A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Roger Williams to John Winthrop1
Williams, Roger Wintrhop, John


Providence the 24th of the 8th 1636 Sir, worthy and wellbeloved,

I was abroad about the Pequt busines when your letter arived, and since Messengers haue not fitted etc.

I therefore now thanckfully acknowledge your Wisedome and Gentlenes in receaving so lovingly my late rude and foolish Lines: You beare with Fooles gladly because you are wise.

I still waite vpon your Loue and Faythfullnes for those poore papers and can not but belieue that your Heart, Tounge and pen should be one, if I were Turke or Jew etc.

Your 6 Quaeries I wellcome, my loue forbidding me to surmise that a 315Pharisee, a Sadduce, an Herodian etc. wrote them: but rather that your Loue and Pitie framed them as a phycitian to the sick etc.

He that made vs these Soules and searcheth them, that made the Eare and Eye and therefore sees and heares I lie not but in his presence haue sadly sequestred my selfe to his holy Tribunall and your Intergatories, begging from his Throne those 7 fiery Lampes and Eyes his holy Spirit to helpe the Scrutinie: desirous to suspect my selfe aboue the old Serpent himselfe and remembring that He that trusteth in his owne hearte is a Foole Prov. 28.

While I answere let me ymportune from your loving breast that good opinion that you deale with one (how euer so and so in your Judgment yet) serious, and desirous in the matters of Gods Sanctuarie to vse (as the double waights of the Sanctuarie teach vs) double Diligence.

Your first Quaerie then is this:

What haue you gayned by your new found practices etc.

I confess my Gaines cast vp in mans Exchange are Losse of Friends, Esteeme, Maintenance, etc. but what was Gaine in that respect I desire to count losse for the Excellencie of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord etc. To his all glorious Name I know I haue gained the honour of one of his poore Witnesses, though in Sackcloth.

To your beloved selues and others of Gods people yet asleepe this Witnes in the Lords season at your waking shall be prosprous, and the Seede sowne shall arise to the greater puritie of the Kingdome and Ordinances of the Prince of the Kings of the Earth.

To my selfe (through his rich grace) my tribulacion hath brought some Consolacion and more Evidence of his Loue, singing Moses his Song and the Lambes in that weake victorie which (through His helpe) I haue gotten ouer the Beast, his picture, his Marke, and Number of his Name Revel. 15. 2. 3.

If you aske for numbers, the Witnesses are but 2 Revel. 11. and how many millions of Christians in name and Thoughsands of Christians in Heart doe call the Truths (wherein your selfe and I agree in witnessing) Newfound practices?

Gideons Armie was 32 Thoughsand: but Cowardize returned 22 thoughsand back and 9 thoughsand seaven hundreth Worldlings sent but 3 hundreth to the Battell.

I will not by prophecye exasperate, but wish (in the black and stormie day) your Companie be not less then Gideons, to fight (I meane with the Blood of the Lambe and Word of Witnes)2 for what you professe to see.


To your 2nd: viz: Is your Spirit as euen as it was 7 yeares since?

I will not follow the Fashion either in Commending or Condemning of my selfe. You and I stand at one dreadfull Dreadfull Tribunall: Yet what is past I desire to forget, and to press forward towards the marke for the price of the High Calling of God in Christ.

And for the euennes of my spirit.

Toward the Lord I hope I more long to know and doe his holy pleasure only: and to be ready not only to be Banished, but to Die in New England for the name of the Lord Jesus.

Towards your selues, I haue hietherto begd of the Lord an Euen Spirit, and I hope euer shall as

First Reverently to esteeme of and tenderly to respect the persons of many hundreths of you etc.

2ndly To reioice to spend and be spent in any service (According to my Conscience) for your Wellfares.

3rdly To reioice to find out the least Swarving in Judgment or practice from the helpe of any euen the least of you.

Lastly to mourne dayly, heavily vncessantly till the Lord looke down from Heaven, and bring all his precious living stones into one New Jerusalem.

To your third viz. Are you not grieved that you haue grieved so many?

I say with Paul I vehemently sorrow, for the Sorrow of any of Zions Daughters, who should euer reioice in her King etc. Yet I must (and O that I had not Cause) grieue, because so many of Zions daughters see not and grieue not for their Soules Defilements, and that so few beare John Companie in weeping after the vnfoulding of the Seales which only Weepers are acquainted with.3

You therevpon propound a 4th. Doe you thinck the Lord hath vtterly forsaken vs?

