593 sic and Elizabethe xxxvijto.
Imprimis I payd for the makinge of lx lodes at vj d. the lode to Anderton and Kinge xxx s.
Item paid to Anderton and Kinge for the makinge of xxxty lode of woodd felled 1595 xvj d. vj d.
Item paid more to Anderton and Kinge for xxxj lodes xviij s. j d.
A note of the bargayne of Tymber which I bought of my brother Anno 1602
Imprimis I had xij lodes of brusshe xxiiij s.
Item tenne lodes of woodde xl s.
Item ix lodes and dimidium of Tymber and xx foot iiij li.
Item soulde the barke for xiij s. iiij d.
Item solde the baste for ij s. viij d.
Summa viij li.
Woode felled at home since Michaelmas 1594
Imprimis felled in Huettes medowe vj lodes
Item in Hall field x lodes
Item in Latchemere medowe j lode
Item in Lappages medowe ij lodes
1595. Item in Woodcock grove lxj lodes
1597 Item in Wronglande xij lodes
Item in Muchefield iij lodes
Item in Gosnoldes xiij lodes
Item in Woodcock grove blank

1610 Memorandum that the 2 of september my Wife bought x lambes of Nutton. 58