Browse Authors, alphabetical Authors, by document count Date Volume Contents Winthrop Papers: Volume 3, 1631-1637 Front Matter Documents March 1630 July 1631Accounts of John Winthrop, Jr.March 10, 1629/30. Received of mr. Harwood tresurer for the Company 30li Paid mr. Revell towards the powder 40li March 11. Paid mr. Covels man for sho... 1631John Bulbrooke to John WinthropTo the right worshipfull mr. Wintrop in new England this be delivered To the right Worshipfull Mr. Wintrop gouernour at New England, Grace and peace... 1631Thomas Gostlin to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very loving Cosen Mr. John Winthrop at Mr. Downings house in Peterborow aly in fleetestrete this be delivered in London Lovinge Cosen, accord... January 1631John Rogers to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worshipfull Mr. John Winthrop at Groton geue these Loving and good Sir, your letter was exceeding wellcome to me, for I longed to heare wheth... 6 February 1631Priscilla Paynter to Elizabeth Winthrop and Martha FonesTo my beloued daughters Elizabeth and Martha I pray you deliuer these My dere daughters, I knowe your loue to be such one to another that you will n... 14 February 1631Agreement about Freight on the LionWe whose names are heervnder written havinge severall parcells of provisions and other goods aboarde the Shippe Lyon now rydinge at Ancher in the Baye... March 1631John Winthrop on Reformation without Separation1. And first a Question would be demanded, whither Antechrist or the Antechristian Church hath vtterly nullified the Christian Churches: or whither it... March 1631John Winthrop to the Lord Chief Justice of EnglandRight Honorable, Our humble dutyes to your good Lordshipp presented: may it please you to vnderstand that whereas one Robt. wright Citisen and mercha... 1 March 1631Henry Paynter to John Winthrop, Jr.To my much respected Sonne Mr. John Winthrop at the howse of Mr. Immanuel Downing at the Signe of the Bishoppe in Peterburrow Court neere Fleete condu... 4 March 1631John Winthrop, Jr., to Martha WinthropMy deare, I cannot write the any long narration of our iorny but in breif both on Wednesday and Thursday we came to our iourneys end as wet as dround... 15 March 1631—— Pond to William PondTo my Louinge Fathere William Ponde at Etherston in Suffolcke giue theis Moste Louinge and Kinde Father and mother, my humble deuteye remembreid vnt... 28 March 1631John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropMy dear wife, I haue small hope that this should come to thy hands, in regard of the longe staye of the shipe heer, so as thou maiest be well onward ... 28 March 1631John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my verye lovinge Sonne mr. John Winthrop at London deliver if he be come away my brother Downing may open this Letter My good sonne, The blessing... April 1631Anne Higginson to John WinthropWorthy Sir, My loue and seruice to yow remembred: wishing your health and prosperity in the Lord: the cause of my writtinge att this time is to giue ... 5 April 1631Martha Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To her very loueing husband Mr. John Winthrop at Mr. Downings house in Fleetstreete these deliver in London Deare husband, My afections toward thee ... 8 April 1631John Winthrop, Jr., to Martha WinthropTo my loving wife Mrs. Martha Winthrop deliver In Groton My dearest hart, I receiued thy sweete letter wherby thy loue doeth manifest its true desir... 12 April 1631John Endecott to John WinthropRight Worshipful, I did expect to have beene with you in person at the court, and to that end I put to sea yesterday and was driven back againe the w... 12 April 1631Martha Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To her much respected Husband Mr. John Winthrope at Mr. Downings howse in flet street neere the conduit giue this with speede Deare husband, I reice... 16 April 1631John Winthrop, Jr., to John WinthropTo the right worshipfull my much honoured father John Winthrop Esqr. Governour of the mattachusetts deliver In New-England Sir, My humble duty remem... 20 April 1631Margaret Winthrop to Martha WinthropTo hir very louinge daughter mrs. Martha Winthrop these deliver Lovinge daughter, I am sory that time did so preuent me, as I could not right to the... 29 April 1631Margaret Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To hir much respected and very louinge sonne mr. John Winthrope at mr. Downings house neare fleete condite, these be delivered my good Sonne, I am g... 30 April 1631Emmanuel Downing to John WinthropTo his verie loving brother John Winthrop Governour of the plantacion in the Mattachusetts Bay My good brother, your last lettres which cam this pas... 30 April 1631John Winthrop, Jr., to John WinthropTo the right worshipfull my much honoured father John Winthrop Esqr. Governour of the Massachusett deliver in New-England Sir, My humble duty rememb... May 1631Margaret Winthrop to John Winthrop, deare sonne, blessed be our good god who hath not fayled us, but hath given vs cause of most vnspeakable ioy, for the good newes which we haue har... 17 May 1631Margaret Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To hir very louinge sonne mr. John Winthrope at mr. Downings house neare fleet Condite these deliver Londone Louinge sonne, I can saye little of any... 24 May 1631Martha Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To hir very louinge Husband Mr. John winthrop at mr. Downings house in fletstrete neare flete condite these deliver My sweete husband, I came safe t... 24 May 1631Margaret Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To hir louinge and much respected sonne mr. John Winthrop at Mr. Downings in fletstrete neare flete condite these deliver my deare Sonne, Since it h... 26 May 1631John Reading to John WinthropTo the right worshipfull John Winthorpe Esqr. Governour, At Charles-Towne in Newe England deliver Sir, one Mr. Hueson hath bene often with me to wri... 28 May 1631John Winthrop, Jr., to Martha WinthropTo my loving wife Mrs. Martha Winthrop deliver In Groton My deare wife, I receiued thy louing letters and am uery glad to heare that thou diddest co... June 1631Henry Paynter to John Winthrop, Jr.To my worthily respected Sonne Mr. John Winthrop at the howse of Mr. Emanuel Downinge at the signe of the Bishop in Peterburrow Courte neere fleete co... 18 June 1631Ursula Sherman to John Winthrop, Jr.To my worthy and uery louing Brother mr. John Winthrop at Groton in Sufoke deliver My worthy and beloued Brother, I am tolde by my mother and she sh... 5 July 1631Thomas Caley to John Winthrop, Jr.To my very louing and approued kinde Friend Mr. John Winthrop at Mr. Downings in Fleet street be these delivered in London Good Sir, I haue desired ... 9 July 1631William Dwight’s Bill to John Winthrop, Jr.lisd 30 bushelles and a halfe of oatmill at 7s the bushell10136 Receaued the som of tenn poundes and thirteen shillinges and six pence in full for thi... 15 July 1631Invoice of Goods Shipped on the Lion1631. An In voyce of all the goodes thatt are laden a boord of the good shipp called the Lyon: this 15th of July: for the proopper accountt of the Wor... 15 July 1631Edward Clarke’s Bill to John Winthrop, Jr.lisd Item deliuered to the bridghouse 6 hogshedes quarter bound for pease010400 1 hogshed quarter bound 3 hogshedes full bound at 18s the tonn and 7 h... 16 July 1631John Ling’s Bill to John Winthrop, Jr.lisd 2 hog. wine vineger Full gaige at 47s per hog. is041400 Swete oyle 1 Rund. at 9 gall. 5 pints at 5s 4d per gall. is021104 For hooping of the 2 ho... 22 July 1631Bill of John Steward, Jr., to John Winthrop, Jr.Bought of John Steward Junior at the Signe of the Princes Armes in Leaden hall streite as follows lisd Imps.An Infernall glasse030 1 greate Receauer03... 26 July 1631Robert Hill’s Bill to John Winthrop, 1 3 Alisander seeds at 2d2 1 3 Angelica seeds at 4d4 1 3 Bassill seeds at 3d3 1 3 Buglos at 2d2 1 3 Burradg seeds 4d4 1 3 Burnett 3d3 1 3 Beets at ... 4 August 1631Edward Kedden’s Bill to John Winthrop, Jr.lisd for 106 Cth. 0 10 bolted meall at 16s per Cth.841600 Recs. this 4th of August 1631 the some of eighty and four pounds and sixteen shillings In fu... 8 August 1631William Cottwen’s Bill to John Winthrop, Jr.A note for making of a suite of Cetch sailes for mr. Winthroppe lisd For working of 139 yards of French Canvas into a maine saile and 2 bonnetts and f... 18 August 1631John Humfrey to John Winthrop, Jr.To his worthily respected and assured loving freind mr. John Winthrop at the Dolphin Mr. Humfries house in Sandwich Deare Sir, It much troubled mee ... 2 November 1631Emmanuel Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.To his lovinge Cousin John Wynthropp Esqr. at New-England these deliver Loving Cosen, Yours at your departure from the waterside I receiued and sent... 4 November 1631John Humfrey to John Winthrop, Jr.To his worthy and much beloved mr. Jo: Winthrop Junior at Boston Deare Sir, True love will fasten upon a small occasion and the least opportunitie t... 9 November 1631Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To his louinge frind Mr. John Winthrop at his fathers house in the Machassetts Bay these deliver at Boston in New Engeland Charissime J. W., Health ... 26 December 1631Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very lovinge and much respected frend mr. John Winthrop Junior this deliver in noua Anglia in Charlton per a frend whom god preserue My very l... January 1632Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.Charissimo Amico, Setting asside all vowes and protestations of my continuing amitie which would seeme but rather complements then true harted Loue, ... 9 January 1632Henry Jacie to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very worthy and much respected friend Mr. John Winthrop junr: Son to the Right Worthy Governour of New England at Boston there these be deliver... 23 January 1632Henry Jacie to John Winthrop, Jr.To his Worthy good friend Mr. John Winthrop junr. in New England these be delivered Good Sir, I salute you in the Lord. Hearing that as yet the ship... 30 January 1632Thomas Arkisden to Edward HowesTo his much deseruing Freind Mr. Edward Howes at Mr. Downings in Fleet streete by the Conduit these deliver It was the 29th day of this Month befor ... 