A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

John Tyndal to Margaret Winthrop1
Tyndal, John Winthrop, Margaret


To his much honored Aunt Mrs. Winteroppe these praesent
Most lovinge aunt,

thinke not though I haue bin in an error a long time, I am hardned in it, or intend to make my silence as perpetuall as your fauors haue bin largely bestowed. I confesse they weere soe great that they put my shamefast expraession soe much out of countenance that it can scarce recouer itts blushinge, much lesse growne soe praesumptuous as to conceiue that it can giue the least satisfaction, yet least you shold thinke this distance shold make mee forget my obligation, I nowe wright and offer the due deuotion of a loyall hart to your imbraces who shall bee neuer truly happy longer then you please to loue him. Your most obedient nephew

John Tyndale From Maplestead Mag: this ii of December Anno Domini 1636

I pray praesent my humble dutie to my vncle, my best respects and humble seruice to my cousins.


W. 4. 84; 5 Collections , I. 234–235. John Tyndal was the son of Deane Tyndal, Margaret Winthrop’s eldest brother.