Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1
I am, I assure yow (Gentle Mris. Margaret) alredy inflamed with a fatherly Loue and affection towardes yow: the which at the first, the only report of your modest behauiour, and mielde nature, did breede in my heart; but nowe throughe the manifest tokens of your true loue, and con221stant minde, which I perceyue to be setteled in yow towardes my soonne, the same is exceedingly increased in mee. So that I cannot abstaine from expressinge it vnto yow by my pen in absence, which my tounge and mouthe, I hope shal shortely declare vnto yow in presence. And then I doute not, but I shal haue iust cause to prayse god for yow, and to thincke my selfe happy, that in my olde age I shal inioye the familiar company of so virtuous and loving a daughter; and passe the residue of my daies in peace and quietnes. For I haue hetherto had greate cause to magnifie his holy name for his loving kindenes and mercy shewed vnto mee in my children, and in those to whom they haue bene maried; that bothe I haue alwaies deerly loued and affected them, and they also most lovinglye, and dutyfully haue vsed mee. And therfore I assure yow (good Mris. Margaret) that whatsoeuer loue and kindenes you shal vouchsafe to shewe heereafter vnto mee, I wil not only requite it with the like, but also to the vttermost of my power redouble the same. And for that I woulde fayne make it a little parte of your fayth to beleeue, that yow shal be happye in matchinge with my soonne, I doe heere faithfully promise for him, in the presence of almighty god, that he will alwaies be a most kinde and lovinge husbande vnto yow, and a prouident stuarde for you and yours during his lyfe, and also after his deathe. Thus with my harty commendacions to your selfe, and to the good lady your deere mother, confirminge my true loue, and promise vnto yow, by a token of a smale value, but of a pure substance, which I sende you by this trusty bearer, I doe leaue yow to the protection of the most mighty Trinitye this last of Marche 1618. Your assured frende