6 February 1632The Governor and Assistants of Plymouth to the Governor and Assistants of MassachusettsTo our Worshipfull goodfreinds mr. Winthrop Gouernour of the Massachusetts and the rest of the Counssell ther Gentlemen and Worthyly beloued freinds,... 7 March 1632Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very louinge frind Mr. John Winthrop at the Gouernors house these deliver in Mattachusets bay in New England Gaudium meae Vitae, As the feare... 8 March 1632The Company of Husbandmen to Members in New EnglandCristen Bretheren, mr. Crispe John Cermen John Smith and the rest of our Sosiate: Wee as members of the sam bode send gretinge in the nam of our lord... 20 March 1632Thomas Arkisden to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worshipfull and his much respected freind Mr. John Winthrop the younger these be delivered in N. England Worthy Sir, It is not the latitude o... 26 March 1632Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To his worthy frind Mr. John Winthrop the yonger at Boston in Mattachusetts Bay or else where these deliver in N: England Optatissime Amice optime, ... 26 March 1632Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To my much esteemed frind Mr. John Winthrop the yonger these deliver at Boston in New England Worthy Sir, Vpon the 23th of march last past with grea... 3 April 1632Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To his worthy frind Mr. John Winthrop the yonger at the Massachusetts Bay these deliver in New England Such is the force and effect of true Loue (my... 20 April 1632Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To my much esteemed frind Mr. John Winthrop the yonger at the Massachusetts Bay these deliver New England Noble frind, I hauinge the 14th of this Ap... June 1632Henry Jacie to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipful, his very good Friend, John Winthrop junr. Esqr. son to the Cheef Governour of N. E. at Boston there Dear Sir, I humbly and most h... James Wall to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much Respexted Frend mr. John Winthrope sonne to the governer worship in newe Ingland giue this with all speed Sir, I mad bould to write to y... 21 June 1632John Humfrey to John Winthrop, Jr.To his worthily respected good freind mr. John Wrinthrop iunior at Boston or else where in Mattachusets Bay Deare Sir, I sent you a wavd’e sword as ... 22 June 1632Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very kind and much respected frend mr. John Wynthrop the younger at the Mattachusets in New England this deliver per mr. Peirce whom god preser... 22 June 1632Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very lovinge and much respected frend Mr. John Winthrop the yonger at the Mattachuset in New England this deliver per amicum quern Deus conseru... 22 June 1632Bill of LadingShipped by the grace of God in good order and well conditioned by me Francis Kerby of London in and upon the good Ship called the lion of London where... July 1632Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worshipfull his worthie frinde Mr. John Winthrop theyonger at the Massachusetts bay these deliver in New England Most noble frind, Can a ship... July 1632Roger Williams to John WinthropFor the right Worshipfull John Wintrop Esqr. Governour of the English in Massachusetts Much honoured and beloved in Christ Jesu, Your Christian acce... Enclosure Group 4 July 1632John Winthrop to John WhiteTo his Reverend and verie loving freinde Mr. Jo: White Minister of the Gospell in Dorchester deliver Reverend and worthye Sir, I salute you in the L... 4 July 1632Bill Enclosed in John Winthrop to John White, July 4, 1632Brother Downinge, I praye paye vnto this bearer by the Allowance of Mr. John White of Dorchester twelve pounds: it is for fishing lines to be sent me... October 1632John Winthrop and John Wilson to John StoughtonTo our Reverend and right worthy freinde Mr. Doctor Stoughton these deliver Reverend and Worthy Sir, We may be bould to let you knowe (vpon certaine... 19 October 1632Thomas Arkisden to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much respected and worthily esteemed Friend Mr. John Winthrop the younger at Boston in the Massachusates these be delivered in N. England Pli... 1 November 1632Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.Sir, Yours of the 19 of September I receiued this euening, and could not let slipp to giue you intelligence of the receipt, though this be the third ... 21 November 1632Emmanuel Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very louinge cossen Mr. John Winthrop at the Mattachusetts these deliver in New England Cosen Winthrop, I am very glad to heare of your healt... 23 November 1632Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To his worthilie respected frind Mr. John Winthrop Junr. at the Mattachusetts in New England these deliver Deare Frind and most noble Sir, Deare bec... 24 November 1632Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.Worthy Sir, Here I haue sent you a taste of the famous and farre renouned English man of our Tymes Dr. Fludd, whoe as you may remember published a bo... 25 November 1632Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much Respected frend mr. John Winthrop the yonger at the Massachusets in New England this deliver Good Sir, I received your longe expected an... 27 November 1632Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very lovinge and much respected frend mr. John Winthrop the yonger this deliver at Boston in the Masachusets bay in New England My good frend,... 28 November 1632Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To his most respected and worthy Frind Mr. John Winthrop Junr. at the Mattachusetts these deliver in New England Sir, I thought good not to lett pas... 1 December 1632The Company of Husbandmen to John WinthropTo the right worshipfull the worthy Gouernour at Mattachucetts John Wynthropp deliver in New England per our good Frend Mr. Allerton whose voyage God ... 3 December 1632John Humfrey to John Winthrop, Jr.To his worthyly respected mr. Jo: Winthrop iunior Deare and desired Sir, I cannot but write though I can but barely tell you I am thankeful for you ... 3 December 1632Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his goodfrend mr. Jo: Winthrop iunior this deliver Kind Sir, Yours of the 19th 7ber per mr. Fogge I received wherby I vnderstand of Mr. Peirce hi... 25 February 1633James Hopkins to John WinthropTo the right worshipfull Mr. John Winthrope the wortkie and carefull Governour of the Colonie in New England giue this Worthie and worshipfull Sir, ... 6 March 1633Thomas Ashley to John WinthropTo my worthy and much respected frend Mr. John Winthrope the Elder in new England whome God preserve Worthy Sir, if this Missive safely arryve att W... 14 March 1633John Bluett to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worshipfull and his reverend goodfriend mr. John Winthropp the younger at Boston in New England giue this Good Sir, Soe it hath pleased the A... 14 March 1633Henry Paynter to John Winthrop, Jr.To my deere and most respected Sonne Mr. John Winthrop at Boston in Newe England Deerly respected, and my loving sonne Winthrop, We receaued from Lo... 18 March 1633Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.Worthy sir, Your lettres by mr. Allerton and mr. Pierse I receiued; as for the Cement I knowe none as yet worth sending the receipt vnto you. the let... 25 March 1633Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To my approued louinge frind mr. John Winthrop theyonger at Boston these deliver in Mattachusets Bay Sir, Although I haue bin very large in my lettr... 26 March 1633Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very lovinge and much respected frend mr. John Winthrop iunior this deliver at Boston in New England Most Louing frend, Yours of the 24 Octob... 26 March 1633Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much respected frend mr. John Winthrop iunior this deliver Most louing frend, I receiued your letter (which had first been washed in the sea)... 18 April 1633William Hilton to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worshipfull mr. John Winthrope the younger at aguawam giue these Ser, There ariued a fishing shipe at Pascataque about the 15th of this presa... May 1633John Winthrop to William BradfordSir, vpon a petition exhibited by Sir Christopher Gardner, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Captaine Masson etc. against you and vs; the cause was heard before... 1 May 1633William Hilton to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worthy and his much respeckted Frend mr. John Winthrop gouernor at aguawam giue these Ser, my duty and respeckt remembred to you and to mrs. ... 3 June 1633Stephen Bachiler to John WinthropTo the Right Worship full my very loueing Frend and our Gouernour at his house in Bostone these Right Worship full and my loueing Frend Mr. Gouernour... 5 June 1633Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipfull his most esteemed frind Mr. John Winthrop Junr. at Boston in N: Engl. present these Charissime, The intire respects I euer bare t... 11 June 1633Thomas Gostlin to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very lovinge Cosen Mr. John Winthrop Junior this be delivered in new England Loving Cosen, My loue to you and to my good Cosen your wife bein... 12 June 1633Henry Jacie to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Right Worshipfull his much respected good friend, Mr. John Winthrop junr. Esq. son to the Right Worthy Governour of New England these Kind Sir... 18 June 1633Emmanuel Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very louinge cosen Mr. John Winthrop at the Mattachusetts in new England these deliver My good Cosen, For want of other matter to write of I ... 18 June 1633Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very lovinge and much respected frend Mr. John Wynthrop the yonger this deliver at Boston in New England My lovinge and no lesse loued Frend, ... 