Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1
I receiued thy kinde and welcome Lettres, and doe heartyly blesse our mercifull God for his gratious prouidence ouer thee and all our familye: oh that we had heartes to loue him and trust in him as his kindnesse is towards vs: I am sory that I cannot returne to thee so soone as I made account, for comminge to Childerditch2 vpon saterday last, I found my Cosin Barfut very ill, and decayinge so fast as on mundaye morninge I could not leaue him, so stayinge with him about noone he comfortably and quietly gaue vp the Ghost: I sawe Gods proui292dence had brought me thither to be a stay and comfort to hir in that suddaine tryall when none of hir freinds were with hir; by this occasion it was Wensdaye night before I could gett
my brother Fones and my sister and my brother Downinge salute the and my mother.
Childerditch is a parish in the hundred of Chafford, co. Essex.