A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Isaac Lovell to John Winthrop1
Lovell, Isaac Wintrhop, John


To the Worshipfull Mr. Winthurup at his houce in the plantation of niw Ingland I pray deliuer this

after the humble remembrance of our loues vnto your selfe your wife and children

Forasmutch as God (who is the cause of our earthly being and hath re­409deamed vs in his sonne the Lord Jeasus Christ vnto a celestial habitation) hath commanded vs to loue on another, hauing this fit oportunity vppon occasion of our louing frind Mr. John Hales pasing for niw Ingland (who for his time is an approued seruant of Gods and frind vnto his people) by him in wrighting in obeadienc vnto God I am bould (in a few lines) to be trublesum in the manifesting of my Christian loue vnto you and yours which was longe since begun betweene our parents Sir John Tindal and his virtious Lady your Wiues Father and Moother and your good Father and my Father Mr. Thomas Louell in his life time a long time minister of Gods word in great Waldingfild, and my selfe, for my selfe and mine and so for you and yours doe desire of the Lord that aboue all things wee may inioye the ritches of his mercies by being in Christ Jesus his only begoten sonne and so mutch of temporals as may be for his glory and our good. Sir I haue within these few years vndergon many grete troubels so as if mine and my wiues desired purpose take efect for Niw Ingland wee shall not be so ritchly prouided for the viadge as many of our bretheren, yet by reason of the opressions that are imposed and greater like to be (for ought wee can see) wee shall content our selues with the portion God bestoweth on vs My imployment hath beene about the space of fiue years in the States of Hollands wars, you know Sir whether in that waye my exsperience may doe you seruice. It would mutch reioyce me to receiue a line or too to certifie me of your wellfars. Thus commending your worship vnto the Holy Lord our God with your virtuous wife (my ould acquaintance whose moother was one of the witnesses at my baptisme) and your children etc: I humbly take my leaue Your Worships in the Lord Jeasus Christ to the vtmost of my power

Isaack Louell From Andriw Hubards in London May the ij 1637

W. 4. 87; 5 Collections , I. 243–244.