Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3
I am bolde to present my duty to you in these few lines being the best token I haue to xepres my loue to you I beseach you xecept them thou sorri to send them by my preti cosen whcih wee are all loath to part with all it hath peased god to take to of my brothers my eldest and yongest2 I thanke god wee are all weell with my selfe my brothers and sister present their duty to you and to my deare uncle and loue to all my cosens and praying god to blesse you and yours and send you all health and happiness I rest Your loueing cosen
W. Au. 61. Anne Tyndal was the daughter of Deane Tyndal, Margaret Winthrop’s brother, and Amy Weston Tyndal.
Francis and Deane Tyndal.