I answere Jehovah will not forsake his people for His great names Sake 1 Sam. 12. That is the fire of his loue towards those whome once he loues is aeternall like himselfe: and thus farr be it from me to question his aeternall Loue towards you etc. Yet if you graunt that euer you were as Abraham among the Chaldees, Lot among the Sodomites, the Kenites among the Amalekites, as Israell in Egipt or Babell, and that vnder paine of their plauges and Judgments yow were bound to leaue them, depart flie out, (not from the places as in the Type) but from the Filthines of their Sinns etc. and if it proue 317as I know assuredly it shall, that though you haue come farr yet you never came out of the Wildernes to this Day: then I beeseech you Remember that your selues and so allso many thoughsands of Gods people must yet mournfully reade the 74, 79, 80, and 89 Psalmes, the Lamentations, Daniells 11th and Revel, 11, 12th, 13th,4 and this Sir I beseech you doe more seriously then euer and abstract your selfe with a holy violence from the Dung heape of this Earth, the Credit and Comfort of it, and cry to Heaven, to remooue the stumbling blocks, such Idolls after which sometimes the Lord will giue His owne Israell an Answere.

Sir You request me to be free with you, and therefore blame me not if I answere your Request, desiring the like payment from your owne deare hand at any time in any thing.

And let me add, that amongst all the People of God wheresoeuer scattered about Babells Bancks either in Rome or England etc. your case is the worst by farr, because while others of Gods Israell tenderly respect such as desire to feare the Lord your very Judgment and Conscience leads you to smite and beate your fellow Servants, expell them your Coasts etc. and therefore, though I know the Elect shall never finally be forsaken yet Sodomes Egypts Amaleks Babells Judgments ought to driue vs out to make our Calling out of this World to Christ, and our Election sure in him.

Sir Your 5th is From what Spirit and to what End doe you driue?

Concerning my Spirit as I said before I could declaime against it, but whether the Spirit of Christ Jesus, for whose visible Kingdome and Ordinances I witnes etc. or the Spirit of Antichrist (1 John 4) against whome only I contest doe driue me, let the Father of Spirits be pleased to search and (worthy Sir) be you allso pleased by the Word to search: and I hope you will find that as you say you doe, I allso seeke Jesus who was nayled to the Gallowes, I aske the way to lost Zion, I witnes what I belieue I see patiently (the Lord assisting) in Sackcloth, I long for the bright Appearance of the Lord Jesus to consume the Man of Sinn: I long for the appearance of the Lambes Wife allso New Jerusalem: I wish heartily prosperitie to you all Gouernour and people in your civill way, and mourne that you see not your pouertie, Nakednes, etc. in spiritualls, and yet I reioice in the hopes that as the way of the Lord to Apollo, so within a few yeares (through I feare though many tribulacions) the way of the Lord Jesus the first and most ancient path shall be more plainely discovered to you and me.


Lastly You aske whether my former Condicion would not haue stood with a gracious Heart etc.?

At this Quaerie Sir I wonder much, because you know what Sinnes yea all manner of Sinnes (the Sinn vnto Death excepted) a Child of God may lye in, Instance I neede not.

2ndly When it comes to matter of Conscience that the stroke lyes vpon the very Judgment, that the thing practiced is Lawfull etc. as the polygamie of the Saints, the Building of the Temple (if David had gone on) the many false ministries and ministracions (like the Arke vpon the New Cart) which from Luthers times to this Day Gods Children haue conscientiously practiced: Who then can wonder (and yet indeede who can not but wonder) how a Gracious Heart before the Lords awakening and calling and drawing out may lie in many Abominations?

2 Instances I shall be bold to present you with: First, doe you not hope Bishop Vsher hath a Gracious Heart? and 2ndly Doe you not iudge that your owne Heart was gracious euen when (with the poysoned shirt on your back) you etc.?

But while another iudgeth the Condicion faire, the Soule that feares, doubts, and feeles a Guilt hath broken bones etc. Now worthy Sir I must call vp your Wisedome your Loue your patience your Promise and Faythfullnes, candid Ingenuitie etc. My Head and Actions willing to liue (as the Apostle Paul) καλκῶς ἐν πᾶσι. Where I err Christ be pleased to restore me, where I stand, to stablish. If you please I haue allso a few Quaeries to your selfe without your leaue I will not: but will euer mourne (the Lord assisting) that I am no more (though I hope euer) Yours

R: Will:

Sir Concerning Natiues: the Pequts and Nayantaquits resolue to liue and die togeather and not to yeald vp one: Last night tidings came that the Mauquauogs (the Caniballs) haue slaine some of our Countrimen at Qunnihticut. I hope it is not true.


W. 2. 107; 4 Collections , VI. 233–238; N.C. , VI. 7–13.


In the margin: “Revel. 12. 11.”


In the margin: “Revel. 5.”


In the margin: “All these places and abundant more argue Gods forsaking his people in respect of the visible Kingdome of the Lord Jesus.”