22 June 1633Lucy Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.To her louinge nephew Mr. John Winthrop at Boston present thes My good nephewes and neses, your loues and deserts challeng many expressions of my lo... 22 June 1633Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To his highly esteemed Frind Mr. John Winthrop Junr. at Boston present these in New England Sir, Although I haue written vnto you alredie by this sh... 5 August 1633Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worshipfull his assured frind John Winthrop esqr. Junr. at Boston in the Mattachusets Baye present these in New England Sir, This is the fift... 6 August 1633Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much respected frend Mr. John Winthrop the yonger this deliver at Boston in New England Although (most loving frend) I haue not any thinge to... 13 August 1633Emmanuel Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.To his verie louinge Nephew Mr. John Winthrop the yonger at Boston in the Mattachusetts Bay in New England these deliver giue these letters to Richard... 13 August 1633Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very good frind Mr. John Winthrope the yonger at Boston present these in New England Sir, Not to enlarge your title with an Epitaph, for all ... 26 September 1633John Winthrop to Sir Simonds D’EwesTo the right worshipfull his muche honored friend and Cosin Sir Simeon Dewes at Lavenham in Suff. deliver Worthy Sir, Yours by younge Hamond I recei... 24 October 1633John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my very lovinge sonne Mr. Winthrop iunr. at Passamuckett deliver Sonne, I received 3 Lettres from you, but had no opportunitye to sende any to yo... 24 October 1633John Winthrop, Jr., to Martha WinthropTo my deare wife Mrs. Martha Winthrop deliver In Boston My sweete and deare wife, I doe much long to see the and inioy thy sweete company it would b... 31 October 1633Martha Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my louing husband mr. John winthrop at agawaum Dear loue, I receiued thy leter by Mr. Thorndick I was much troubled that I could not heare from t... 17 December 1633Henry Jacie to John Winthrop, Jr.To his Worthy friend Mr. John Winthrop, sonne to the Right Worthy Governour of New England Worthy Sir, If you knew how ioyful a thing it was to me t... 1634Ephraim Child to John WinthropTo the right Worshipful Mr. Wintrop at Boaston these be delivered Right Worshipful and much respected, being carefull least by any miscareag of mine... 1634Richard Saltonstall, Jr., to John Winthrop, Jr.To his worthely endeared Mr. John Winthrop junior deliver N. England Deare Sir, The best thing that I have to begg your thoughts for at this praesen... 3 January 1634Thomas Oliver to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Right Worshipfull his very loving frend Mr. Winthorpe at Agawam thes be delivered Right loving Brother in the best beloued, my deare loue and... 3 January 1634John Winthrop to John EndecottThe things which will cheifly be layd to his charge are these. 1: that he chargethe Kinge James with a solemne publick lye. 2: that he chargethe bothe... 17 February 1634London Port Book Entry for the Mary and John In le Mary and John of London Robart Scoyer master versus new england. John Wenthorpe and comp. iiij firkins of ij C wht castle soape j barr: iij fir... 26 February 1634Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very kind frend mr. John Wynthrop the yonger at Agawam or else wher this deliver in New England this deliver Louinge frend mr. Winthrop, Your... 28 February 1634Joseph Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.To his verie good Friend Mr. John Winthrop at his house in Agawam or elsewhere in New England Good mr. Winthropp, I and my wife remember our selves ... 5 March 1634London Port Book Entry for the Jonas In le Jonas of London Jon Crowther master versus New England. John Wenthorpe Esquier gouernor etc. j chest Iron Bare value vli xs j chest apparell va... 7 March 1634London Port Book Entry for the Recovery In le Recouerye of London Wm. Wildye master versus New England. Jon Winthorpe Esquier gouernor and Comp. halfe a ton Iron ij barr pitche and tarr v s... 7 March 1634London Port Book Entry for the Reformation In le Reformacon of London Thomas Graves master for New England. John Winthorpe Esquier gouernor etc. vj trunks xx smale paq’tts v Chestes of xl yard... 12 March 1634London Port Book Entry for the Jonas In le Jonas of London Jon Crowder master versus New England. John Winthorpe Esquier etc. prd. j C iiij hhds xvj barrells of lx quarters wheate meale ... 12 March 1634London Port Book Entry for the Elizabeth Bonaventure In le Elizabeth bonaventure of London Tho: Coitmore master for New England. Jon: Winthorpe Esquier etc. prd. xlij hhds ij killderkins of xliiij quart... 17 March 1634John Stratton to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worshipfull and his much honored freind Mr. John Winthrop Esqr. att his house theis hast and deliver in Aggawaam per Jno. Gallopps boate Right... 26 April 1634London Port Book Entry for the Elizabeth In le Elizabeth of London Wm. Stagg master for New England. Mathew Cradocke j Hd of iiij C yd. goods Cotton vi dozen of Irishe stockings xxx paire sh... 28 March 1634London Port Book Entry for the Elizabeth In the Elizabeth of London prd. Jon: Winthorpe Esquier gouernor etc. j hhd yron tooles value ixli j barrell of vj bushells salte j barrell honny j hh... Enclosure Group 29 March 1634Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To my very good frind Mr. John Winthrop at Agawom these present in New England Worthy Frind, Yours of June August and September I haue receiued sinc... 29 March 1634List of Books Sent from Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.Rec. of Mr. Kirby 55s 2d The bookes I haue sent you March, 1634 2 Catalogues of Printed bookes lisd Dr. Fludds Macrocosme in 2 volumes1100 Isagoge Ph... 31 March 1634London Port Book Entry for the Elizabeth, the Jonas, and the Seaflower In le Elizabeth of London for New England. John Winthorpe Esquier etc. prd. xxv hhds vij barrells v killderkins viij firkins iiij Chestes iij Hd. of ... 2 April 1634London Port Book Entries for the Seaflower In the Seaflower of London prd. Jon: Winthorp etc. prd. xxvj hhds iiij barrels, v kilderkins vij firkins iij Chestes iiij trunckes of xv quarters whe... 5 April 1634London Port Book Entry for the Planter, the True Love, and the Elizabeth And Dorcas In the Planter of London Nico. Tracey master versus New England John Winthorpe for prouision for the passengers iiij butts lxx hhds xxxiiij barrells ... 10 April 1634London Port Book Entry for the Neptune In le Neptune of London John Vamell master versus New England Jon: Winthorpe Esquier etc. for the planters ij hhds sacke j halfe hhd muscadel j halfe... 11 April 1634Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much respected frend Mr. John Winthrop the yonger at Agawam or else where in New England this deliver per amicum quem deus conseruat Lovinge a... 11 April 1634London Port Book Entry for the Planter In le Planter of London prd. John Winthorpe etc. for the planters j tte v chestes j barrell j killderkin of Iron worke value xli xxviiij paire knitt ... 14 April 1634Elizabeth Knowles to John WinthropTo the worshipfull Mr. Winthropp Governor of New England deliver these with trust Worthy Sir, my humblest seruice to you remembred with my prayers f... 18 April 1634Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much esteemed frind John Winthrop esquire at Agawom present torn Waobretahoy Stitra Agawom Sagamore, Aus Neost flourigreathinnog obuor whoina... 20 April 1634William Forth to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Woorshipfull his very Lovinge Cosene Mr. John Winthrop the younger giue thes in Nue Englande Per henerye Brygth Cosinge Winthop, vnto yow and... 22 May 1634John Winthrop to Sir Nathaniel RichTo his honorable freind Sir Nathaniell Riche Knight at Warwick howse in Holburne London deliver Worthye Sir, That you are pleased amonge your many a... 5 June 1634John Winthrop to Thomas GravesMr. Graves, I praye bringe me a paire of mill stones peake stones seaven foote broade and of thicknesse answearable. they are for a windmill and vpon... 22 June 1634Thomas Mayhew to John WinthropTo the worshipfull John Wynthropp this deliver in Boston Sir, I doe hereby Request your worshipp to deliuer this bearer That hempe yow spake of for ... 19 July 1634London Port Book Entry for the Philip In le Phillip of London Rich: Hussy master versus New England John Winthorpe etc. of the Plantacon of matchechusatts baye xxvj Colts xj heifers fre p... 20 July 1634John Winthrop, Jr., to John WinthropTo the right worshipfull my much honored father John Winthrop Esqr. deliver In Boston Sir, I have cast up the account of the remainder which is yet ... 21 July 1634London Port Book Entry for the Griffin In le Griffen of London Thomas Babb master versus New England Jon: Winthorpe Esquier Gouernor etc. for the passengers xvj butts ij Ciiij xxiiij hhds ... 21 July 1634John Winthrop to Sir Simonds D’EwesTo the right worshipfull Sir Simonds Dewes Knight at Lavenham in Suff: Leave this with Mr. Gurdon or with Mr. Rogers of Dedham Muche honored Sir, Yo... 4 September 1634John Winthrop’s Financial Statement to the General CourtWhereas by order of the last generall Court Commissioners were appoynted viz. Roger Ludlowe Esq. the Deputy Gouernour and Mr. Israell Stoughton gent. ... 10 October 1634Certificate of Marriagethe 10th day of the 8th month called October 1634 Edmond Hubberd senior, and Sarah Oakeley widow did ioyne in marriage before mee, and others witnes m... 6 November 1634John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my lovinge sonne Mr. John Winthrop deliver At Mr. Downinge his Chamber in the inner Temple lane London My dear sonne, I hope the Lord hath carrie... 8 December 1634John Endecott to John Winthrop, Jr.To my Deare and right Worthie Friend John Winthrop Junior Esqr. deliver Dearest Sir, I writt vnto yow by Mr. Babbe wherein I gaue you full commissio... 12 December 1634John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my dear sonne mr. John Winthrop at the house of mr. Downing in Lincolnes Inn field near the Golden Lyon Taverne London deliver My good sonne, The... 26 December 1634Joshua Hoyle to John Winthrop, Jr.To his most respected Mr. John Winthrop in England or wheresoeuer these Gentle Mr. Winthrop, not to protract or prologize, my maine buisinesse at th... 31 December 1634The Commission for Foreign Plantations to the Officers of the Port of LondonTo our louing Freinds the officers of the Port of London or any 1 of them After our harty commendations whereas it appeareth that greate Numbers of ... 