Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1
The grace and blessinge of the Lorde be with thee ever, and with vs bothe, for the continuance and increace of our mutuall love in all truethe and holinesse, wherevnto let vs striue by prayer and stirringe vp eache other, that we may have full assurance of our beinge in Christ, by our livelynesse in Christianytye, that we may liue that life of faithe, which onely affordes true peace, comfort, and contentation, and if by this meanes the world shall disclaime vs as none of hirs, and shall refuse to hould out to vs suche full breastes as she dothe to others, this shall not need to trouble vs, but rather may give vs matter of ioye in that beinge strangers heere, we may looke for our inheritance in a better life. I feared thou shouldst take could and therfore I have sent thee another garment. I knowe not certainely when I shall come for thee, but as soone as conveniently I can, in the meane tyme, be sure, my heart is with thee. and so I commende thee againe to the protection, blessinge and direction of our heavenly father, farewell. Thine etc:
Remember my dutye and love to all as thou knowest I owe them.