A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

John Winthrop to Margaret Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret


My most deare and sweet spouse,

I receiued thy kinde lettre, the true Image of thy most louinge heart, breathinge out the faithfull desires of thy sweet sowle, towardes him that prizeth thee aboue all thinges in the world: and blessed be our good God and heauenly father, who of his rich mercye is pleased still to afforde vs matter of ioy and thankfullnesse in the good newes of each others wellfare, and of those which are neere and deare 356vnto us: our onely care must be how to be answearable in our thankfullnesse and walkinge worthy his great mercies. We continue all in health I prayse God: I had a lettre within these 2 dayes from my sonne Jo: who hath been out at sea in verye stormy weather, but is returned safe to Portesmouth: heer is no newes, the Duke is gone to Portesmouth2 and 2 or 3 Londoners comitted, about the Loane. Thus hoping in God that we shall meet on Teusdaye or Wensdaye next, I commende thee and all ours to the grace and blessings of the Lorde, and with my duty to my good mother, and all our louinge salutations to thy selfe, my blessinges to our children, and salutations to all our friendes, I kisse my sweet wife and rest Thine as his owne

J: W. London June 15. 1627

W. 1. 25; L. and L. , I. 235.


The Repulse was at Portsmouth on June 11, on which day the King visited her. The Duke’s arrival is not shown in the records, but he signed an order at Portsmouth on the fifteenth and on the seventeenth the King held a council there, the Lords Admiral being present. The fleet sailed on its ill-fated expedition June 27 and what remained of ships and army returned to Portsmouth and Plymouth early in November. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1627–1628, 212, 217, 222, 231, 423, 431. The Expedition to the Isle of Rhe, a history of the attempt to relieve Rochelle, written by Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, was printed for the Philobiblon Society (London, 1860).