1635Essay on the Ordering of TownsAs the most magnificent structure aboundently bewtefyed, with noe lesse speculatiue ornaments then with dilectable curious conceites for humane conten... 1635Alice Daniell to John WinthropTo the Right Worshipful and worthily respected Mr. John Winthopp senior these deliver Boston Deare and worthy Sir, my humble and due seruise remembe... 5 January 1635Sir John Clotworthy to John Winthrop, Jr.Worthy Freinde, I shall request you, when you are freed from the distractions which a werisom jorney may perhapps afford; to consider of these partic... 5 January 1635John Livingstone to John Winthrop, Jr.Mr. Wynthorp, Hast to bee at my charge wes the reason why I come away so abruptly th’other day. I could have been glad to have had more tyme, and so ... February 1635Henry Jacie to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipfull John Winthrop esq. in York Deare Sir, How much am I endebted to you for your great paines and love, which hath endeared you yet m... March 1635Priscilla Paynter to John Winthrop, Jr.To my beloved Sonne Mr. John Winthrop at Mr. Downings neere the Lion taverne in Lincolnes Inne fields by Princes street end deliver in London My Dere... 6 March 1635Sir John Clotworthy to John Winthrop, Jr.My deare freinde, Herinclosed I send you a casement through which I thinke you may much more securely impart your minde then any other way; you will ... 6 March 1635Sir John Clotworthy to John Winthrop, Jr. I now hauing fully enformed my selfe off that particuler which wee mainly douptd off; doe now herby geiue you notice, that wee are enabled to send of... 6 March 1635William Wilson to John Winthrop, Jr.To his Loueing And much respected Friend Mr. Wintropp these be delivered Worthy Sir, I haue writtin to yow to Dublin afore, thinking to haue spoaken... 7 March 1635Thomas Reade to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipfull John Winthrop esquire Deare Sir, I cane not chooes but trobell you withe thes feaue leynes to let you for to vnder stand that I s... 25 March 1635Emmanuel Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.To his loving Cosen John Winthrop Esqr. at mr. Gostlins in Groton hall Suffolke deliver My good Cosen, mr. Sheapheard was with me yeasterday, to enq... April 1635Sir John Clotworthy to John Winthrop, Jr.I will not touch vppon what I writt in my last to you only for the chattle which you soe much want, and wee can soe conueniently spare, I meane our be... April 1635John Spenser to John WinthropTo his Honorable Friend mr. winthrop att Boston thes deliver Sir, Understanding that it is yowr pleasure to let out yowr dayrie till yowr Sonns reto... 15 May 1635Mary Wright to John WinthropTo the Worshipfull my very muck esteemed cosen Mr. John Wintervp the Ellder these Worthy Cosen, I ame very glad to take this ocation to evidence My ... July 1635Anne Tyndal to Margaret Winthroplouing aunt, I am bolde to present my duty to you in these few lines being the best token I haue to xepres my loue to you I beseach you xecept them t... 7 July 1635Agreement of the Saybrook Company with John Winthrop, Jr.Articles made (betweene the right honorable the Lord Viscount Say and Seale, Sir Arthur Hesilrige Barronet, Sir Richard Saltonstall Kt., Henry Laurenc... 7 July 1635Articles of ApprenticeshipThis Indenture witnesseth that Thomas Goad son of John Goad cittisen and skiner of London deceassed doth put himselfe apprentise to Mr. John Winthrop ... 20 July 1635John Winthrop to Sir Simonds D’ewesTo the right worshipfull Sir Simondes Dewes, knight Sir, I received 2 lettres from you the one written longe since and putt backe in the Hope: by th... 28 July 1635Philip Nye to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much assured loving Frend Mr. John Winthrop the yonger deliver these Sir, I haue sent you by this bearer an Instrument vnder the gentlemens h... 16 August 1635Edward Hopkins to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipfull his much Respected freind Jno. Winthropp the younger Esqr. att Boston or elcewhere in the Massechusetts Bay in New England, or in h... 17 August 1635Bill of LadingI Jno. Webber Master of the good Shipp called the Bachler of London, Being bound for the Massechusetts Bay in New England, doe acknowledge to haue Rec... 21 August 1635Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To my much honored frind Mr. John Winthrope at Ipswich present these in New England My most deare frind, In hope and confidence of your safe ariuall... 21 August 1635Samuel Reade to John Winthrop, Jr.To my very loving brother mr. John Winthrope esqr. present these in New-England Loving brother, We cannot but marvell that we haue received not one ... 25 August 1635Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.Lovinge (and no lesse loued) frend Mr. Winthrop, You shall vnderstand that I haue shipped in Mr. Bab the thinges bespoken at the plummers and a littl... 4 September 1635Robert Barrington to John Winthrop, Jr.To my very good Freind Mr. John Winthrop Junior at Boston or elcewhere deliver Sir, The bearer heerof being sent ouer among other seruants for the v... 15 September 1635Joshua Foote’s Bill for Iron ImplementsBought of Joshua Foote 15th September 1635 lisd 1 Coopers Axe036 1 Coopers Ades0110 1 headding knife018 2 howells030 2 pair Compasses024 1 round shaue... 18 September 1635Sir Arthur Haselrig and George Fenwick to John Winthrop, Jr.To his most Worthy frende john Winthrope the younger Esq: Sir, You shall receiue from Mr. Hopkins a perticular of what is sent. Therin you shall fin... 21 September 1635Edward Hopkins to John Winthrop, Jr.To his worthy freind Mr. Jno. Winthropp the younger Esqr. Mr. Jno. Winthrop Sir, My best respects premised etc. I herewith send you both a Copy of m... 21 September 1635Philip Nye to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much honoured Frend John Wynthrope the yonger Esquire deliver these Worthy Sir, We haue sent you som servants but not so many as we purposed ... 22 September 1635Henry Lawrence to John Winthrop, Jr.To my Worthy Freinde Mr. John Winthrop the Yonger att Agawam or elsewhere in New-England Sir, My fayth makes mee willinge to outrunne my intelligenc... 24 September 1635Edward Hopkins to John Winthrop, Jr.Sir, I wrott you per this conveyance of the 21th present, and sent you the particulars of what I laded aboard this shipp. I haue nott any more to add... 13 October 1635Receipt of John WilsonReceyued by me John Willson this 13th of october at the handes of William Peirse by appoyntment of mr. Hugh Petter the some of on hundred pounds which... 5 November 1635Edmond Freeman to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipfull my very good frend Mr. Winthorpe the yonger Sir, I desire you to be pleased To retaine for us mr. Geeres part and my part of the ... 27 November 1635Mary Downing to Emmanuel DowningWorthy Sir, Deare Father, The continuall experience that I enioy of your tender love and care to a child, though I confesse an vnderseruinge one (yet... 24 December 1635Nathaniel Ward to John Winthrop, Jr.Sir, I receiued your loving Letter in Mr. Halls behalfe: I was neuer against his having a lott amongst vs nor to my remembrance haue spoken anythinge... 30 December 1635Bartholomew Greene to Sir Richard SaltonstallTo the Right Worshippfull and his most lovinge Mr. Sur Richard Saltonstall Knight at his house in whitt streete london Right Worshippfull, my humbel... 1636Lord Brooke to John Winthrop, Jr.To his worthie Freind mr. John Winthrop Esqr. these deliver in New england Good mr. Winthroppe, I am informed by mr. Woodcocke that hee sent ouer th... 1636Bill to John Winthrop for Tailoringlisd Item for Mr. Adam one sute of aparell040 Item for Mathay Watters a Coote012 Item for one dayes worke for darneckell of the Chamber010 Item for Mr... January 1636Mary Dudley to Margaret WinthropTo my deare and very loving mother Mrs. Winthrop at Boston these be delivered Deare mother, my humble dutie remembred to you. It reioyceth me to hea... January 1636John Endecott to John WinthropWourthie Sir, I ame sorrie to heare of your affliccion in this visitation of God, though you know that whom he loueth he chastiseth let that comfort ... 15 January 1636Mary Dudley to Margaret WinthropTo my Deare and loving mother mrs. Winthrop at Boston these Deare and lovinge mother, My dutye remembred being glad to heare of your health and reco... February 1636Church CovenantWee who through the Exceeding riches of Grace and patience of God doe yet continue Members of this Church, being now Assembled in the holy presence of... 18 February 1636Owen Rowe to John WinthropWorthy Sir, I have received yours dated the 10th December, 1635, being very glad to hear of your wellfare, it doth somewhat rejoice my hearte when I ... 23 February 1636Sir Matthew Boynton to John Winthrop, Jr.To my verie worthy friend John Winthorpe the younger Esqr: att Boston in the Massachusetts Bay in New England present this Sir, Mr. Jacye deliuer’d ... 23 February 1636Herbert Pelham to John WinthropTo the worshipfull and his very loveing Cosen John Winthropp Esqr. at his House in Boston this deliver Loving Cosen, I returne yow many thanks for y... 26 February 1636Mary Dudley to John Winthrop, Jr.To my Deare and Loueing Brother Mr. John Winthrop at Boston give this Deare and Loueing Brother, my Loue remembred to your selfe and my Deare Sister... 27 February 1636Sir Richard Saltonstall to John Winthrop, Jr.For my worthy Good Freind Mr. John Winthropp Gouernour of the Plantations at Conectecott Ryuer in New England these deliver per Francis Styles whom Go... March 1636Proposed Order of the General CourtA consideration for this present General Court That it may be ordered to preuent future inconveniences of vnnecessary multiplication of Church societi... March 1636Hugh Peter to John Winthrop, Jr.To my frend and son Mr. John Winthrop yonger these deliver Boston Deere Hart, By these you may vnderstand that I haue receiued your letters and am g... March 1636Hugh Peter to John Winthrop, Jr.For my deer and louing Sonne Mr. John Winthrop iunior these deliver Boston Deere Hart, Mee thought I broke from you too abruptly last day. My hart i... 1 March 1636Emmanuel Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.To my verie loving Cosen John Winthrop, the yonger, esqr. at Boston deliver My good Cosen, I haue received 3 letters from you, the first of the 9th ... 