A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Agreement of the Saybrook Company with John Winthrop, Jr.1
Saybrook, Conn., Company of Haselrig, Arthur Lawrence, Henry Saltonstall, Richard Fenwick, George Darley, Henry Say and Sele, Viscount Fiennes, William Winthrop, John, Jr. Connecticut, governor of


Articles made (betweene the right honorable the Lord Viscount Say and Seale, Sir Arthur Hesilrige Barronet, Sir Richard Saltonstall Kt., Henry Laurence, Henry Darley and George Fenwick esquiers on the one part and John Winthrope the younger esquier of the other part) the 7th of July, Anno Domini 1635.

First that we in our owne names, and the rest of the Company, doe by thes presents constitute and appoint John Winthrop the younger, Gouernour of the riuer Conecticut in New England and of the Harbors and places adioyninge for the space of on whole yeare, from the tyme of his arriual ther. And the said John Winthrop doth vndertake and couenant for his part, that he will with all conuenient speede repaire to those places and ther abide as aforsaid for the best aduancment of the Companies seruice.

Secondly that soe sone as he comes to the bay he shall indeauour to prouide able men to the number of fiftie at the least for makinge of fortifications and buildinge of houses at the Riuer Conecticut and the harbor adjoyninge, first for ther owne present accommodation and then such houses as may receiue men of qualitie which latter houses we would haue to be builded within the fort.

Thirdly That he shall imploy those men accordinge to his best abilitie for the aduancment of the Companies seruice especially in the particulars aboue mentioned duringe the tyme of his gouernement, and shall also giue a true and just account of all moneys and goods committed to his managinge.

Fourthly That for such as shall plant ther now in the beginninge he shall take care that they plant themselues either at the harbour or neare the mouth of the riuer, that thes places may be the better strengthned for ther owne saftie, and to that end, that they also sitt downe in such bodies together, as they may be most capable of an intrenchment, prouided that ther be reserued vnto the fort for the mentenance of it on thousand or fiften hundred acres at the least of good ground as neare adioyninge thervnto as may bee.

Fiftly that forasmuch as this seruice will take him off from his owne imployments, the Company doe ingage themselues to giue him a iust and deue consideration for the same.

199 In witnes whereof wee haue heare vnto interchangeably subscribed our names. W. Say & Seale A. Hesilrige He: Laurence Ric: Saltonstall Geo: Fenwick Hen: Darley

W. 4. 165; 5 Collections , I. 482–483.