A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, John, Jr.


To my beloved sonne John Winthrop at Trin: Colledge in Dublin, dd Irelande received Aprill: 26
My deare sonne,

I received your letters with the bill of charges inclosed etc: I blesse God for the continuance of your healthe, but especially for. the good seed of his true feare which, I trust, is planted and growes dayly in you; I perceiue you lose not your tyme, nor neglect your studye, which as it wilbe aboundantly fruitfull to my comfort, so muche more to your owne future and eternal happinesse, and especially to the glorye of him who hathe created you to this purpose. I praye continually that God will please to stablishe your heart and bless these good beginninges. For the moneye which you have spent I will paye it, and what els your vncle shall appointe me, so soone as I receive my rentes, and for your expences, seeing, I perceive, you are considerate of my estate, I will have as great regard of yours, and so longe as your minde is limited to a sober course, I will not limit your allowance, lesse then to the vttermost of myne owne estate, so as if 20 li. be to little (as I alwayes accounted it) you shall have 30 li., and when that shall not suffice, you shall have more, onely holde a sober and frugall course (yet without basenesse) and I will shorten my selfe to en­279large you. for your apparell, desire your vncle to furnishe you for this present, and if I can finde out a means to sende you things against winter at a more easye rate, I will provide for you, as I would haue doone before this, but that I thought (the charges of sending and hazard considered) you were as good provide them there. your mother is lately delivered of another sonne (his name is Deane),2 and is reasonable well (I prayse God) with your grandmother brothers and sister, vncle and aunt Gostlin etc, but your grandfather is very weake and (we feare) in his last sicknesse. they all salute you and reioyce in your welfare. goodman hawes was heere and salutes you allso: remember my love to your Tutor etc. The Lord blesse you allways. Amen. Your loving father,

J. Winthrop

I wrote to you lately and to your vncle and aunt and since I wrote another letter to your aunte.

March 25. 1623.

W. 7A. 9; Savage (1825), I. 339–340; (1853), I. 407–408; L. and L. , I. 176–177.


Sixth son, born March 16, 1622–23, died March 16, 1703–04.