5 March 1636Samuel Reade to John Winthrop, Jr.To my very louing brother mr. John Winthrope esqr. at his fathers house in Boston or else where these present in New-England Deare brother, When let... 7 March 1636Thomas Hewson to John WinthropTo the Right worrshipfull and his Respectted Frend Mr. John Wintrope Senior in New England with trust deliver Right worrshipfull, I am full sorry my... 8 March 1636Lucy Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.Dear Nephew, I am much satisfied to hear of your safe ariuall and my neeces in N: E: and doe hartilie thank you for our kinde inuitation thither: and... 10 March 1636Lady Mary Eden to John WinthropTo my loueing freind Mr. Wintrop in Boston in New England giue these Mr. Winstropte, I receiued a letter from you which I take very kindly, and if y... 17 March 1636Bill of William Pynchon to John Winthrop, Jr.Mr. John Winthrops Bill of Parsells of his cloth and other things Bought of William Pynchon of Roxbury 17 March 1635/36 lisd 37 y. ¼ cloth at 8s y.141... 20 March 1636John Humfrey to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worshipfull his much respected freind John Winthrop iun: Esq. governor of Conecticot Deare Sir, You had received ere this an earnest expressi... 28 March 1636Mary Dudley to Margaret WinthropTo my very Deare and Loving mother Mrs. Winthrop give this at Boston I pray Deare Mother, My duty remembred to you and my father. I haue ocasion at ... 28 March 1636John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my verye loving sonne mr. Winthop iunior Gouernour of Conectecott deliver Sonne, I went to Tenhils this morning with your mother and your wife to... 29 March 1636Sir William Martin to John WinthropSir, I ame glad to heare of Mr. Nortons safe arriuall, and should haue bene more glad if it had bene at the baye. I hope he will setle with you; his ... 29 March 1636George Phillips to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worthy and deseruedly respected Mr. John Winthrope iunr. gouernorfor the plantation at Quinticuke these deliver Worthy Sir, I am bold to writ... April 1636Mary Dudley to Margaret WinthropDeare and Louing Mother, My duty remembred to your selfe and my Deare Father hopeing of your wellfare as all we are I shall make bold to trouble you ... April 1636Richard Saltonstall, Jr., to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worshipfull his assured loving freind Mr. Winthrop Governour at Conectecote Dear Sir, I am bould to troble you, and entreat you in my fathers... 4 April 1636Muriel Sedley Gurdon to Margaret WinthropTo my much respected worthy freind mrs. Winthropp the eldere at Boston give this My most dear and much respected frinde, I rejoyc to hear of your re... 4 April 1636John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my very lovinge sonne Mr. Winthrop the yonger Governor of Conectecott Sonne, I wrote vnto you by the Rebecka of the death of Bushnell and sent th... 5 April 1636Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipfull his assured loueing Freind John Winthropp Junior Esqr. in New England these deliver Good Mr. Winthrop, Yours of the 12 of January... 7 April 1636John Winthrop, Jr., to John WinthropTo the right worskipfull my much honored father John Winthrop esqr. deliver In Boston Sir, My humble duty remembred to your selfe and my mother with... 8 April 1636Sir Matthew Boynton to John Winthrop, Jr.To my uerie worthy friend John Winthorpe the yonger esqr: att Ipswidge present this Sir, I haue now accordinge to my former intendment sent ouer two... 13 April 1636Sir Matthew Boynton to John Winthrop, Jr.To my uerie worthy friend John Winthorpe the yonger Esq: giue this in New England Sir, I haue none, upon whom I cann relye, butt your selfe, beeinge... 16 April 1636Matthew Allyn to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshippfull Mr. John Wintropp esquier at the mouth of the Ryver of conecticutt deliver these Worshipfull Sir, My love and service be preferr... 16 April 1636Sir William Spring to John WinthropTo my Euer Honored and faythfully Beloued Freind John Winthup Esqr. att his house att Boston in New England Most Beloued and still Honored Freinde an... 20 April 1636Edward Revell to John WinthropTo the worshipfull and my worthie good freind John Winthroppe Esqr. in New Englande these present New England Worthie Sir, That kinde respect and fa... 22 April 1636Thomas Mayhew to John Winthrop, Jr.Sir, touching my Journey to Ile of Sholes to buy 80 hogsheads of prouission when I came I fownd noe such thinge as vnto me for trueth was reported. t... 22 April 1636William Pynchon to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Right Worshipfull Mr. John Wintrop Gouernor at Conettecot deliver Mr. Wintrop, my respectiue loue remembred: being glad to heere of your safe... 26 April 1636John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my verye lovinge sonne mr. Winthrop iunior Governour of the new Plantation vpon Conectecutt deliver Sonne, Blessed be the Lord who hath preserued... 28 April 1636Mary Dudley to Margaret WinthropTo the worshipfull my deare mother Mrs. Winthrop at her house in Boston these present Deare mother, After my bounden duty I still continue to be a t... 30 April 1636Jonathan Brewster to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Woorshippfull John Winthrope Gouernour of the Foorte in Cunnitecutt Riuer deliver these Woorshippfull Sir This is, (If I maye make soe bould ... 5 May 1636Muriel Sedley Gurdon to Margaret WinthropTo her much respected freind Mrs. Winthrop the elder at Boston giue these My Deare and worthy frind, I acknowledg my selfe so much indebted to you f... 7 May 1636Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much respected frend Mr. John Winthrop the yonger this deliver Deare frend, Yours of the 14th January I receiud and did deliuer the inclosed ... 16 May 1636John Winthrop, Jr., to John WinthropSir, John Wood being returned without any Corne I shall now desire that I may be supplied by the first shipping that arrive with any store of provisi... 19 May 1636Lucy Downing to Margaret WinthropTo my dear sister mrs. margret winthrop att Boston present this new england Moste dear sister ther is such a distance betwixt my letters, and my mem... 21 May 1636George Fenwick to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much respected freind Mr. John Winthrope, Gouernor, at the mouth of the Riuer of Conecticute thes Sir, I will not now spend tyme to tell yow ... June 1636Mary Dudley to Margaret WinthropMoste deare mother, my duty remembred to you: after my accustomed manner I make bold still to trouble you for such thinges as I want. I intreat you w... June 1636John Haynes to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much esteemed freind John Winthropp Esqr. Governour of Conectecott River lett these bee delivered Sir, Oportunity offeringe it selfe I gladly... June 1636Israel Stoughton to John Winthrop, Jr.Torn Wenthrop Gouernor in Connecticott Riuer these present Sir, Vnderstanding of Newtownes Motion for some conuenient place for a warehouse for the ... June 1636Adam Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his dere and louinge brother Mr. John Winthrop liuinge at conekticot giue thes with spede Louinge Brother, The thoutes of youer loue and kindnes ... June 1636Elizabeth Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To her very louing and much respected blot husbond Mr. John Winthrop Gouernor of Conitecot this deliuer My dearest beloued, I can not but I must bee... 2 June 1636William Pynchon to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Right Worshipfull Mr. Jo. Wintrop at the Riuer mouth Mr. Wintrop my deere loue and affekeon rembred with thanks for your care to send away my... 4 June 1636Award of William Peirce and Benjamin GillamWheras Will: Peirse and Beniamyn Gillham were requested to arbitrat the worth or valleue of Joshua Winsor his service for fower yeares and nine mounth... 10 June 1636John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my verye lovinge sonne mr. Jo: Winthrop Governour of the plantation upon the mouth of Conectecott deliver Sonne, Mr. Hooker went hence vpon teusd... 18 June 1636Jonathan Brewster to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worshipfull John Winthrop Governour at the mouth of the river Coniticutt Haveing 4 dayes agoe had occasion to send my man who hath the Indian... 18 June 1636Jonathan Brewster to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Woorshippfull John Winthorpe Gouernour of the Forte in Cunnitecutt Riuer deliver these Woorshippfull Sir Your last kyndnes with them formerly... 20 June 1636London Port Book Entry for the PhilipIn the Philip of London, master, Robert Huson for New England. John Winthorpe for the Plantation 13 barrel small band pitch, 4½ cwt. Raisins, 10 cwt. ... 21 June 1636Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.Fidelis Amicus Since I receiue yours of the 9th of Nouember and the 6th of January I saluted you with a few lines but in regard of theire farre Jorne... 22 June 1636William Goodwin to John Winthrop, Jr.Good Sir, I am requested by our neighbores the Dutchmen to mind you of what you willed me to tell them viz. that if they thought Good to call to you ... 22 June 1636Edward Hopkins to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipfull his much respected freind John Winthropp the younger att Boston or elcewhere In New England deliver Sir, My last was per the Pete... 22 June 1636Edward Winslow to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshippfull his much respected Friend Joh: Winthrop Esqr. these be delivered Coneetacut Worthy Sir I perceived by a letter of Mr. Brewsters ... 23 June 1636John Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To my very lovinge sonne mr. Winthrop Governour of the new Plantation vpon Conectecott deliver Sonne, I wrote to you by mr. Hooker and sent you with... 24 June 1636John Winthrop to Sir Simonds D’EwesTo the righte worshipfull Sir Simonds Dewes, Knight, at Stowe Langthon in Suff: To be left with Mr. Gurdon at Assington in Suff: Sir, The benefite w... 28 June 1636Abraham Shurt to John WinthropTo the Worshipfull John Winthrope Esquire at Boston deliver Recomended to a freinds Conveyance Worshipfull My dutye remembred with my prayers for yo... July 1636Lucy Downing to John WinthropMy dear brother, Wee are nowe moste iustlie for our great vnworthynes, by the correctinge hand of our father and god banisht the citty: yet hitherto ... July 1636Thomas Hooker to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much Honored and worthy freind Mr. John Wynthropp Governor at the mouth of the river of Conitticut these Worthy Sir, Your letter coming but l... July 1636Grievances of the Servants at SaybrookTo the Right worshipfull, master fenix and master peters our masters as we vnderstand and master leftenant gearner being preasant which is your debat... 