To his Loueing And much respected Friend Mr. Wintropp these be delivered
Worthy Sir,
I haue writtin to yow to Dublin afore, thinking to haue spoaken with you my selfe againe, but yow were gone afore my man came to Dublin. Nowe my Deseire is, that yow would be pleased, to writ vnto me, how Doth all thinges goe with yow in England; And what newes yow here out of Newe-England, And weather Mr. Plume Doth goe to New England or noe, And whoe else goes out of them partes; And wheare Doe they take shipping And wheather is Mr. Wales returned back or noe, for we here, he is blowne back from sea also I pray Direct your letter to me, by the next messenger to Mr. Wales his house, or to Mr. Robt. Duttin his house, in fishamble streete in Dublin, with all the relacion yow can. Thus with my loue unto yow leaueing yow And yours to gods protection, I remaine And am Your assured loueing Friend
Wm. Wilson
Dublin vj° Mar. 1634/35
I pray if yow see Mr: Wilson deseir him to writ unto me.