A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

Forth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Winthrop, Forth Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his most louinge Brother Mr. John Winthroppe at Trinitie Coll: nere Dublin give thes Ireland
Most louinge Brother

I receiued youer letters the 16 of Aprill wherby I perceiued your great loue and respect towards me which alwaise hath binne: I thank you for your good admonitions which you in your letters sent mee for to alwaise goe on as I haue begunne knowinge that althou the waie to lerninge seeme verry hard and dificult yet the frute and end is sweet and pleasant. I hope althou the distans of place hath set vs one from another yet nether sea nor land nor any thinge else can part our affections one from the other: I had an intention to haue written to you by one of Bury that went ouer but he went ouer so speedilie as I cold nott haue time to wright: but hauing so fitt an opportunitie I will wright. I wold I cold find matter wherin I might expresse my mind to you: for sich are our sinnes to god as they dailie cry for vengans vppon vs and so littell loue or charitie one to another in thes daies as it is gods mercy that we are nott consumed: but to retturne to the purpose: you wrote to me to send you word of what forme I am of and how I like: I am of Tho: 280Chalmans: for when as I came first Mr. Ward did putt mee to my choise whether I wold be of Jermin Wrights or the other now Jermins classe was so forward in Greke grammer as I cold verry hardly haue ouertaken them so I wold be of the louer forme: we came vp into the hie ende last christide: As for my likinge of itt who cold mislike of sich a place hauinge sich kind vsage att schole: and I giue most hartie thanks to Almightie God for that he hath disposed it so for my good and benefight: As for our Borders Tho: Wright and his Brother are gone to Cambridge: thaie went a fort­night before Ester; none else but Abraham Caly of whom before I wrote to you: All our Frends are in good helth onely our grandmother is nott very well: Our grandfather is departed out of this miserable life to a perpetual rest: When as I came last from my master Mr. Dikenson he was in good helth and sent commendations to you. So did Mr. Ward: Mr. Dikenson is married last Ester: his wife is bigge with child reddy to be delivered if nott she bee already: William Harbone is gone to Cambridge: he went that daie that Thomas wright went: William Hall went to Cam: 2 monthes before; and Edmund Maier went to bee admitted then toe but he cold nott William Smith went to Cambridge this Easter: the 2 classe as I suppose shall be turned to the hy one: Charles Neuton is gone to Cambridge verry latly but of what college he is I cannot learne: Henery Bridon sendeth salutations to you:

I am in good health I praise god for it So are all our frends so far as I can learne our new Brother Deane is well praised be god for itt:

Thus hauinge nott more time I committ you to the almightie Jehoua:

Your louing brother Forth Winthroppe Groton: Aprill 17 1623

as for the printed booke of quarters which you wroght word of I cannott redilie find it nor how surely send it. but my father will find it and send it to you by my Vncle Gostling who will come shortly:

Remember me to my vncle and ante Downinge and to Richard:


W. 1. 7; L. and L. , I. 188–190; 5 Collections , VIII. 186–188.