1 July 1636Sir Henry Vane to John Winthrop, Jr.For his Worthy and much respected freind Mr. John Winthrop the Yonger Gouernour of Connetticut Mr. Winthrop, For as much as it hath pleased God to s... 3 July 1636Adam Winthrop to John Winthrop, Jr.To his very louinge brother Mr. John Winthrop liuinge in conekticot riuer giue this I pray Louinge brother, I haue reseued your leter whar in you di... 4 July 1636Commission and Instructions from the Colony of Massachusetts Bay to John Winthrop, Jr., for Treating with the PequotsWhereas it so falls out by the good Prouidence of God that the place of your present residence is neare adioyning vnto certaine of the Natiues who are... 4 July 1636William Pynchon to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Right Worshipfull and my worthy Freind Mr. John Wintrop at Quinettecot Riuer mouth deliver this Deere and Worthy Freind, My true loue remembr... 5 July 1636Robert Feke to John Winthrop, Jr.To the worshipfull John Wentrope esquer at Kanufticott give this Louinge and Kinde Brother, I salute you in the lord rememberinge my best respeckts ... 5 July 1636Elizabeth Feke to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipfull my very Louing brother John Winthrop Esquire att Connefticote deliver Dearest brother, I reioyce with you and blesse god for the ... 8 July 1636London Port Book Entries for the William and JohnIn the William and John of London, master, Rowland Langrum for New England: John Wenthorpe esq. for the Plantation at Massachusetts Bay in New England... 14 July 1636Edward Hopkins to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipfull his much respected freind Jno. Winthrop the younger Esqr. att Boston in New England deliver Per the Wm. and John Sir, My best res... August 1636Bill for Equipment for the DesireThe ship Desire or the owners therof are debitted to account of the bark Warwick or her owners for theis particulers following taken by order of the G... 4 August 1636Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.To my verie louinge frinde Mr. John Winthrop the yonger these present at Conectecut with trust in New England Mi charissime, Yours of the 9th of Nou... 26 August 1636Sir Matthew Boynton to John WinthropTo my uerie worthy friend John Winthorpe Esqr. att Boston in New-England giue this Sir, I desire to express that thankfulness to you which your cont... 29 August 1636Sir William Spring to Brampton GurdonGoode Cosin, I thank you hartely for this your Courtesy of sending these letters and all other your goode Wishes and affections expressed to mee and ... 30 August 1636Brampton Gurdon to John WinthropTo my muche honerred frend Mr. Jhon Wenthrop at Boston in Neu England, be thes I pray My worthy good frind, I haue resayued your letter of the 24 of... September 1636Roger Williams to John WinthropTorn much honoured Mr. Wintrop Deputie Governor these Much honoured Sir, The frequent experience of your loving eare ready and open toward me (in wh... 9 September 1636Robert Ryece to John WinthropWhereas abowte 12 moneth synce came forthe a boocke in defence of the orthodoxall doctrine of the church of Englande against Sabbatarian noveltie, whe... 10 September 1636John Smith to John WinthropTo my verie much Respected good friend mr. Winthrope the Elder in New Ingland these deliuer Good Mr. Winthrope, I haue by Mr. Downings direction sen... 13 September 1636Matthew Cradock to John WinthropHonored and my worthei Freynd, With tender of my best seruice I harteley Commend me to you: I haue received your letter of the 25 June by the ship Fa... 13 September 1636London Port Book Entries for the George In the George of London, master. John Saborne Severne for New England: John Wenthorpe esq. for the Plantation in New England, one butt of Spanish win... 20 September 1636William Leigh to John WinthropTo his much honoured and respected Patron mr. John Winthrop Esqr. att his House in Boston in N: England giue these Worthie Sir, meruell not though I... 23 September 1636William Pynchon’s Memorandum of His Account with John Winthrop, Jr.Reckned with mr. Jo. Wintrop Junior this 23 Sept. 1636 lisd dew for the fraight of 16 Tunn in the Blessing at 35s per Tunn2800 dew for 24 Tunn in the ... 24 October 1636Roger Williams to John WinthropSir, worthy and wellbeloved, I was abroad about the Pequt busines when your letter arived, and since Messengers haue not fitted etc. I therefore now ... 6 November 1636Lion Gardiner to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipfull Mr. John Winthrope Junior Esquire at Bostowne in the bay these present Worshipfull Sir, I have received your letter whearein I do... 16 November 1636John White to John WinthropTo the Worshipfull my honoured freind John Winthrop Esqr. at Boston in New England Worthy Sir: Although it please God hitherto to denye me that whic... 29 November 1636Edward Gibbons to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipful John Winthrop esquier Junior at boston guife this Loving sur, my tender louf to you remembered; sur I know that you would bee glad... December 1636Propositions of the Church of BostonFyve propositions giuen by some of the Brethren of Boston to some of the Brethren of Newtowne at a Conference betwixt them at Boston 1. That there i... 2 December 1636John Tyndal to Margaret WinthropTo his much honored Aunt Mrs. Winteroppe these praesent Most lovinge aunt, thinke not though I haue bin in an error a long time, I am hardned in it,... 15 December 1636Thomas Shepard to John WinthropTo the right Woorshipfull Mr. Winthrop dwelling at Boston be these delivered Dear Sir, I receiued by your reuerend pastour Mr. Wilson, two of your p... 1637Sir Drew Deane to John WinthropFor my much honoured vnkle Jhon Wintherop Esqr. gouernour of new Inglande these deliver Worthy Sir, you may receiue more lines but not haue a greate... 1637Richard Elliott to the Court of AssistantsTo the Right Worshipfull John Winthrop Esquier Gouernor deliver Boston To the Honnorable Court at Boston, I Confesse and Acknowledge that I have sin... 1637George Ludlow to Roger WilliamsWorthy Sir, It should seeme that there is a mistake; for I have paid 12li to Mr. Coxwell for the goods I had the last yeare of yow; And I have likewi... 1637Hugh Peter to John WinthropTo the right Worshipfull John Winthrop Esqr. Boston Deerest Sir, I cannot let so many dayes and nights passe without speaking with you, and now I am... 1637John White to John WinthropTo my honoured freind John Winthrope Esqr. at Boston in New-England deliver Sir, I much reioyce to heare of the welfare of your selfe and the rest o... 1637Stephen Winthrop to John WinthropSir, I dellivered your Note to Mr. Nowell and he went with me to the men and they have let me have your hoggs, but they demand Large satisfaction for... January 1637Thomas Shepard to John WinthropDear Sir, I returne vnto yow many harty thankes for your kind acceptance of my letter, though it might haue appeared too playne and rude vnto yow and... 12 January 1637John Winthrop’s Relation of His Religious ExperienceIn my youth I was very lewdly disposed, inclining unto and attempting (so far as my yeares enabled mee) all kind of wickednesse, except swearing and s... 13 January 1637Matthew Cradock to John WinthropWorthei Sir, the greyffe I haue beene putt to by the most vyle bad dealings of Thomas Mayhewe hath and doeth so much disquiet my mynd as I thanke God... 17 January 1637Robert Ryece to John WinthropTo the very woorshipfull hys mooche honored good Friende Mr. Wynthop at his howse at Boston in Newe Englande geve these Moste deere and Christian Fri... 21 February 1637Matthew Cradock to John WinthropTo my Honored and worthei freynd the worshipfull John Winthrop the elder Esqr. Boston in Newe England per the George Mr. Jno. Seuerne whome God perser... 21 February 1637William Munning to John WinthropTo the Worshipfull and his very Worthy freind and kinsman Mr. Jo: Winthrop senr. at Boston in New Engld. with truste and speed present these Good Sir... 24 February 1637John Winthrop’s Notes on a Sermon by John Cotton 1: The common error was this that a soule being laden and labouring vnder sin, thinks that hereby it deserves rest etc. 2: another sorte finding them... 26 February 1637Mrs. Paulin to Sebastian PaulinTo his sic much beloued Sonne Sebastian Pawlin Drum maior at the Castle these in New England Deare Sonne, I have ben heartily reyoiced receauing you... March 1637Lucy Downing to Margaret WinthropMoste worthy Sister, Thes tedious passages bares vs of all commerce: further then the vnlimeted wishes of each others hapynes, wich allthough I haue ... 1 March 1637Robert Goldston to John WinthropTo the Right Worshipfull his veery good Master, Mr. John Winthrop the Ellder Sir, Pleaseth it your worthy Exelensy: your poore yet faythfull saruant... 1 March 1637Robert Ryece to John WinthropMoste deere and ghristian Friende, to satisfie your expectation, and myne owne dewe respecte, (wherein I woolde be loathe to be any wayes defectyve) ... 1 March 1637Sir William Spring to John WinthropTo my singulerly Esteemed and worthely Beloued Freind John Winthrop Esquier Boston in New England these Most Worthely esteemed Beloued Freind and Dee... 2 March 1637Emmanuel Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.My good Cosen, Yours of the 24 of 8ber last I received, and doe hartily thank you for your relation of Connecticott, but you wrote not, where your se... 4 March 1637Lucy Downing to John WinthropTo her dear and worthy brother Jhon winthrop esqr. tender this My dear brother, I receiued your moste kinde letter dated in Octo. and your dayntie f... 6 March 1637Lucy Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.To her beloued nephew msr. Jhon winthrop present this My Dear Nephew, good newes I haue none to present you with, all our comfort is, wee haue a god... 6 March 1637Emmanuel Downing to John WinthropFor my brother Winthrop Loving brother, Yours of the 29 of June, the 4 of August, and the 24 of 8ber I haue received this yeare, and paide all your ... 