Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3
I am sory that time did so preuent me, as I could not right to thee by the caryer, but haueinge nowe another mesenger I must needs right a word or to, thought I haue no matter of wayte to impert to you, onely an intercorce of loue betwene vs which will take all ocasions to shewe it selfe, wheare it finds good entertainement. I doe very much and often, wish2
29for my deare sonne and your selfe, for my owne comfort, but in regard of his manyfoulde imployments I must the more paciently beare his longe abcence I think now the time the longer the nearer it aproches, for newes from new ingland. I shalbe the more ioyfull when it comes if it be good, or if it be bad the more oppressed with grefe. I hope I shal heare shortly when your horsses shall come vp, if my sonne haue
Deane and Sam and Anne remember thear respect as well as thay can.
The word in the original manuscript is “which.”