A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Edward Hopkins to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Hopkins, Edward Winthrop, John, Jr.


London the 24th Sept. 1635 Sir,

I wrott you per this conveyance of the 21th present, and sent you the particulars of what I laded aboard this shipp. I haue nott any more to add att present, but onely to convey the inclosed, which I hope may meett or ouertake the shipp in the Downes.

I desire you willbe pleased (yf opportunity serve) to give notice per the first, of the receipt of these things, and to advise whatt supplyes you shall stand in nead of att spring; for I hope by that tyme, the gentlemen’s stocke willbe increased, and they therby better inabled to affoard such accommodacions as shallbe necessary for the furthering of the businesse then now they were, for I know through streights of tyme and meanes, many things are now omitted, which the state of the Plantacion will soone call for. Soe nott having elce att present, with my best respects to you and yours, desiring the same may be presented to Mr. Peter, I take my leave, resting Yours in what I may

Edward Hopkins

Original not located; 4 Collections , VI. 331.