10 March 1637Robert Ryece to John Winthrop(1) Firste, the wholle dyvyne Service be readde (bothe the firste and seconde Service) on Sondayes and holly dayes, and lecture dayes, (if they have a... 12 March 1637James Downing to John WinthropTo the right worshipfull my very loving vncle Mr. Winthrop dwelling in Bostowne in New England Kinde Ser, I resseceiued your kind letter, when that ... 13 March 1637Francis Kirby to John WinthropTo the right worshipfull John Winthrop esquire at his house at Boston in New England this deliver Sir, I hartily salute hopeinge of the welfare of y... 15 March 1637Matthew Cradock to John WinthropTo my honored and much respected Freind John Winthrop th’elder Esqr. Boston in Newe England By our goodfreynd Mr. Wm. Peirse whome God preserue Worth... 17 March 1637Robert Stansby to John WinthropTo the Worshipfull my much respected frende Mr. Winthrop at his house in Boaston these be delivered in New England Worshipfull Worthy Sir, Your loue... 23 March 1637Lion Gardiner to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipfull Mr. John Winthrop at Boston Ipsidge or ese where thes deliver Worshipfull Sir, these are to certyfie you how the lord hath beene ... 25 March 1637Thomas Taylor to John WinthropTo the Woorshipfull John Wainthropp Esquire deliver in New england per my good frind Mr. George Cleiue: whom God preserue Worthie Sir, After my due ... April 1637Richard Saltonstall, Jr., to the Governor, Deputy, and Assistants of MassachusettsTo the right worshipfull the Governour Deputie and Assistans May it please your Worships, According to the power which was committed to Mr. Nowell a... 4 April 1637Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston to John WinthropTo my assured loving frend John Winthrop Esqr. in New England be these delivered Deare Sir, These few lines in hast are only to salut you and yours ... 10 April 1637Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.To his much respected frend Mr. John Winthrop at his house at Ipswich this deliver in New England Kind Sir, I receiud yours dated 28th January and h... 11 April 1637Brampton Gurdon to John WinthropTo my muche honored frend Jhon Wenthrop Esquer geu thes at Boston in N. E. My worthy good frend, The last leter that I haue resayued from yow being ... 12 April 1637Sir Matthew Boynton to John Winthrop, Jr.To my uerie worthy friende John Winthropp the yonger Esqr. att Ipswidge in the Massachusetts Bay in New England giue this Sir, hauinge considered th... 17 April 1637Robert Stansby to John WilsonTo the Reuerent, my very loueing and much respected freinde Mr, Wilsone pastour of the congregation at Booston these deliver in new England Reuerent ... 17 April 1637Robert Stansby to John WinthropTo the worshipfull my very goodfreinde Mr. Winthrop at his house be these delivered in new England Worshipfull Sir, and loueing freinde, since I wro... 17 April 1637Edward Winslow to John WinthropTo his worthy and much honored Friend Joh. Winthrop Esqr. at his howse at Boston these be delivered Worthy Sir, Your Letter by my wiues sonne I rece... 19 April 1637Herbert Pelham to John WinthropTo the Right Worshipfull his worthy and much Respected friend John Winthrop Esqr. at his House in Boston Loveing Cosen, It much refresheth me when I... 19 April 1637Robert Ryece to John WinthropTo the woorshipfull his moste respected good Frinde Mr. John Wrinthrope esqr. at his howse at Boston in Newe Englande geve these Sir, this bearer Mr... 20 April 1637Philip Forth to John WinthropTo the Right Worshipfull my Worthie Cossen John Wynthrop Esquier in New England present theese Worthie Cossen, my self with all other your Allies an... 20 April 1637Priscilla Paynter to John WinthropTo my much honoured brother John Winthrope Esquire at his howse in Boston New Ingland deliver My much honored and dere brother, I doe much reioyce t... 25 April 1637Jeffrey Cutting to John WinthropTo the Right Worshipful Mr. Wentrop governor of the plantation of in New England Ryght Worshipfull and worthy Sir, my humble servyce vnto you Rememb... May 1637—— —— to John WinthropTo the worshipfull Mr. Wintropp, at his house in Boston in New England, these be delivered Worshipfull and much honoured Sir, my selfe with many oth... May 1637John Higginson to John WinthropFor the right worshipfull and much honoured in the Lord Mr. Jo: Winthrop Esquire and Deputie Gouernour these with speed Right Worshipfull and much ho... May 1637Thomas Hooker to John WinthropTo his much honored freind John Wyntrop Esquier his house at Boston deliver Much Honored in our blessed Saviour, When I first heard of those heavy d... May 1637Thomas Shepard to John WinthropTo right Worshipfull John Winthrop Esquire at Boston Sir, My occasions will not permit me this day to be at Boston with yow my selfe and therefore I... 2 May 1637Isaac Lovell to John WinthropTo the Worshipfull Mr. Winthurup at his houce in the plantation of niw Ingland I pray deliuer this Sir, after the humble remembrance of our loues vn... 10 May 1637Francis Kirby to John WinthropTo the right worshipfull John Winthrop Esquire at his house at Boston this deliver in New England Sir, I wrote you lately per the Hector wherin I se... 13 May 1637Roger Williams to the Governor of MassachusettsFor his much honoured Mr. Governor, or, Mr. Deputie Governor these with speede Sir, Miantunnommu with a great Traine arrived the same day that Antho... 15 May 1637Roger Williams to Sir Henry Vane and John WinthropFor his much honoured Mr. Governour, and Mr. Winthrop, Deputy Governour of the Massachusetts, these Sir, The latter end of the last week I gave noti... 20 May 1637Thomas Shepard to John WinthropTo the Right Worshipfull Mr. Winthrop Gouernour Much Honoured in our blessed Sauiour, I haue looked vpon the Rod (your Suruey) yow have made to whip... 20 May 1637John Winthrop to William BradfordSir, The Lord hauing so disposed, as that your letters to our late Gouernour is fallen to my lott to make answer vnto; I could haue wished I might ha... 22 May 1637Edward Winslow to John WinthropTo the right Worshippfull his muck honored Friend John Winthrop Esqr. Governer of the Massachusetts these be delivered Much honored Sir, Your many a... 23 May 1637Lucy Downing to John WinthropTo her very good brother Jhon winthrop esqr. present this My dear brother, I hope you haue heard ere this by msr. of gods mercy to me in giuinge me... 23 May 1637Daniel Patrick to John WinthropTo the Right Worshipfull Mr. Winthrope Gouernour giue this Right Worshipfull Sir, Wee are all saflye arriued at the pinnis, onely 3 or 4 of our hors... 26 May 1637Thomas Marriott to John WinthropTo his worthy freinde the right worshipfull Mr. John Waintrope this be delivered Boastonn New Ingland Mr. Wintrope, Ser, my remembred vnto you givin... June 1637A Declaration in Defense of an Order of Court Made in May, 1637For clearing of such scruples as have arisen about this order, it is to be considered, first, what is the essentiall forme of a common weale or body p... 2 June 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropSir, By John Throckmorton I was bold to advertize of the late mercifull Successe it hath pleased the Father of Mercies to vouchsafe to the first atte... 5 June 1637Edward Winslow to John WinthropRight worshippfull, Being newly rysen from Court I was requested by our Governor who cannot at present write, to dispatch a messenger to you partly t... 7 June 1637John Humfrey to John WinthropMuch honoured, Hitherto the lord hath beene with us, blessed for ever be his ever blessed name. Our nation, the gospel, the blood of those murthered ... 19 June 1637Daniel Patrick to the Governor and Council of War in MassachusettsTo the honnorable the Gouernore and the Rest of the Councell of war in Massechusets theese be delivered Honnorable Gentlemen, Your Commissione I rec... 21 June 1637Petition of the Inhabitants of IpswichTo our much honored Gouvernor and Counsellors att Boston deliver Our humble duties and respects premised: vnderstanding there is an Intention to cal... 21 June 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropFor his much honoured Mr. Governour these Mr. Stoughton or Capt. Traske on their way may please to reade this Sir, John Gallop (blessed be the Lord)... 28 June 1637Israel Stoughton to John WinthropTo the Right Worshipfull the Gouernour of the Massackusets these present Honored Sir, By this Pinnace being Giggles, you shall Receiue 48 or 50 wome... 30 June 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropFor his much honoured Mr. Gouernour these Much honoured Sir, It having againe pleased the most High to put into your hands another miserable droue o... 1 July 1637Edward Winslow to John WinthropRight Worshippfull, Although you cannot but be overburthened with busines of divers kinds yet I am bold once more to trouble you, giving thanks for y... 3 July 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropSir, I haue nothing certaine to acquaint you with at present: there haue bene reports these 10 dayes, that the Pequts are entred leauge by the hire o... 5 July 1637Bond of Ferdinando AdamsNoverint universi per presentes me Ferdinandam Adams nuper de Gibvico in Comitatu Suffolk shoemaker teneri et firmiter obligari Johanni Winthrop de Bo... 6 July 1637Daniel Patrick to Increase NowellTo his Worthye and verry much respeckted Frinde Mr. Encrease Nowell at his howse in Charles Towne giue theese Worthy Sir, all due respeckt vnto you.... 6 July 1637Israel Stoughton to John WinthropTo the Right Worshipfull The Gouernor in Massachusets These Present Honored Sir, My last bearing date about the end of June sent by the pinnace with... 10 July 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropSir, Concerning your prisoners taken at Block Hand I haue informed the Sachims of your care not to iniure them and desire to haue them cleared: accor... 10 July 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropFor his most honoured Governour these. The second letter Sir, In the morning I wrote by John Throckmorton, what I heard and thought in generall. It ... 11 July 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropFor his much honoured Mr. Governour these Sir, Yesterday by our neighbour Throckmorton I wrote concerning those Nayantaquit men your pinnace tooke. ... 