A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1

John Winthrop to Margaret Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret


To my most lovinge and deare wife Mrs. Margt. Winthrop at Groton in Suffolk.
My dearly beloved Wife,

— the blessinge of our heavenly father be upon thee and all ours: and he who hath preserved and prospered us hither­to, 262without our meritts of his free goodnesse, continue us in his favour, and the comfort of each others Love, unto our last and most happie change. I trust by the blessinge of God to be restored safe to thee on Saturdaye next: for my heart is at home, and specially with thee my best beloved, yet the businesse I came for is come to no passe, and there is cause to feare lest it will not be effected this week: therefore be not over confident of my returne untill tuesdaye next weeke: but I hope I shall write to thee againe if I be likely to staye. Our freinds heere are all in healthe: I am much streightened in tyme, and therefore cannot satisfye my selfe in writinge as I desire, gather the rest out of thyne owne faithfull assurance of my Love: so with the sweetest kisses, and pure imbracinges of my kindest affection I rest Thine

John Winthrop.

Remember my dutye to parents and loveinge salutations to suche good freinds as thou knowest I desire, etc.

London. May 9: 1621.

L. and L. , I. 163, from an original now in the possession of Frederic Winthrop, Esq.