A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Articles of Apprenticeship1
Downing, Emmanuel Kirby, Francis Wintrhop, John Goad, Thomas


This Indenture witnesseth that Thomas Goad son of John Goad cittisen and skiner of London deceassed doth put himselfe apprentise to Mr. John Winthrop Esquer inhabitting in America neare Mattachushets bay and with him to dwell after the manner of an aprentyse for the tearme of fower yeares from the day of the date heareof hee shall not absent himselfe from his sayd maysters service neyther day nor night hee shall not haunt nor vnlawfull nor forbidden places nor play at cards or dyce or any other vnlawfull games, nor wast or consume any of his sayd maysters goods nor suffer them to bee wasted by any other, but in all things shall behave himselfe as a faythfull aprentise ought to doe, and the sayd mayster shall fynd him sufficyent meat, drinck and apurrell with due correction and good education affording him the pryviledges of the country in as ample and as large a manner as any other aprentyse may or can bee capable off, in witnes wheareof wee have interchangable put our hands and seales this seaventh day of July 1635

Thomas Goad Read sealed and delivered in the presence of vs Em: Downing Franc: Kirby

W. 13. 98.