14 July 1637William Hilton to John WinthropTo the Right worshipfull John Winthrop esqire Gouernor of the Masachsets giue these Ser, My humble duty remembred the bearer hereof beeing Sonne to ... 15 July 1637Hugh Peter to John WinthropTo our noble Gouernour John Winthrop Esqr. these deliver Boston Sir, Mr. Endecot and my selfe salute you in the Lord Jesus etc. Wee haue heard of a ... 15 July 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropSir, For the Captiues and bootie I never heard any of these Natiues question the Acts of the English only that Natiue who brought letters to you from... 17 July 1637Richard Davenport to Hugh PeterFor his Reuerend Pastor Mr. Hugh Peeter at Salem Deare and honored in the lord, To whom (for christ and in him) I owe not onely any seruise but my s... 21 July 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropFor his much honoured Mr. Governour these Much honoured Sir, My vnfaigned loue and respect to your Soules eternall Comfort, and firme perswasion of ... 28 July 1637John Winthrop to William BradfordWorthy Sir, I receiued your louing letter, and am much prouocked to express my affections towards you, but straitnes of time forbids me, for my desir... 31 July 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropMuch honoured Sir, I am bold to interpose (in all humble respect) a word or 2 concerning the bearer Mr. Greene: Being at Salem this last weeke to tak... August 1637John Underhill to John WinthropTo the honourable gouerner John Winthrupp att his kowse in Boston give these Sir, Yow knowe how powerfully our Lord Jesus hath lately appeared in th... August 1637A Reply in Further Defense of an Order of Court Made in May, 1637Contentions among brethren are sad spectacles, among the churches of Christ, especially when they come once to favour of bitternesse, which would have... 3 August 1637John Blackleach to John WinthropGreate and many are the Reasons (Right Worshipfull) that mooued vpon the vast and trobled Ocean Sea, to study, and commit to writinge, this followinge... 9 August 1637Israel Stoughton to John WinthropHonourable Sir, It hath pleased God further to crowne our poore endeavours with success graciously, as you shall largely and punctually understand by... 12 August 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropSir, I am much desired by Yotaash (the bearer hereof Miantunnomues brother) to interprete his Message to you viz: that Miantunnomu requests you to be... 14 August 1637Israel Stoughton to the Governor and Council of MassachusettsTo his much honored in the Lord, the Governour and Council of the Massachusetts, these present Sir, Yours by Robinson we have received, and careful ... 15 August 1637John Endecott to John WinthropTo the right Worshipfull John Winthrop Esqr. Gouernour deliver Dearest Sir, The bearer heereof Francis Felmingham being husband to the eldest daught... 18 August 1637Henry Jacie to John Winthrop, Jr.To the Worshipfull his very good friend John Winthrop the Yonger Esquier, in New Ipswich in New England. Leave these with the Right Worshipfull Mr. Wi... 20 August 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropFor his much honoured Mr. Governour, these Much honoured Sir, Yours by Yotaash (Miantunnomue’s brother) received. I accompanied him to the Nanhiggon... 23 August 1637Richard Davenport to John WinthropTo the Right Worthyly Honored Gouernor of Massachusets these present Honored Sir, My most humble and due respect to your worship, Mr. Deputy, my col... 23 August 1637Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Henry Vane, John Winthrop, and OthersTo my much respected freindes Henry Vane, John Winthropp, John Haines, John Humfrey and John Dudley Esquiers give theis with speed Maie it please you... 9 September 1637Sir Matthew Boynton to John WinthropTo my uerie worthy friende John Winthorpe esqr. att Boston in the Masachusetts Bay in New England present this Sir, itt will be a great deale of cha... 9 September 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropFor his much honoured Mr. Governour these Much honoured Sir, I was fearefull that those dead hands were no pleasing sight (otherwise then a remarkea... 12 September 1637Roger Williams to Richard CollicottFor his kind friend Mr. Richard Collicut, these Kind Friend, I lately wrote vnto you: once when I sent home your boy, and againe when I sent the gir... 12 September 1637Power of Attorney from Roger Williams to Richard CollicottMemorand: that I, Roger Williams of New Providence, doe constitute and ordaine Richard Collicut of Dorchester my true and lawfull Atturney, for me and... 13 September 1637William Hooke and Thomas Bradbury to John WinthropTo the Right Worshipfull John Winthop Esqr. Gouernour of the Masichewsetts these present be delivered in Baye Wee haue found it written (Right Worsh... October 1637Thomas Hooker to John WinthropTo the right worshipfull John Wynthropp Esquier Governour of Matheshusetts, deliver Right worshipfull and much honerd in our blessed Saviour, By ret... 18 October 1637Agreement between John Winthrop, Jr., and Samuel DudleyIt is agreed that Sam: Dudley shall winter nine cowes of Sir Mathew Boitons, with good hay and howsing at Chebacco; and for the consideration of the s... 26 October 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropTo his much honoured Mr. Governour these Sir, Some while since you were pleased to desire me to signifie to the Sachims, the promise of the Block Il... 28 October 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropFor his much honoured Mr. Gouvernour, these Sir, This bearer, Miantunnomu, resolving to go on his visit, I am bold to request a word of advice from ... November 1637Petition of John Underhill to the Governor and Assistants of MassachusettsTo the righte Worshipful the Gouernour and Assistants in this present Courte I am sorry that there is so iust occasion of offence giuen in this Patt... November 1637John Winthrop’s Essay against the Power of the Church to Sit in Judgment on the Civil MagistracyThat a Church hath not power to Call any Civill Magistrate, to give Account of his Juditiall proceedinge in any Court of Civill Justice: and what the ... November 1637John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropFor Mrs. Winthrop at Boston My sweet Wife, I prayse God I am in good health, peace be to thee and our familye, so I kisse thee, and hope shortly to ... November 1637John Winthrop to Margaret Winthropfor Mrs. Winthrop at Boston My sweet Wife, So fitt an occasion must not passe without a token to thee. I prayse God I am well: the Lord blesse thee ... 6 November 1637John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropFor mrs. Winthrop at her howse in Boston Sweet heart, I was unwillingly hindred from comminge to thee, nor am I like to see thee before the last day... 10 November 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropSir, I acquainted this Indian Miantunnomu, with the Contents of your letter sent by him, who rests well perswaded that if it breake not first with th... 15 November 1637Margaret Winthrop to John WinthropTo hir Honered husban these be delivered Deare in my thougts, I blush to thinke howe much I have neclected the opertunytye of presenting my loue to ... 17 November 1637John Winthrop to Margaret WinthropFor Mrs. Winthrop at Boston Deare torn, I am still detained from thee, but it is by the Lord, who hath a greater interest in me then thy selfe. when... 20 November 1637Roger Williams to John WinthropSir, I rest thanckfully satisfied in your propounding of my Motion to the Court, and the Answere. (The earth is Jehovahs, and the Plenitude of it.) I... 21 November 1637Emmanuel Downing to John WinthropTo the Honourable his verie loving brother John Winthrop Governour of the Massachusetts in New England Good brother, Its noe small Comfort to me tha... 22 November 1637Acknowledgment of Samuel Cole and OthersWhereas I Joyned in Preferring to the Court a Writing Called a Remonstrance, or Petition, I acknowledge it was ill done, and vnwarrantably, as Transgr... 22 November 1637Acknowledgment of Edward Rainsford and OthersWhereas we ioyned in a writinge called a Remonstrance or Petition, wherin we did take vpon vs to censure the proceedings of the Court, we acknowledge ... 22 November 1637Acknowledgment of John Clarke and Nicholas ParkerFor the writing called a petition which hath given Offence to the Court we had no hand in it, nor doe knowe the contents of it: and for the Authority ... 22 November 1637Acknowledgment of James Penniman and OthersI doe affirme that I never consented to have my hande sett to the Petition which gave offence to the Court, neither doe I allowe of it but doe think i... 22 November 1637Acknowledgment of Ralph HudsonWhereas I Joyned in preferring to the Court a writeing Called a Remonstrance or petition I doe acknowledge it was Ill Done, and vnwarrantably as Trans... 22 November 1637Acknowledgment of William PellMy hand being at the petition, (haueing considered of it,) I am convinced of the vnlawfullnesse of the Action; for I did it Rashly without aduice, all... 22 November 1637Acknowledgment of Thomas SavageWheareas I ioyned in presenting to the corte a writing called a petition ore remonstrance, in which some exspresyons did iustly giue ofence to our hon... December 1637James Luxford to John WinthropRight worshipful, I haue sent downe this morninge soome butter and other things such as wee haue. time will not giue me leaue to coome to your worshi... 7 December 1637John Harrison, Jr., to John Winthrop, Jr.To kisse the hands of his honoured freind John Winthrop esquire humbly present these Ipswitch Sir, so good an oportunity presenting it selfe vnto me... 14 December 1637Samuel Symonds to John Winthrop, Jr.Sir, after I had dispatched my letters and busines to you by my father Peter, it soe came to passe that a kinde neighbour and an vnderstandeing man c... 15 December 1637Robert Keayne to John Winthrop, Jr.Dear Sir, I haue receaued yor louinge letter abowt Mr. Hall and that debt which is made ouer to me from Mr. Dixon, who should haue payd me mony in Lo... July 1637The Church at Hartford to John WinthropMuch Honored Sir, The sight of your worthy messengers our welbeloved freinds, did exceedingly refresh our hearts, but ther message both unexpected an...